Body Language
Recent papers in Body Language
How are we to understand digital objects? How are we to relate ‘cyberspace’ to physical space? This chapter attempts to provide a set of theoretical tools to understand ‘spaces’ of online interaction and what happens within them without... more
Despite the popularity that the embodied cognition thesis has gained in recent years, explicit memories of events personally experienced are still conceived as disembodied mental representations. It seems that we can consciously remember... more
This is the brochure for the April 2018 conference “Corporeal Restrictions, Embodied Freedoms: Italian Interventions on the Body” organized by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, City University of New York.... more
This book explores how digital technology is altering the relationships between people and how the very nature of interface itself needs to be reconsidered to reflect this – how we can make sense of each other, handle ambiguities,... more
Yann Marussich, gives us a new gaze of the body as politic performance
for a projectual riconfiguration of our dreams, of our imaginary, of
our behaviors and collective sensitivity.
for a projectual riconfiguration of our dreams, of our imaginary, of
our behaviors and collective sensitivity.
De la naissance à la mort, nous habitons notre corps, qui est un révélateur de ce que nous sommes. Dans nos sociétés développées, et surtout depuis la libération sexuelle, il est devenu pour beaucoup d’entre nous une préoccupation... more
Why are people loyal? How do groups form and how do they create incentives for their members to abide by group norms? Until now, economics has only been able to partially answer these questions. In this groundbreaking work, Paul Frijters... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
In this paper, we propose a Six Channel Analysis System (SCAnS) for the (semi-)automatic investigation of potential deception across all communication channels. SCAnS builds on our current system: Six Channel Analysis in Realtime (SCAnR).... more
The study investigated the effect of emblematic gestures on the development and access of mental representations of French expressions. The major hypothesis of the study was that learning emblematic gestures with simultaneously presented... more
The cultivation of the body ideal and promotion of thinness values in fashion, media and the diet industry have been repeatedly shown to account for the increased prevalence of eating disorders. It is evident in women in certain... more
Que se passe-t-il quand je suis en train d'écouter autrui ? En particulier, lorsque je suis dans la posture d'écoute active telle que l'a décrite Carl Rogers, laquelle favorise compréhension et empathie ? Cette question inclut d'autres... more
Safe interaction with non-expert users is increasingly important in the development of robotic assistants. Ethical “codes” can serve as a guide as to how this interaction should take place with lay users in non-structured environments.... more
Sono molto abituato a libri strani e persone speciali, ma Hawkins si distingue per il suo uso di una semplice tecnica per testare la tensione muscolare come chiave per la "verità" di qualsiasi tipo di affermazione di sorta, cioè, non... more
The sophistication of the human being has engendered the loss of his original purity along with the propensity to put on `masks` in order to survive or just manage complex situations. The endless interaction of all these `living masks` on... more
Sixteen subjects with autism and 16 with Down Syndrome (aged 5 to 27), matched on verbal mental age, watched a short puppet show or video skit and were then asked to tell the story to a listener and answer follow-up questions. The... more
The City of Cali, Colombia, has been renowned internationally, particularly in the last decade, for the attractiveness and energy of its salsa performers. Although it is well known and often emphasised that these dancers come from poor... more
La communication non verbale désigne tout mode de communication n'ayant aucun recours aux mots pour être véhiculé et est l'un des nombreux domaines d'intérêt de la psychologie. Elle étudie le fonctionnement de l'esprit humain à partir, en... more
Personnel representatives (N = 52) were shown one of four videotaped job interviews in which the verbal content of the l6-min interview was identical, but the interviewee's nonverbal behavior was manipulated. A "low nonverbal" interviewee... more
This essay extends and critiques Esther Gordon Dotson’s analysis linking Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling to an Augustinian world view by focusing on the iconography and formal language of the three first compartments with Creation scenes.... more
Power and Influence by Stanford Business Professor Deborah Gruenfeld talking the Body Language of Power and its impact on situations
This article is part of the continuous effort to understand human emotions and its replication in animated characters. Previous contributions to this matter concluded many interesting aspects like the power of non-verbal communication,... more
Vücudunuz çevrenizle sürekli bilinçli ve bilinç dışı bir şekilde konuşur, etrafımızda olanlara daha iyi etkileşim haline geçebilmek için de beden dilini bilmeniz gerekmektedir.
While the digital era has provided us with an incredible amount of accessibility, availability, and speedy tools, it has also made us lose that sense of critical awareness that was once considered a rare and precious gift. The marking... more
Nonverbal communication has been a focus of consideration for some time in areas such as corporate performance skills and individual societal skills. However, it has received little consideration, in language teaching as an accompaniment... more
The thumb-the digitus pollex or most often simply pollex-comes up across Roman culture in familiar contexts. It can be used to wish someone good luck, or it can possess an apotropaic function, as in the well-known "fig" gesture. And of... more
Düzenbazlık ve ihanet, dürüst olacak kadar zekâsı olmayan ahmakların işidir."
Navigating the global business environment successfully requires specific skills that are often underestimated. Cultural awareness is one of the most important and lack of intercultural sensitivity can cause companies severe damage. The... more
Although verbal communication is what we say to each other, nonverbal communication makes up 93% of our communication package. Emotions, gestures, body language, space, and time are used extensively through sheer amounts of verbal... more
The principal purpose of this paper is to study, confer and make thought provoking discussion about the practices of Teaching English Language in India and the role of body language in it. As far as non-native language is concerned, it... more
German film director Charlotte “Lotte” Reiniger (June 2, 1899 – June 19, 1981) is one of the most influential women directors because of her contributions to silhouette ani- mation as well as to silent film. One of Reiniger’s favourite... more
In this article, I draw on the theories of three scholars whose works have not typically been part of the negotiation and conflict resolution canon (Arthur Koestler, Edward T. Hall, and Gregory Bateson) to develop the beginnings of a new... more
The purpose of this review article is to provide a comprehensive description of research on homesign systems. Homesign refers to the gestural communication of deaf individuals who do not learn a spoken language and who are not exposed to... more
Why are so many Hellenistic kings shown with one arm in the air? Could posture distinguish the slave from the citizen? Was there a Hellenistic etiquette of sitting down? How did Hellenistic Greeks feel about the bodies of the disabled and... more
Taking the general definition of intersubjectivity in terms of a mutual sharing of experiences as its startingpoint, the present inquiry aims to give an account of intersubjectivity that will detail its role for the development of... more
The last two decades have seen the emergence of a significant subgenre called neuronovels or neurofictions (Roth 2009). An outstanding common feature of these novels is the presence of a character suffering from an injury or illness... more