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      Modern HistoryCensorshipPublic OpinionItalian (European History)
Monarchia della verità indaga una componente ideologica fondamentale della Controriforma: l’ossessione ecclesiastica per la 'veritas', concepita nella versione dogmatica di 'doctrina' e ortodossia in opposizione alla formulazione... more
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      European HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryRenaissance Humanism
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      CensorshipCensorship (History)Censorship (Law)Book Censorship (history)
Sandro LANDI, Stampa, censura e opinione pubblica in età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 150 S., ISBN 978-88-15-23391-2 Buchdruck, Zensur und öffentliche Meinung sind grundlegende Phänomene des frühneuzeitlichen Europas. Aufgrund ihrer... more
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      Print CultureCensorshipPublic OpinionEarly Modern History
This book also contains an index as well as the Iggeret Pri Megadim from R. Yosef Teomim. This letter is typically published at the beginning of his commentary to Orakh Hayyim, however, due to the fact that he a) advocates for the study... more
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      Jewish HistoryBook Censorship (history)Censorship of Hebrew Books
There are various kinds of censorship, but most often this term is connected with some kind of political tense and oppression. However, many important intellectual or artistic movements have developed under censorship in various countries... more
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      CensorshipFilm StudiesInterdisciplinarityInternational Human Rights Law
Der Beitrag entwickelt folgende zentrale These: Um 1900 'begann unsere Gegenwart‘ insofern, als in den Städten der Übergang in eine moderne Mediengesellschaft erfolgte. Deren kompetenteste Nutzer waren Kinder und Jugendliche. Bemühungen,... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodAnthropology of KnowledgeAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodKnowledge Society
Book censorship has a long history. Until the Enlightenment in the 18th century, virtually all governments and powerful churches suppressed words and ideas they considered threatening – which meant, for the most part, words and ideas... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionBook Censorship (history)Blasphemy
Picture books are a genre of children’s literature with enormous educational potential. Their use in classrooms is currently spreading and should be further encouraged. Picture books are particularly suitable for the treatment of... more
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      Gender StudiesCensorshipLiteratureGender
Периодическая печать народов России на первый взгляд представляет собой некое бессистемное явление в своей многоязычной, многокультурной реальности. Культуры этнических общностей, населяющих Россию, отличаются происхождением, историческим... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCensorshipJournalismCensorship (History)
The article presents a literary-historical view of the role and significance of France Bevk’s literature by comparing it with the author’s role in secondary school reading materials. Seeking parallels with the literary-historical and... more
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      ChristianityNational IdentityPaganismLiterary History
W artykule omówiono wczesne związki George’a Orwella z Polską i Polakami, starając się zebrać różne perspektywy, konteksty i niekiedy mniej znane fakty. Z jednej strony skupiono się na podkreśleniu znacznego zainteresowania autora Polską... more
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      CensorshipReception StudiesGeorge OrwellCensorship (History)
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      Japanese StudiesLawCriminal LawComparative Law
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      CensorshipFree SpeechFreedom of thoughtFreedom of Speech
This essay studies the elaboration of the Holy Office’s instruction to bishops of the world (Inter mala) against the spread of literary mystic sensualism in France and reveals the previously unpublished documents of the trial to André... more
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      French LiteratureCensorshipBook Censorship (history)André Gide
Este libro sobre censura y diálogo, o sobre el diálogo a la luz de la censura, explora de forma conjunta fenómenos relevantes de la historia cultural europea, desde la herejía al saber reservado. Nace de la confluencia de intereses de... more
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      CensorshipRenaissance StudiesDialogueRenaissance literature
An anslysis of the reaction of the Spanish to the anonymous publication of the first edition of Lorca's homosexual <i>Sonetos de amor oscuro</i>, which his heirs had not permitted to be published, objecting especially to the word "oscuro"... more
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      SonnetsLGBT LiteratureBook Censorship (history)Love Poetry
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
The struggle between censors and their opponents has always been a never-ending war of attrition. It always will be. Violence and extortion have been used to conceal, and also to expose. The law is, and has been used to conceal and to... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Psychology
During the middle ages and renaissance, Western attitudes to censorship were determined principally by Christianity, the hegemonic religious and political discourse in Europe. While the religions of the Hellenistic and Roman world, within... more
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      ChristianityCensorshipRenaissance HistoryBook History
L’art. 16 della Dichiarazione dei diritti dell’uomo e del cittadino del 26 agosto 1789 afferma: «Una società, nella quale la garanzia dei diritti non sia assicurata e la separazione dei poteri fissata, non ha una Costituzione». Non per... more
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      Political PhilosophyCensorshipPolitical SciencePolitical communication
Gabriel Torres Puga hace un recorrido de fa rrayectoria academica de Robert Darnton. De fa bistoire des mentalites a fa antropofogfa y de fa ,fOciofogfa a fa microhirtoria, Darnton se ha dedicado a estudiar fa manera en fa que fa gente... more
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      Cultural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesRobert Darnton
This book presents the story of a unique collection of 140 manuscripts of ‘learned magic’ that was sold for a fantastic sum within the clandestine channels of the German book trade in the early eighteenth century. The book will interpret... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionComparative ReligionHistory
این نوشته مطالعه‌ای در اسناد منتشرنشده سانسور نمایشنامه‌های بهمن فرسی و نظارت ساواک بر اجرای آثار او در سال‌های 1347، 1351، 1352 و 1356 است که رویاروئی کارمندان و ماموران نهادهای نظارتی و امنیتی با آثار او را نشان می‌دهد. هدف از بازخوانی... more
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      Theatre HistoryIranian StudiesHistory of IranIranian Art History
Public statements of different Russian historian, journalists and politologists showcase that they often support the persecution of other historians and the limitation of an access to archival files of Soviet special services and army.... more
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      CensorshipSoviet HistoryPropagandaArchives
This is the "Beta" version of The British Index, an annotated list of all books and pamphlets censored in the British Isles and British North America 1641-1700. The Index is in chronological order by the date on which the work was... more
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      CensorshipCensorship (History)Censorship (Law)Censorship of literary and popular culture texts
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      Book HistoryReading Habits/AttitudesHistory of Reading and WritingLibrary history
This paper studies the paratextos of the books of the Dominican nun sor Hipólita de Jesús Rocabertí (1551-1624), in particular the censorships and approvals which aim to authorize the treatises of the nun. These texts give information... more
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      Spanish Women WritersParatextsBook Censorship (history)Spanish Literature of the Golden Age
This paper focuses on the always complex conflicts between artistic creation and the standards that define a work of art as immoral or " morally acceptable ". Establishing a comparison between Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita (1952), the... more
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      Censorship (History)Film CensorshipStanley KubrickBook Censorship (history)
The recent censorship of information that has occurred—originating from the United States but also influencing access to information worldwide—requires commentary, context and concrete documentation of its existence. Perhaps the most... more
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      HistoryHealth SciencesMedical SciencesEducation
Il testo tratta la storia della censura approfondendo la parte inerente l'epoca borbonica in Sicilia. Riportando trascrizioni di documenti inediti.
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      Book HistoryCensorship (History)Book Censorship (history)Censura
In consultation with the publisher (Springer), I here provide the appendices of the book (authored together with Daniel Bellingradt) Magical Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe. The Clandestine Trade in Illegal Book Collections, [New... more
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      ReligionComparative Religion17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern History
While the official publishing market in communist Poland would condemn Orwell to being an ‘unperson’ for almost forty years after his death, Orwell’s outspoken political views, in particular his fierce opposition towards Stalin’s politics... more
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      Cultural HistoryCensorshipReception StudiesGeorge Orwell
יונתן מאיר | טריפה-פסול: דימויי ספרים אסורים ושרפתם בספרות ההשכלה
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      Intellectual HistoryHebrew LiteratureYiddish LiteratureJewish Studies
The 2d part of the article about the conflict of interests among those historians, journalists and politologists who support persecution of independent historians and the limitation of an access to archival files of Soviet special... more
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      Russian StudiesCensorshipSoviet HistoryPropaganda
One of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism is Liqquṭei tefilot (1822–1827), composed by R. Nathan Sternhartz of Nemirov, which established a whole new genre in Bratslav literature. This article discusses the book's... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
Opening section on "To Kill a Mockingbird in Columbus, Indiana: A Community Divided"
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      American LiteratureSouthern LiteratureLiterary CriticismCensorship (History)
The satirical writings of Lucian of Samosata had a tremendous influence on the literature of the Eastern European Haskalah, shaping its criticism of the burgeoning Hasidic movement in the nineteenth century as if there were no gap between... more
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      New Religious MovementsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
Concepire il mondo semioticamente, come un dualismo di significante e significato, o come un trialismo di representamen, interpretante e oggetto, implicitamente suggerisce una definizione allargata di censura: vi è censura in ogni scelta... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesVisual StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature written in the first half of the nineteenth century, and is perhaps the most important piece of... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryReligionNew Religious Movements
The regulation of writing and printing (or, as M. Infelise writes, the ‘role of civil authority in controlling the production and circulation of writings’) in Genoa in the modern age still needs to be studied systematically, which is... more
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      Censorship (History)Book Censorship (history)Republic of Genoa
At the end of the 16th century the Roman Congregation of Prohibited Books ordered all male Regular Orders in Italy to send the complete list of the owned books. The RICI research project is making available these document implementing a... more
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      InquisitionHistory of Roman CatholicismBook Censorship (history)History of Books, Printing, and Publishing
This article looks at the1976 censorshipby the Department of Censorship and Public Entertainment (DCDP) of two novels: Zero, by Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, and Feliz ano novo [Happy New Year], by Rubem Fonseca. The study places both works... more
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      CensorshipCensorship of literary and popular culture textsBook Censorship (history)
This article seeks to understand how the category of auctor damnatus or primae classis was constituted at Rome in the middle of the sixteenth century, what its implications and consequences were for Roman censorial policy, and how the... more
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      CensorshipEarly Modern HistoryCensorship (History)Republic of Letters (Early Modern History)
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): The aim of this study is to compare Sinophone and Anglophone fan fiction consisting of female-oriented male-male romance: danmei and... more
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      Japanese StudiesCensorshipSex and GenderWomen's Studies
This petition argues that erotic comics are an important cultural record of the way in which diverse sexualities are understood and portrayed, and sexual fantasies explored. An Erotic Comics Anglophone Archive (ErotiCAA) will preserve... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesVisual Studies
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      CensorshipGabriele D'AnnunzioCensorship of literary and popular culture textsBook Censorship (history)
Autores : María José Vega, Cesc Esteve, Jimena Gamba Corradine, Rafael García Pérez, Gema Cienfuegos Antelo, Álvaro Bustos, Reyes Coll-Tellechea, Javier Burguillo, Claire Bouvier, Anne Cayuela, Mathilde Albisson.... more
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      PhilologyCensorshipEarly Modern HistorySpanish Literature (Peninsular)
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      Critical TheoryMarketingPhilologyReligion
"En cierto modo es comprensible que esta obra de teatro manuscrita no haya recibido casi ninguna atención hasta ahora: firmada en 1789 por un español emigrado a México, se trata de una obra satírica de teatro secular que nunca llegó a ser... more
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      Latino/A StudiesMexican StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureDrama