Recent papers in Borderland
Wspólnotowe funkcje pożywienia, czyli pogranicze wyznaniowe od kuchni "Jeśli przyjmiemy perspektywę antropologiczną do interpretacji cywilizacji kresowej, dziejów tego regionu, to może się okazać, że zasięg kołdunów litewskich czy blinów... more
The present article traces the creation of the peculiar concept of the vampiric contagion or “vampirization” through the work of two official commissions which investigated vampires in Habsburg Serbia in 1732. Even though the importance... more
The study concentrates on the one of the planned forms of the transfers of the Baťa´s concern employees in the years 1938-1941, namely on the nature of making plans of autonomous production-distribution groups, the so-called units. Their... more
An essay written for the booklet of the performance under the same title, directed by Krzysztof Czyżewski and performed in a White Synagogue in Sejny, Poland since 2014.
and the southwest China provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou. A surprising number of minorities in these rural, mountainous regions continue to wear distinctive group dress-asserting their identities as, first and foremost, members... more
Borderland identity and traditional community autonomy affect the practice of 'illegal' logging and the impact of regional autonomy among the Iban along the upper Kapuas borderland in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. We examine these issues... more
This research is the study of economic activities in the border villages Aji Kuning in the Sebatik Island, in the district Nunukan of East Kalimantan, which is more integrated with the market Tawau, Sabah area of Malaysia. In this study,... more
The article has workshop character and features the initial presentation of data from three interviews. The interviews were conducted in spring and autumn of 2015 with three women involved in Jewish associations of Lodz. This article... more
Remembering for the Future: How to Live in a Post-Holocaust, Post-Totalitarian and Post-Modern World. Tempel Emanu-El Lecture in Toronto, November 8, 2015 at 10 am - 35th Annual Holocaust Education Week
Remembering for the Future: How to Live in a Post-Holocaust, Post-Totalitarian and Post-Modern World. University of Toronto, November 7, 2015.