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Origen’s exegesis of the Song of Songs, despite the praise it generally raised both in antiquity and in modern times, still awaits for deeper investigation as far as the literary project of the Alexandrian and its output are concerned. In... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentEarly ChristianityOrigen
A volume in the Story of God Bible Commentary series (Zondervan). This work offers a new interpretation of both Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, places them on the trajectory of theological development, and offers thoughts on reading these... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesOld TestamentQoheleth
Author: Arthur H. Lewis Publisher: CBE International The Hebrew view of marital sex, in contrast with Neoplatonism and early church, was not celibate. The Jews were never prudish about sex. The best evidence of this is the high place... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesGender EqualityBiblical Theology
Internationaler Doktoranden-Workshop am 12. und 13. Juni 2015 in Tübingen.
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      ProverbsBook of Song of SongsKing SolomonBook of Kings
This essay considers the conflict created by the figure of Solomon, and clarifies his image and his function as literary figure. The intertextual base in 1 Kings is referenced but a different interpretation of Solomon is considered. The... more
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      PoetryLiterary TheoryBiblical TheologyBook of Song of Songs
The study aimed to investigate (a) the effect of digital games, songs, and flashcards on vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL preschool learners and (b) the young learners" performance on mid-course tests of vocabulary with different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsEnglish language
Journal for Translation and Textlinguistics, 7:2 (1995)
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      Hebrew LiteratureBiblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationWisdom Literature
St. Gregory of Nyssa (335 – 394) builds on an ancient Jewish-Christian tradition which interprets the love relationship depicted in the Song of Songs as a narrative about the relationship of God and his beloved people. A peculiar feature... more
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      SeptuagintBook of Song of SongsAllegorical Interpretation
“Blue Universe (flowers of symbiosis)” is a book containing a love poem, divided into four parts in ascending progression: from the beholding and idealisation of the Beloved Woman (I); the approach (II); the discouragement (III); in the... more
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Rápillantunk, hogy az ókori Közel-Kelet hogyan énekli meg a szerelem által elbűvölt és birtokába kerített férfi és nő mindent legyőző vonzalmát.
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    • Book of Song of Songs
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      PatristicsHermeneuticsEarly ChristianityOrigen
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureBiblical StudiesWorld Literature
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      Wisdom LiteratureBook of EcclesiastesBook of Song of SongsBiblical Wisdom literature
A brief overview of various interpretive theories used in studying the Song of Songs. The paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the allegorical, literal, and typical methods of interpretation in regards to understanding this book.
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      ChristianityHermeneuticsBook of Song of SongsBible Study
35 Sonnets belongs to the metaphysical stage of the English poetry of Fernando Pessoa and constitutes the final phase in the personal growth process of the reader; previously having gone through the erotic-sexual stage (constituted by... more
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      MetaphysicsResearch MethodologyPoetrySpirituality
Abstract In the Song of Songs, the daughters of Jerusalem are mentioned seven times explicitly (Cant. 1.5; 2.7; 3.5; 3.10; 5.8; 5.16; 8.4). Furthermore, there are references to the daughters of Zion (Cant. 3.11), daughters (Cant. 2.2;... more
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      Book of Song of SongsHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      SociologySocial SciencesRomanticismSocial Media
"הזמן והאחר" הוא הצעד הפילוסופי הראשון של לוינס: בספר זה נקבעים הצירים המרכזיים והתמות העיקריות שיאפינו את הגותו לכל עורך הדרך. בספר זה, פורץ לעצמו לוינס דרך חדשה. לפרוץ דרך משמע להיפרד מהעבר. הזמן והאחר נכתב כולו בסימן הרצח-אב: לוינס... more
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      PhilosophyJewish StudiesPlatoHermeneutics
This is an English translation of an article by Sebastian Euringer on the six verses appended to the end of the Armenian version of the Song of Songs. S. Euringer', "Ein unkanonische Text des Hohenliedes" ZAW 33(1913).
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      ChristianityArmenian StudiesEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
This article presents seven new textual witnesses to Midrash Song of Songs Rabbah that were previously unknown to scholars, on account of late or inaccurate records. It begins by reviewing earlier research on the textual evidence for this... more
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudManuscript StudiesRabbinics
The starting point of this paper is the old debate on which kind of interpretation is more appropriate for the Song of Songs, namely, literal or allegorical, and to what extent. By treating the poem as a literary work and letting it speak... more
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      LoveMetaphorBook of Song of SongsMetafora
45th Austrian Association for American Studies Conference 2018: American Im/Mobilities, University of Vienna, November 16–18, 2018: Trinity as Dance: Li-Young Lee’s Poetry Cycle The Undressing (2018).
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      TheologyNew TestamentPoetryMysticism
Both the verses of the Dalai Lama and The Song of Songs use fruit metaphors to engage our collective and individual memory of the sensuous act of eating fruit, and also evoke the potent sexual intimacy and spiritual connotations... more
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      BuddhismTibetan StudiesBuddhist StudiesPoetry
This paper addresses the question concerning the part which Solomon plays as a character within the Song of Solomon. This question really contains three basic sub-questions: 1) Does the leading man in the Song have to be identified with... more
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      Old Testament TheologyOld TestamentWisdom LiteratureBook of Song of Songs
This study provides a new account of how the Song of Songs became one of the most popular biblical texts in medieval Western Christianity, through a close and detailed study of its interpretation by late antique Latin theologians. It has... more
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      Latin LiteratureSex and GenderPatristicsHistory of Christianity
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      IntertextualityBook of GenesisIntimacyBook of Song of Songs
This essay demonstrates that the creation of a poetic language of love in the "West-östlicher Divan" is deeply rooted in a specific tradition within Western intellectual history that Goethe had actively engaged with in his early work, and... more
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      HermeneuticsJohann Wolfgang von GoetheBiblical InterpretationBook of Song of Songs
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      TalmudRabbinicsDeuteronomistic HistoryProphets
If wisdom is the skill of living well, it seems prudent to ask what the end results of a life lived well looks like. If one heeds the advice of the sages, when can one expect their life to look like in the end? This paper attempts to... more
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      Ancient Near EastBook of JobHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastWisdom Literature
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      TheologyPatristicsHistory of ChristianitySpirituality
Giesmių giesmė yra meilės pokalbis, o meilės pokalbio prašalaitis suprasti negali. Vienintelis būdas jį suvokti -į jį įsitraukti. Tikras
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      TheologyHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsBiblical Studies
qu'inscrit dans la tradition poétique de la Bible, le Cantique des cantiques met en Guvre, sur bien des points, une poétique spécifique. Le parallélisme sémantique y débouche sur une forme particulière de contraste des genres, celle de... more
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      PoetryBiblical StudiesOld TestamentLiterary Approaches to Biblical Studies
This is an excerpt from a draft version of my book A God of Our Invention: How Religion Shaped the Western World (Apocryphile Press, 2023). I argue that the ancient Israelites generally had a positive attitude toward sex and didn't limit... more
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      SexualityBiblical StudiesAugustineApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
Leiner had hidden in the folds of his text a great secret. Said simply, Leiner was the lineage heir and inheritor of the ancient Wisdom of Solomon. According to Leiner's hidden code, the covert teachings of the Wisdom of Solomon had been... more
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      Jewish MysticismBook of Song of SongsLurianic KabbalahWisdom of Solomon
The origin of the interpretation of Song of Songs as a description of God's relationship with God's beloved community has been a persistent question in the work's history of interpretation. Earlier scholarship has provided a number of... more
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      History of Biblical InterpretationBook of Song of SongsBook of RevelationCombat Myth
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      Biblical StudiesSeptuagintOrigenBook of Song of Songs
The thesis of this project is that the clause functions as the constitutive linguistic unit in the Song of Songs in lieu of parallelism or other rhetorical devices. First, clause boundaries are compared with cola boundaries to... more
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      Computational LinguisticsBook of Song of SongsBiblical Hebrew poetryTextlinguistics
"Csókolj meg újra, de igazán! Élet és halál van a csókban. Halál és Élet."
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    • Book of Song of Songs
Testo, traduzione, postfazione e cura di Piero Capelli.
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      Book of Song of SongsSong of SongsHebrew Bible/Old TestamentPoesia Ellenistica
Nous avons choisi ici de nous pencher sur les premiers versets du Cantique des cantiques (Ct 1, 1-7). en nous situant dans la tradition des lectures allégoriques, qui lisent le couple amoureux de ce chant selon une métaphorisation des... more
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      TheologyBook of Song of SongsBiblical ExegesisWomanist and Feminist Hermeneutics
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      Richard of St. VictorBook of Song of SongsVictorines
Song of Solomon becomes a delightful compilation of love songs when we make it our own, when we allow it to guide our lives and stories. It brings us closer to the Eastern melodies and embraces us with affection, dialogue, respect,... more
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      Old TestamentBook of Song of SongsSong of SongsHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Статья о Песни песней, предназначавшаяся для одной энциклопедии, но в нее не попавшая из-за стилистических разногласий с редакцией.
An article about the Song of Songs written for an encyclopedia but finally not included in it.
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      Book of Song of SongsBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish Philosophy
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      AllegoryBiblical Medieval ExegesisBook of Song of Songs
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      Gender StudiesPerformance StudiesHebrew BibleBook of Song of Songs
A thorough analysis of the literal-didactic approach to interpreting the Song of Songs.
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      Literary TheoryBiblical InterpretationBibleBook of Song of Songs
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      Old Testament TheologyBook of Song of Songs
Although it is widely argued that the Hebrew Bible contains texts which caricature violence against women, the present article shows that some biblical texts could also offer liberating possibilities to oppressed women in South Africa.... more
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      African StudiesMusicGender StudiesSex and Gender