Bodies and Culture
Recent papers in Bodies and Culture
This thesis is an investigation into the legitimacy and limits of the term “body art” in its vernacular sense, wherein it refers to methods of decorating or ornamenting the body, such as tattooing or piercing. Though the term is widely... more
In this paper, my aim is to elaborate disability movement praxis so that transnational struggles for justice over the production of impairment emerging from the Global South can be represented within the transnational frame of disability... more
Neste trabalho nos propomos a investigar o uso da nudez masculina na arte funerária paulista, a partir do acervo dos Cemitérios da Consolação, Araçá e São Paulo. Fruto da pesquisa de doutoramento junto ao PPGH/UFG, em desenvolvimento, sob... more
Focusing on the body as a visual and discursive platform across public space, we study marginalization as a sociocultural practice and hegemonic schema. Whereas mass incarceration and law enforcement readily feature in discussions of... more
This article is a reflection on empirical data gathered in an ethnographic study of masculinity in a designated slum in urban Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This gestures towards possible new scholarly projects for those interested in... more
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
Breathing and politics are not usually considered relevant to one another. Is it therefore possible to engage with breathing as a force of social justice? What kinds of atmospheres can corpomaterial dynamics of breathing help envision for... more
This essay was published in 2019 as a contribution to an anthology at the intersection of food insecurity and the climate crisis: Food, Environment, and Climate Change. Ed Gilson and Kenehan, Rowman and Littlefield (Lexington Books),... more
In this unique approach to the field of body studies, author, scholar, and educator Victoria Kannen explores what it means to exist in a body that is constantly on display and subjected to public scrutiny. Kannen examines the interplay of... more
The links between social constructions of sexuality and gender are theoretically and politically problematic. A contemporary social movement understanding of violence against gay men and lesbians as ‘homophobic’ suggests a solid basis for... more
Il volume, che si compone di tre parti – Visioni, Rappresentazioni e Incursioni –, analizza le dinamiche di normalizzazione/assimilazione, così come di esclusione/incorporazione, della disabilità e della diversità, proponendo un percorso... more
This paper examines uses of theatre for practice-based, collaborative, research. It brings a review of existing work and reflections on my own practice into dialogue with participatory geographies, studies of affect and geographies of... more
Originally published in "I Ink, Therefore I Am," Wiley-Blackwell, ed. Robert Arp, 2012 ( In this paper, I’ll explore tattooing not merely as a form of expression—it is... more
Connections have been drawn between masculinity, muscularity and physical or social status in sport. Not only are sporting bodies often related to masculinity but also to whiteness, leading to the devaluing of Asian boys' bodies and... more
This special issue of Body & Society explores critical issues arising from enactments of blood donation and transfusion in different parts of the world. With articles focusing on Brazil, China, India, the Navajo Nation, Papua New Guinea,... more
This article explores figures of visibility and otherness in H.G. Wells’s novel 'The Invisible Man', discussing the relevance of such figures to the historical paradigm of the Victorian period in which the text was written. Through an... more
Il saggio di Raffaella Perna documenta la ricerca fotografica del barone tedesco Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931) attraverso una rilettura delle fonti d'epoca, documenti inediti e scritti autografi, per mettere in luce gli aspetti... more
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
In this blog post, I attempt to define the feelings that impress binary gender expectations in place with the concept of hetero-comfortability from my ongoing ethnographic work in VRChat. Hetero-comfortability is a process of recognition,... more
Based on an examination of news coverage from 2013 to mid-2018, this article analyzes rhetoric in favor of school dress code policies. I illustrate how women’s bodies are problematized in order to manifest grounds for regulating female... more
CALL FOR PAPERS. 5TH AIBR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANTHROPOLOGY. 9 -12 July 2019. Madrid, Spain. Panel: Being with discomfort: Exploring ethnographic unsettling as conceptual and political praxes. Attention to emotions and affects... more
This article presents a horizontal reading of Aliaa Elmahdy's and Amina Sboui's corporeal interventions alongside the efficacy of digital platforms in order to consider how algorithmic and normative protocols related to content filtering... more
This study is situated in current social-political conversations in Canada about how to do gender and sexuality education, and what content should and should not be included in Ontario’s Health and Physical Education curriculum. This... more
Resumo: Este trabalho tem como finalidade discutir o uso de elementos da arte clássica na tessitura da arte funerária paulista, tendo como horizonte orientador aspectos emergentes da investigação de doutoramento. Investiga-se a nudez... more
1 Tabooed, worshipped, and sometimes exploited, the female breast is a visible, tangible and beautiful feature of the female body. Although it is a secondary sexual organ, and not necessary for reproduction, the female breast has an... more
This article examines the constitution of gay male identity through embodied performances in Steamworks, a gay male bathhouse in Chicago. Motivated by Buddhist conceptualizations of catastrophe and mindfulness, I reflectively track the... more
"Recently, educators have begun to consider what is required in literacy curricula and best teaching practices given the demands placed on the educator sector and on literacy in general. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced... more
Premios: Nicolás Guillén Award to Outstanding Book in Philosophical Literature by the Caribbean Philosophical Association, 2016. Honorable Mention, Premio Iberoamericano Award, LASA, 2016 Premio Montserrat Ordóñez to Outstanding Book in... more
This paper lays out the terms of inquiry for my Spring 2016 seminar at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, “Embodied Writing and Rhetoric.” It grows out of release time granted by UPRM for “A Comparative Inquiry on the Role of... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
"RE/Search Publications' 'Modern Primitives' (1989) changed countless lives, bringing what had been a localised and niche set of body modification practices, aesthetics and philosophies out of San Fransisco to a global audience,... more
A filosofia no Brasil não tem um apelo popular: poucas pessoas se interessam pela filosofia oficial. Mas será que os brasileiros que não se interessam por filosofia ou é uma filosofia feita entre nós que não tem muito interesse pelos... more
This paper discusses the development of ION Orchard as an exclusive mall in Singapore as a route to re- considering the performative politics of bodies within urban built environments. In particular, this paper question the reasons behind... more
Cada vez son más las mujeres que utilizan el sentido político del cuerpo en una doble dirección: como encarnación de la violencia (herramienta de denuncia) y como territorio en emancipación de las moralidades corporales y sexuales a las... more
In this chapter I look at how Denim Jean are deployed for ordinary body sexualization. Despite their codification as potentially sexy, jeans remain mundane, almost ubiquitous items, perceived as remarkably versatile for all practical... more
The body is the fundamental condition of human existence. From the nineteenth century onward the bodily nature of the human being became important in the philosophical discourse about many questions of humanity. The rise of sport as a... more
Resumen Este artículo ofrece un acercamiento a la genealogía histórica de los estudios antropológicos que abordaron la temática del cuerpo, especialmente en contextos religiosos. A continuación, en el marco de una tradición científica... more
The weight-centred health paradigm is an important contributor to the broader cultural paradigm in which corpulence is eschewed in favour of leanness. The desirability to reduce body fat or weight or to prevent gaining ‘excess’ fat is... more
Aktuelle Beispiele (Fitness, Wellness, Self-Tracking, Arbeit am Glück) zeigen, dass Selbstoptimierung heute vor allem das Erreichen eines bestmöglichen Zustandes unter gegebenen Voraussetzungen bedeutet. Die so erreichte Selbstbestimmung... more