Borderlands Studies
Recent papers in Borderlands Studies
Cultures d’Europe centrale, n° 3, 2003, 247 p. Territoires à la frontière, les confins représentent un ailleurs géographique mais aussi poétique, cristallisant et parfois renversant l’opposition entre le « centre » et la « périphérie... more
As India successfully positions itself as one of the core, influential nations of the world, its security scenario has become more vulnerable and complex. The roots of India's security challenges lie not only at the regional and... more
Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura... more
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Published in NICHE [Network in Canadian History & Environment | Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l'environnement]. 23 June 2022 *** *** This is the ninth... more
Tristano Matta Direttore responsabile: Diego D'Amelio Redattore: Fabio Todero Direzione, redazione e amministrazione: Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia Salita di Gretta 38, 34136... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
According to William Zartman “Borders run across land but through people. On maps they appear as fine one-dimensional lines, whereas on the ground they have many dimensions. Borders are boundaries in depth, space around a line, place... more
This book is a revised and enlarged version of my former book. It is mainly a social-economic history of the borderland regions of Kars, Ardahan and Artvin under Russian rule from 1878 to 1918. Based on Ottoman, Russian, Georgian and... more
ABSTRACT Border studies posit that twin cities represent aspirations to proactively and deliberately become one entity resulting in fundamental changes to the social, economic and political identity of the two communities involved. While... more
La zone frontalière dans la tourmente · L’accession à l’indépendance du Soudan du Sud en 2011 n’a pas mis un terme au plus vieux conflit africain. Au contraire, la rébellion contre Khartoum a repris dans les États soudanais du Kordofan du... more
Holding the Line: Borders in a Global World is a collection of papers, edited by Heather Nicol and Ian Townsend-Gault, which were originally presented at the Perme-able Borders and Boundaries Conference in Vancouver (BC) in August 1999.... more
In the face of the ‘refugee crisis’, many European governments, even in traditionally liberal states, unilaterally introduced a number of restrictive and, often, controversial migration, asylum, and border control policies. The author... more
The paper argues about education and its current pursuit in India. It shows how the idea and push for excellence in higher education is deeply connected to market economy and distorts equity in the society.
Offers a fundamental model of intersectionality, and applies it to complex consciousness. Class in an abstract sense is the relationship through which labor is mobilized into specific relations of production, But the means through which... more
Cross-border cooperation (CBC) has evolved as a crucial objective of the European Union and an object of extensive research. As an intrinsically relational process wherein networks, and cooperation are integral to understanding the CBC,... more
Resumo: As cidades-gêmeas de Ponta Porã e Pedro Juan Caballero estão entre as principais concentrações urbanas fronteiriças da América Latina. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar as assimetrias socioeconômicas e os fluxos... more
Kidnapping, originally considered a problem for the super wealthy, has quickly spread to epidemic proportions among the relative poor, especially among clandestine international migrants. This article examines how people’s relationship to... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
O texto analisa acordos bileterais celebrados entre o Brasil e o Uruguai, a Bolívia, a Argentina e o Paraguai entre 2002 e 2017 a respeito de núcleos urbanos fronteiriços e à garantia de direitos aos nacionais residentes, investigando os... more
Border interactions have reached unprecedented levels in recent decades, not only due to their potential for territorial integration but also considering their role in supranational processes, such as infrastructure construction and... more
Okupacyjne rozterki na pograniczu – czyli jak powiat suwalski stał się Sudowią 1 września 1939 r. Niemcy najechały Polskę. Na terenach przyłączonych do Rzeszy, zgodnie z zasadami Gleichschaltung, wiele nazw głównych miast i wsi zostało... more
This blog post documents the organization of the Oscar R. Castillo" Documenting Chicano Life and Activism Exhibit at the 55th Annual Western History Association Conference in Portland, OR
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
Blog entry on borders and COVID-19 on the UniGR-Center for Border Studies' website (, BorderObs)
pp. 17-43. This chapter tracks how Halloween and Day of the Dead have increasingly entangled across the U.S./Mexican Borderlands throughout the 2010s. It then reviews the scholarly disputes over whether these two holidays enjoy... more
Response to comments made by historian Heikki Kirkinen in the main Finnish historical periodical, Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 3/1992, concerning the view I took in a book in 1991 on the nature of the borders laid down in the 1323 Treaty... more
Natuna or better known as the Natuna Islands is one of the border areas in Indonesia that has complex problems. As a cluster of islands bordering Indonesia with Malaysia and Vietnam, the Natuna Islands are also located in the South China... more
Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Social Theory Forum (STF), held on April 5-6, 2006, at UMass Boston on: “Human Rights, Borderlands, and the Poetics of Applied Social Theory: Engaging with Gloria Anzaldúa in Self and Global... more
Exhibition catalogue essay accompanying SATX/MX Un viaje lleno de cultura presented at Centro de Artes, San Antonio, Texas (October 6, 2016-January, 2017) by the City of San Antonio, Department of Arts and Culture. The exhibition... more
A journalist's covert journey of nearly four months in Myanmar to a rebel base where separatist insurgents from India's Northeast have pitched tent.
2016 among many of his assignments. He specializes in and writes on issues of ethnicity, identity, security, migration, rights and justice and has contributed over 190 research papers to highly esteemed national and international journals... more
The research article explores actors, institutions and political strategies in the German-Polish border region and examines forms of cross-border governance and institutionalization of functional cross-border cooperation on the basis of... more
Sacralization of the Borderlands on the Old Prussian Pomesania's Example (Summary) We base our modern idea of the Old Prussian holy places mostly on the medieval chroniclers’ tales and their modern continuers. We find out from... more
National borders are often taken for granted as normal and necessary for a peaceful and orderly global civil society. Roberto D. Hernández here advances a provocative argument that borders—and border violence—are geospatial manifestations... more
In Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland, Hamish Cameron examines the representation of the Mesopotamian Borderland in the geographical writing of Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, the anonymous... more
A pdf is available by request from [email protected] . Including a comprehensive summary of environmental issues at the U.S.-Mexico border, this chapter argues that in the main they are caused by the concentration of people and... more