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      Blood PressureRisk factorsClinical SciencesAdverse Event
An evaluation of three new rapid diagnostic test kits for human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1/2), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and syphilis involved a two-phase comparison of rapid diagnostic assays using... more
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      Clinical TrialPublic HealthVietnamHIV
In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changed their indefinite deferral policy towards donors who were men who had sex with men (MSM). I develop an empirical case for the current, revised MSM deferral policy and... more
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      BioethicsMsm, Hiv, Gay and Bisexual MenBlood donation
Hemopoietic stem cells can be used from bone marrow or blood or umbilical cord blood of matched siblings or appropriately matched unrelated volunteers. Today, large bone marrow registries have been established to help identify volunteer... more
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      Decision MakingOrgan DonationStem CellLogistic Regression
The glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin is an essential viability and growth factor for the erythrocytic progenitors in the bone marrow. Tissue hypoxia is the main stimulus for the synthesis of the hormone in the kidneys and the liver.... more
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      Chemical and Biological EngineeringErythropoietinMedical BiotechnologyP-glycoprotein
Spectral analysis of finger photoplethysmographic waveform variability in a model of mild tomoderate haemorrhage. J Clin Monit Comput 2008; 22:343-353
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      Artificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringLow FrequencyAutonomic Nervous System
This is a cross-sectional descriptive study where the researchers attempted to establish the respondents' willingness to blood donation. An interview schedule was devised in order to survey the information needed in this research... more
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      Public HealthBustosBlood donation
The aging of the US population and the evidence that only about 5% of individuals in the United States donate blood each year raise concerns about the assurance of an adequate, safe supply of blood in the future. Blood donation decision... more
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      DemographyDecision TheoryMotivationClinical Sciences
A total of 542 blood donors from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (Lasuth), Ikeja, were interviewed with questionnaires on their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and motivations about blood donations. It was found that a large number... more
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      FearNigeriaMotivationTransfusion medicine
BACKGROUND: Presyncopal reactions are among the most common systemic reactions experienced by blood donors, occur most frequently in novice donors, and can serve as a deterrent to future donation regardless of donation experience. This... more
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      ImmunologyPsychometricsRisk assessmentAdolescent
The increasing development of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) paradigm has brought a reduction in the cost of software development and increased its speed, resulting in quality improvement and constant evolution. Examples of... more
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      Open SourceBlood donationGeographic Information System
Depuis 20 ans, le dispositif mis en place pour assurer la sécurité sanitaire en matière de transfusion sanguine n'a jamais cessé de se renforcer. Il repose sur la sélection clinique et épidémiologique des candidats au don, la sélection... more
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      Clinical SciencesAdverse Drug ReactionBlood donationBlood Transfusion
O presente trabalho monográfico analisou o tema a “(In) Constitucionalidade da doação de sangue por homossexual masculino: Direito Individual versus Interesse Coletivo”. Considerando a existência de normas que disponham quanto às... more
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      Human RightsHomosexualityBlood donation
Blood donations have helped patients with life-threatening diseases and live longer with better quality of life. Blood donations also support many complex medical and surgical procedures as they also play an essential life-saving role in... more
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      Human Computer InteractionBlood BankFlutterBlood donation
Automation systems and information technology can greatly help medical facilities to improve their working efficiency and optimize the whole workflow. This article surveys electronic information management in blood donation and... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyManagement Information SystemsInformation Management
This thesis describes “Blood kin”, a mobile application built on the Android platform that provides Social Location-based services for finding blood donors and blood bank centres. Blood is the fuel of life and despite in all advances in... more
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      Public HealthMobile application developmentBlood donationBlood Transfusion
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      Medical EthicsAltruismClinical SciencesIncentives
Background: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) surveys have shown variable results with respect to blood donation among the university students in developing countries. However, no similar study has been conducted in Sudan where... more
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Étude des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en matière de don de sang.
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      Clinical SciencesBlood donationBlood Transfusion
Entende-se que os métodos formais de análise estatística de séries temporais estão bem desenvolvidos e adaptados ao estudo das dádivas de sangue. No entanto, têm sido disponibilizadas poucas ferramentas que possibilitem o estudo de um... more
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      GeographyWebGISGeomarketingBlood donation
Non-profit organizations are constantly seeking the public's assistance in supporting the charitable causes they represent. By analyzing 40 academic journals and texts, and issuing a questionnaire to 100 Canadians, I attempt to find the... more
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New Zealand shares a common problem with other countries: a shortage of blood donors. Approximately 4% of New Zealand's total population donate blood, yet up to 20% may need to receive donated blood or blood products. However, there has... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourMultidisciplinaryNew ZealandBlood donation
BACKGROUND: Blood donation is safe, but a small proportion of donors have delayed and/or off-site reactions that have the potential to lead to serious injury. This retrospective study sought to identify risk factors for delayed reactions... more
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      ImmunologyAdolescentRisk factorsClinical Sciences
Advances in safety of blood transfusion in clinical practice principally relate to preventing transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI). Epidemiological studies of TTI have resulted in the development, standardization, and implementation... more
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      International CooperationBiological SciencesSafetyClinical Practice
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks,etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and... more
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      ErythropoietinInfectious DiseaseRed blood cellBlood donation
Background: One of the biggest challenges in blood donation particularly in Nigeria is the recruitment and retention of voluntary non-remunerated, low cost blood donors. Aims: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of repeated... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)Blood BankingBlood donation
Aims of the Study. Findings about the efficacy of interventions promoting blood donation are scattered and sometime inconsistent. The aims of the present systematic review were to identify the most effective types of interventions and... more
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      Health PromotionAltruismMotivationElectronic mail
Between 1984 and 1996, public health authorities in Israel maintained a secret policy of discarding blood donations made by Ethiopian-Israeli citizens and immigrants. Officials later attempted to justify this policy on the grounds that... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyJewish StudiesSociology of Violence
Objective: Oxidative damage has been suggested to be a contributory factor in the development and complications of atherosclerosis, and of recent the beneficial effects of antioxidants against some pathologies have gained considerable... more
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceInformed ConsentComparative StudyAnimal Production
A B S T R A C T Awareness towards blood donation can be empowered by health professionals' role-modelling. We aimed to assess knowledge and attitudes among Greek undergraduate medical laboratory students. A questionnaire was distributed... more
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      Health Professional EducationKnowledgeStudents AttitudesBlood donation
among Australian blood donors : testing an extended theory of planned behavior model. Transfusion, 49(2). pp. 320-329.
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      ImmunologyBehaviorAustraliaTheory of Planned Behavior
With an ever increasing demand on blood supplies worldwide, there is an immense need to ensure a safe and sufficient supply of blood products. However, recruiting and retaining blood donors remain key challenges for blood agencies. In an... more
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      Applied PsychologyTransfusion medicineClinical SciencesBlood donation
Aim: This study examined whether the Theory of Planned Behavior adds significantly to the prediction of intention and actual blood donation of the general Israeli population. Background: In most developed countries and in Israel in... more
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      NursingHealth BehaviorNonparametric StatisticsTheory of Planned Behavior
Although screening for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies is mandatory in most South American countries, current tests are insensitive and have poor specificity. A recently optimized line immunoassay (the INNO-LIA Chagas assay) for the... more
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      Clinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesClinicalRheumatic Fever
With worldwide demand for plasma-derived products increasing, a critical question is how to effectively recruit and retain VNR plasmapheresis donors? This review summarises an emerging empirical literature and translates this into... more
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    • Blood donation
Le don du sang est encadré par des textes réglementaires dont la finalité est d'une part, de garantir la sécurité des transfusions sanguines effectuées à partir des produits sanguins issus de ces dons et d'autre part de préserver la santé... more
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      Clinical SciencesProduction ProcessBlood donationBlood Transfusion
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      PerceptionImmunologyIslamCultural Anthropology
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      ImmunologyIranYoung AdultClinical Sciences
Background and purpose: The link between brain iron deficiency and RLS is now well established. In a related observation, several conditions that can deplete iron stores have been linked to increased probability of RLS. Blood donation has... more
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      PsychologySleep MedicineIronBody Mass Index
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      Medical MicrobiologyHepatitis CHepatitis BViral hepatitis
A spectrum of blood-borne infectious agents is transmitted through transfusion of infected blood donated by apparently healthy and asymptomatic blood donors. The diversity of infectious agents includes hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C... more
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      Dengue VirusBiological SciencesSafetyTransplantation
Blood donation behaviour was studied in 809 residents of the Greater Athens area to identify so&o-economic and attitudinal factors and level of knowledge about blood donation related to donor behaviour. The sample was randomly selected... more
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Spine surgery may be associated with profuse intraoperative bleeding that often requires blood transfusions. In recent years several techniques have been developed to avoid allogenic transfusions and their potential complications to... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSpineAdolescentErythropoietin
Objective: To identify the safest group of blood donors demographically with regard to risk of transmission of diseases in order to develop effective recruitment and retention strategies.
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      High FrequencyHepatitis BInfectious DiseaseRisk factors
In minipool nucleic acid test (MP-NAT) screening protocols, the donations implicated in reactive test pools are released for transfusion when they are nonreactive in a repeat test on the individual samples, but in individual-donation... more
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      AlgorithmsImmunologyAlgorithmHepatitis C
The ability of three subscales of the Medical Fears Survey (fear of injections and blood draws, fear of blood, fear of mutilated bodies) to predict vasovagal reactions was examined in 364 volunteer blood donors. Participants completed the... more
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      PsychologyBehavioral MedicinePublic health systems and services researchBehavioral
An evaluation of three new rapid diagnostic test kits for human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1/2), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and syphilis involved a two-phase comparison of rapid diagnostic assays using... more
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      Clinical TrialMedicineHIVHepatitis B
Background: Researchers and activists have long called for changes to blood donation policies to end what is frequently framed as unjustified bans or deferral periods for men who have sex with men (MSM). Since 2016, in Canada, a man had... more
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      Qualitative methodologyHIV/AIDSGay And Lesbian StudiesPublic Health Policy
This article reports two studies designed to test a theory of planned behavior-hued model of blood donation. In Study 1 ( n = 136), self-efficacy and self-identity accounted for unique variance in behavioral intention. Study 2 ( n = 172)... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceApplied Social Science
A multiplex real-time quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR assay was developed for simultaneous detection, identification and quantification of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus type... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVirologyGhana