This article reflects on my journey of completing two books by the age of 20: A Brief Talk About the Law and Principles of a Normative Constitution. Through this self-driven endeavor, I explore seven key insights and lessons gained from... more
In this lecture, instead of sharing some ‘made easy’ type of
learning materials about how to write a book based on a doctoral
thesis in anthropology, I will narrate the story of my book writing
learning materials about how to write a book based on a doctoral
thesis in anthropology, I will narrate the story of my book writing
In this article, we focus on an empirical corpus comprising the two most important news sites in Latin America: and br, which claim to be the largest portals (by number of pages and page views) in the Spanish-and... more
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi peran penyunting naskah pada jurnal di perguruan tinggi, dengan menggunakan Studi Kasus UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Peran penyunting naskah dalam proses penerbitan jurnal ilmiah sangat penting... more
Progetto e abstracts delle relazioni che saranno presentate in occasione del convegno internazionale di studi "Scritture che dividono, scritture che uniscono. Il medium grafico dall'età antica all'età moderna" (Napoli-Venezia, 6 e 18... more
The background of this research is about a pandemic that has changed learning patterns from face-to-face to face-to-face. This causes the syllabus that existed before the pandemic to adapt to current conditions. In addition, this syllabus... more
The background of this research is about a pandemic that has changed learning patterns from face-to-face to face-to-face. This causes the syllabus that existed before the pandemic to adapt to current conditions. In addition, this syllabus... more
Gli incontri della Fondazione San Bonaventura "SCRIPTVRA. Luoghi, forme e funzioni della scrittura" sono appuntamenti di varia natura (convegni, seminari, workshops, corsi) che hanno lo scopo di favorire dibattiti e confronti sulla... more
The background of this research is about a pandemic that has changed learning patterns from face-to-face to face-to-face. This causes the syllabus that existed before the pandemic to adapt to current conditions. In addition, this syllabus... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan bahasa berdasarkan EYD edisi kelima pada karya tulis ilmah yang disusun oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, IAIN Ambon dijelaskan secara detil yang merupakan... more
Polibatam press bergerak dalam bidang usaha penerbitan buku ajar dan modul praktikum yang merupakan hasil karya dari civitas akademik Politeknik Negeri Batam. Sejak berdirinya Polibatam Press belum memiliki prosedur yang baku mengenai... more
In this short write-up, I have narrated my experience of writing two books on land grab by the government in the West Bengal state of India.This is an unpublished document.
Front-End is one of the popular terms in web development followed by Back-End and Full-Stack Development. Everything you see on the web including text, images, videos, audio, graphics, etc. is termed as Front-End. The Front-End... more
This study aims to develop a project-based learning model in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based Indonesian Editing course. This study uses research and development. The stages in this research are: first, analyzing... more
Permendikbud Nomor 70 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia memaklumkan pengukuran standar kemahiran berbahasa Indonesia melalui UKBI. Salah satu klasifikasi adalah kalangan profesi. Penulis dan editor termasuk yang... more
Two problems often emerge in the process of learning Chinese. First, learning to write at the beginning stage often focuses on forms, without an authentic purpose. As a result, learners do not have enough motivation to write. Second,... more
Salah satu kendala pembelajaran drama pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia adalah kurangnya sumber pembelajaran menulis naskah drama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk buku pengayaan pembelajaran menulis naskah drama... more
Pencantuman sumber gambar (atribusi) di dalam buku sering kali keliru dilakukan para penulis dan editor pun luput memperbaikinya. Presentasi berikut ini disampaikan kepada para penulis dan editor di lingkungan Pusat Perbukuan.
Menulis buku ibarat sebuah lompatan besar atau berlari jarak jauh setelah Anda memulainya dari sebuah artikel, cerita pendek, atau makalah. Anda jelas memerlukan ancang-ancang dan napas panjang. Sebuah proses yang penuh dinamika akan Anda... more
This study aims to develop a project-based learning model in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based Indonesian Editing course. This study uses research and development. The stages in this research are: first, analyzing... more
Kehidupan seorang insan cendekia tidak terlepas dari adanya buku. Kegiatan membaca merupakan salah satu hal yang penting. Setelah membaca kemudian menuliskannya kembali. Kegiatan menulis tersebut dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan... more
Pretende-se, neste artigo, problematizar os géneros jornalísticos no meio digital. Uma leitura atenta do novo ecossistema mediático possibilita que se repense a questão dos géneros desta formação discursiva à luz de processos de... more
“الباحثة الأمريكية ريبيكا روث غولد: المفردات العربية أغنى من الفارسية في الشعر الكلاسيكي,” Al-Quds al-Arabi (15 November 2020) Interview with Syrian writer and translator Saleh Razzouk about my work.
Banyak dosen yang belum menulis buku ajar yang mungkin juga disebabkan ketidaktahuan dari mana memulainya. Apa sebenarnya ciri khas buku ajar perguruan tinggi? Risalah materi ini disusun untuk Workshop Pengenalan Buku Ajar yang... more
Military sociologists Woodward & Jenkings wrote a book about their research on 40 years of British military memoirs (1980-present), from a sociological perspective. I wrote this review both as a fellow military memoir researcher and as a... more
Buku ajar/buku teks perguruan tinggi adalah bahan ajar primer yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Penulisan buku ajar harus memenuhi standar, kaidah, dan kode etik yang mengacu pada pedoman gaya selingkung. Handout ini menyajikan pengertian... more
This was the book proposal for my last book. I get asked for it a lot. Please share it widely and borrow from it extensively. It is part of the digital commons and I retain no copy right on it.
This article documents the process of having students research, create, edit, and self-publish a book of social theorist profiles (arranged alphabetically from Adorno to Weber) for a required theory course I teach in the department of... more
Canadian artist Bill Burns’s recent opus “Dogs and Boats and Airplanes” represents a profound immersion in the iconography of travel and the sophisticated commercial industry which enables it. The project is both multi-sensorial in its... more
A edição brasileira deste livro tem muito poucas alterações significativas em relação ao original. Procurou-se manter dentro do possível o tom do material. No caso das referências onde o original era em inglês, procurou-se comparar com o... more
Das Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte ausbreitende arianische Bekenntnis konzipiert war. Unter Berücksichtigung des literarischen wie epigraphischen Materials spannt M. Handley einen weiten Bogen vom 5. bis zum 11. Jh.,... more
O gênero jornalístico é fenômeno histórico e social integrado aos chamados cibermeios, configurando nova economia da escrita. Com base em pesquisa nos sítios eletrônicos e, maiores portais em língua portuguesa e... more