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A research about the effect of blood storage time to the number of erythrocyte cell count in blood donors has been done at Transfusion Blood laboratory Unit and of laboratoriun Health Of Job Society. This research is aimed to determine... more
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      MedicineBlood TransfusionBlood Donor
Dizziness is a common symptom following blood donation, often caused by hypotension. However, many young Egyptians demonstrate reluctance to acknowledge or report such symptoms, posing potential risks to their health and safety. This... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)Young PeopleForestry and Natural Resources ManagementDizziness
Donor darah merupakan tindakan kemanusiaan yang tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi penerima tetapi juga memiliki dampak positif bagi kesehatan pendonor. Artikel ini membahas manfaat donor darah, termasuk penurunan risiko penyakit jantung (Kiss... more
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    • Kesehatan Masyarakat
Donor darah merupakan tindakan kemanusiaan yang tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi penerima tetapi juga memiliki dampak positif bagi kesehatan pendonor. Artikel ini membahas manfaat donor darah, termasuk penurunan risiko penyakit jantung (Kiss... more
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      Kesehatan MasyarakatDonor Darah
L'idée vient d'Alex Mitchell 1 rencontré à l'IPOS 2 en 2013 à Rotterdam : créer une application pour smartphones permettant de charger une vidéo d'une personne atteinte d'un cancer et de la regarder parmi de nombreuses autres disponibles... more
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical SciencePsycho-oncologie
Abstract: Introduction: Whole blood donation is generally considered a safe method, but sometimes weight differences that may occur during or at the end of the collection process may have adverse effects. The aim of this study is to... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)ImmunohematologyRed blood cell transfusionHaematology and Blood Transfusion
Hemoglobin is the important indicator of functional iron so to find out the hemoglobin level and hematocrit percentage in blood donors, a study was carried out in two different localities rural and urban areas in Pakistan, to predict the... more
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      PhysiologyHealth SciencesBlood Donation (Anthropology)Medicine
Background: The WHO theme for World Blood Donor Day 2011 was "More blood More life". This theme reinforced the urgent need for more people all over the world to become life-savers by volunteering to donate blood regularly. Blood can save... more
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    • Blood Donation (Anthropology)
«-Vas-t -en ! Les humains ne sont pas mes amis, je les hais !
-C'est vrai, je suis un humain. Mais San, toi aussi…
-Tais-toi ! Je suis une louve comme ma mère ! » Princesse Mononoké
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      Civil LawAnthropologyPhilosophyEnvironmental Law
Este artigo aborda a inconstitucionalidade das restrições à doação de sangue por pessoas homossexuais, examinando criticamente as bases históricas e científicas que sustentam essas limitações. Em um contexto em... more
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      LGBT IssuesDemanda de inconstitucionalidad Doação de sangue
Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), MS desenvolve diversos projetos de caráter social, no qual pode-se destacar a atividade "Doe Sangue, Doe Vida", que buscou estimular a doação
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    • Physics
O Programa de Educacao Tutorial do curso de Biologia locado na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), MS desenvolve diversos projetos de carater social, no qual pode-se destacar a atividade “Doe Sangue, Doe Vida”, que buscou... more
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    • Physics
Au cours des dernières années, le traitement des animaux a retenu une attention sans précédent au Québec et le droit animalier a subi des transformations profondes. Ce champ de recherche en pleine ébullition méritait un pôle de recherche... more
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      Animal LawAnimal Welfare LawAnimal Rights lawDroits Des Animaux
BackgroundAn individualized behavior‐based selection approach has potential to allow for a more equitable blood donor eligibility process. We collected biological and behavioral data from urban gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex... more
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      DemographyImmunologyIncidence GeometryMedicine
Dans le code civil napoleonien, les animaux sont assimiles a des biens meubles (article 528). La premiere loi de protection de l’animal en Europe a ete promulguee en 1822 en Angleterre (Act for the Prevention of Cruel and Improper... more
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Cet article met en lumière l'importance de l'anthropologie médicale et de la santé pour la pratique médicale, en particulier pour les médecins généralistes. En effet, les croyances culturelles, les pratiques sociales et les contextes... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMedical EducationCultureMedicine
Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk maka kebutuhan cadangan darah terus meningkat, dan yang terjadi jumlah pasokan dengan permintaan darah di beberapa UTD (Unit Transfusi Darah tidak seimbang, sehingga menyebabkan kelangkaan... more
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    • Medicine
Amaç Kan, geçmişten günümüze insan sağlığının ve yaşamın temel simgesi durumundadır. İnsan, kanın tek kaynağıdır. Temini için şimdilik başka bir alternatifte yoktur. Eşsiz bir tedavi aracı olarak da bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda toplumun kan... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)Medicine
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Riom 29 novembre 2023, RG n° 22/01292 (rappelant que le juge se réfère aux usages dans le domaine agricole concernant l'administration de la preuve de la cession d'animaux).
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Amaç Kan, geçmişten günümüze insan sağlığının ve yaşamın temel simgesi durumundadır. İnsan, kanın tek kaynağıdır. Temini için şimdilik başka bir alternatifte yoktur. Eşsiz bir tedavi aracı olarak da bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda toplumun kan... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)Medicine
Amaç Kan, geçmişten günümüze insan sağlığının ve yaşamın temel simgesi durumundadır. İnsan, kanın tek kaynağıdır. Temini için şimdilik başka bir alternatifte yoktur. Eşsiz bir tedavi aracı olarak da bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda toplumun kan... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)Medicine
DST : Donneurs de sang total DPP : Donneurs de plasma et de plaquettes EQ : Enquête par questionnaires sur les motivations et l'insertion du don dans la vie quotidienne (795 DST actifs, 609 DST inactifs et 473 DPP) EE : Enquête par... more
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    • Sociology
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      History of MedicineHistory Of Medicine In South AsiaMedical EthicsHistory of Bengal
Background: Blood donation is the process of collecting blood from donors who are at low risk for infection and are unlikely to jeopardize their health by blood donation. It is a lifesaving practice for people who have lost ample volumes... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesSocial Determinants of HealthHealth
Background. There is paucity of information on the effect of blood donation on iron stores in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The present study was, therefore, designed to assess, using a combination of haemoglobin and iron status parameters, the... more
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Hasta la década de 1990, las consideraciones antropológicas sobre la sangre se centraban principalmente en su uso como un idioma de parentesco, nacionalismo y raza, y en descripciones de su uso en contextos rituales (por ejemplo,... more
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      Antropología culturalAntropología SocialAntropologíaBlood
Background. There is paucity of information on the effect of blood donation on iron stores in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The present study was, therefore, designed to assess, using a combination of haemoglobin and iron status parameters, the... more
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      AnaemiaBlood DonorsIron Deficiency Anaemia
Pneumatic tube system (PTS) merupakan media transport sampel yang banyak digunakan di rumah sakit. Sampel yang dikirim menggunakan PTS dapat terguncang karena kecepatan dan tekanan udara pada PTS yang berubah-ubah. Penggunaan PTS dapat... more
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    • Statistical Analysis
As rational adults, we are free to elect what is (or is not) done to our bodies. However, this strong freedom does not extend to the borders of life. Control over the uses of our biological material is constrained and uncertain at law.... more
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      LawApplied EthicsMedical LawAustralia
Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université d'Ottawa dans le cadre du programme de doctorat en sociologie pour l'obtention du grade Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) Résumé Bien que la technologie médicale ait largement... more
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Essa coleção de resumos feita de estudante para estudante está relacionada às coletas de bolsas de sangue em doadores pelo método convencional e por aférese, apresenta também algumas das reações adversas relacionadas com as coletas.... more
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      HematologyBlood Donation (Anthropology)Blood BankingBlood Flow
Background: Blood is a vital component of the human body, which constitute 7% of the body weight. To ensure an adequate supply of blood, it is necessary to make significant improvements in methods for recruiting and retaining donors and... more
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      MedicineDonationPhlebotomyBlood Donor
Study’s aim: The objective of this study was to study the existing link between the carer/patient relationship and the renunciation of care for infants with perinatal asphyxia consequences.Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative... more
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Background Despite blood transfusion has been available for the past 200 years; there is still a significant shortage of blood and blood products especially in low and middle income countries. In 2016 national blood demand of Ethiopia was... more
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      DemographyMedicineLogistic RegressionDonation
Aims and objectives: Our goal is to disseminate data on the distribution pattern of Rh antigen, its phenotypes, and the likely genotypes of these genetic variants in the Pakistani population. Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional... more
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      Blood Donation (Anthropology)MedicineBlood groupsPhenotype
Laboratory Information System (LIS) is a crucial component in modern healthcare, facilitating efficient management and organization of laboratory data, workflows, and processes. This abstract provides an overview of the essential... more
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    • Analis Kesehatan
Organ transplantation is one of the exciting achievements of modern science and biomedicine. It has offered hope of survival for numerous patients awaiting life-saving surgical interventions. A shortage in organ supply has marred this... more
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    • Bioethics and Human Rights
El legislador constitucional brasileño estableció el derecho social fundamental a la salud, promoviendo la igualdad y el acceso universal mediante un servicio público unificado en todo el país y, aunque también autorizó su prestación por... more
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      Derechos HumanosBioéticaGenoma Humano
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Donation barriers are a crucial factor to consider in the study of blood donor behavior. Since blood donors do not behave homogeneously, the aim of this work is to analyze how the donor profile (i.e. sociodemographic characteristics and... more
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Goal: To find the incidence of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV, CMV antibodies and Treponema pallidum antibodies in volunteer blood donors in the eastern part of Macedonia. Material and methods: In the period 1999-2003 for the presence of... more
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    • Clinical Medicine
Camel-derived haemoglobin O2 carriers (CHBOC) are being developed as a blood substitutes for allogeneic RBCs or to improve tissue oxygenation. The tolerability of the developed product was evaluated in 10 moderately exsanguinated (40%)... more
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      ChemistrySurgeryBlood Donation (Anthropology)Blood Banking
Part of the Family Practice Nursing Commons, and the Pediatric Nursing Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Science of Nursing and Health Practices-Science infirmière et pratiques en santé. It has been... more
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      OncologyHumanitiesDecision MakingPolitical Science
Every year patients of various diseases need blood. Among them some need regular transfusion of blood. Hence, safe blood save life but unsafe one takes life. Ensuring regular flow of safe blood is a great challenge for the community in... more
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      MarketingMedicineBusiness ManagementBusiness and Management
Pemeriksaan pra transfusi merupakan suatu rangkaian prosedur pemeriksaan mencocokkan darah resipien dan darah donor yang diperlukan sebelum darah diberikan kepada resipien dengan uji silang serasi atau crossmatch. Sampel yang baik untuk... more
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Titer dan spesifisitas antibodi pada sel darah merah mempengaruhi keparahan suatu penyakit. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) mengandung sekretori IgA, IgM, dan IgG yang berfungsi sebagai pertahanan pertama untuk melawan infeksi mukosa. Tujuan... more
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UTD PMI Provinsi DKI Jakarta hingga kini terus berupaya memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada masyarakat. Komponen darah yang sering digunakan untuk transfusi adalah trombosit konsentrat yang di mana proses penyimpanan dapat menimbulkan... more
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Hemoglobin atau Hb adalah protein yang berada di dalam sel darah merah. Protein inilah yang membuat darah berwarna merah. Dalam kadar yang normal, hemoglobin memiliki banyak fungsi bagi tubuh, sehingga kadar normal hemoglobin perlu selalu... more
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    • Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin or Hb is a protein found in red blood cells. This protein is what makes blood red. In normal levels, hemoglobin has many functions for the body, so normal levels of hemoglobin need to be maintained. In addition to giving color,... more
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    • Hemoglobin