Recent papers in Blockchain
Research on blockchain technology implementation within civil engineering is quickly emerging. The use of blockchain for the integration of the material and economic flows within construction supply chain – thus creating a new digital... more
The article explores how the quality of life within a deprived urban environment might be improved through the ‘gamification’ of and interaction with, more-than-human elements within the environment. It argues that such quality may be... more
Il rapporto tra scienza giuridica e tecnologie informatiche rappresenta una questione ormai ineludibile per chiunque intenda misurarsi con le istanze della società digitale. I due autori si confrontano su temi attuali e decisivi relativi... more
La proposta di razionalizzazione della governance nell'Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica come modello archetipico per il sistema della formazione superiore Enrico Damiani Questioni in tema di diritto della circolazione di... more
This op-ed style essay examines the wildly exaggerated claims made for Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT artworks. Above all, it questions the NFT's peculiar reversal of digital media's inherent interchangeability by turning back to the... more
Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralisation, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, internet of things... more
3rd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Blockchain and Internet of Things.... more
Blockchain technology is a new general-purpose technology that poses significant challenges to the existing state of law, economy, and society. Blockchain has one feature that makes it even more distinctive than other disruptive... more
The research undertaken in the following paper bases its analysis on the model of the decentralized governance, offered in the case of blockchain technologies. The focus will be centered on some social elements of innovation introduced by... more
RESUMEN. Cada día son más las amenazas en torno al tema de la violación de datos personales, donde la privacidad y se-guridad de la información son el principal reto en esta era de la información y comunicación. La tecnología Blockchain... more
Non-Fungible Token or ‘Non-Replaceable Token’ is the contemporary trend in the digital industry as of 2021 [1]. Introduced first in 2017 from a game called Crypto Punks, the NFT system shows promising breakthroughs since then [2]. The... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed digitalization and digitization across all industry sectors and blockchain is considered an innovative frontrunning technology with regards to applicability and usability in these challenging times.... more
Ethereum prospered the inception of a plethora of smart contract applications, ranging from gambling games to decentralized finance. However, Ethereum is also considered a highly adversarial environment, where vulnerable smart contracts... more
A blockchain provides a secured paradigm to achieve consensus using a distributed and peer-to-peer network in which no trusted central party is required. As a result, it has the potential to resolve many challenges that are faced with... more
Cloud computing plays a critical role in modern society and enables a range of applications from infrastructure to social media. Such system must cope with varying load and evolving usage reflecting societies' interaction and dependency... more
Abstrak Edukasi merupakan proses bisnis yang selama berabad telah menjadi pilar pe-merintahan dalam membangun bangsa. Proses pelaksanaan edukasi secara global masih belum ada perubahan yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Berbagai problem... more
Blockchain Technology (BT) is a secured ledger that has the potential to enhance the safety, quality as well as efficiency of healthcare provision. This will benefit healthcare administrators and healthcare end-users. This paper is... more
The key distinction among a smart contract and most other blockchain platforms is that it can comprehend a general-purpose programming language. With the introduction of smart contracts and a blockchain platform capable of executing them,... more
Desde o surgimento da primeira criptomoeda, o bitcoin, empresas para intermediação entre quem quer comprar e vender moedas virtuais, as exchanges de criptoativos, foram surgindo com enfoque na comercialização de moedas virtuais. Nesse... more
Social networking pages authenticate by blockchain technology, through authenticating personal information and profile pages in the form of block and then distributing them with Blockchain to become a trusted reference point. To... more
La doctrine s’est déjà penchée à de nombreuses reprises sur les assurtechs, la menace concurrentielle qu’elles pourraient représenter pour les acteurs traditionnels de l’assurance ou encore sur les technologies dont elles font usage. Elle... more
In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based cold chain technology for vaccine cooling track. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the death of millions of people. An important step towards ending the pandemic is vaccination. Vaccines must be... more
Emerging Technologies of Fourth Industrial Revolution such as Internet of Things has the potential to change the way we are living today and interact with information systems and devices. From a small device like a simple glucose monitor... more
Quantum machine learning (QML) is a new field in its infancy, promising performance enhancements over many classical machine learning (ML) algorithms. Data reuploading is a QML algorithm with a focus on utilizing the power of a singular... more
A blockchain provides a secured paradigm to achieve consensus using a distributed and peer-to-peer network in which no trusted central party is required. As a result, it has the potential to resolve many challenges that are faced with... more
Disruptive technology, blockchain is propelling a technological intervention in healthcare due to its unique features and advantages. The healthcare industry is migrating to Health 4.0. Therefore, peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in a... more
A kriptovaluták kora című, - a jelen kötet előzményének tekinthető -könyvükben a szerzők a kriptovalutákban rejlő lehetőségeket tárták fel, egy igazságosabb globális fizetési rendszer létrehozása érdekében, amelyben nem léteznének bankok... more
This paper explores the transition towards a paradigm in which centralization and decentralization systems coexist in the provision of financial services. The blockchain technology application to the financial industry is giving birth to... more
Anotacija. Autoriai straipsnyje analizuoja vaiko balso diskursą tarptautiniuose, nacionaliniuose dokumentuose bei atlieka mokslinės literatūros analizę, siekdami diskutuoti vaiko balso reikšmę ir raiškos galimybes socialinio darbo... more
The paper-based certification is prone to manipulation and vulnerable to fraud. Instances of fraudulent degrees, manipulation of academic records, or compromised academic programs adversely impact and damage an academic institution's... more
The key challenges of the building, engineering, construction, operations, and mining (BECOM) industries are the lack of trust, inefficiencies, and the fragmentation of the information value chain into vulnerable data silos throughout the... more
Blockchain has emerged as one of the finest and promising technologies in the last decade. Bitcoin started the journey in 2008 and soon blockchain technology paved the way much beyond cryptocurrencies in form of smart contracts... more
Electricity is an essential comfort to support our daily activities. With the competitive increase and energy costs by the industry, new values and opportunities for delivering electricity to customers are produced. One of these new... more
Purpose Blockchain, which was originally created to enable peer-to-peer digital payment systems (bitcoin), is considered to have several benefits for different sectors, such as the real estate one. In a standard European-wide real estate... more
Este artigo descreve uma proposta de criação de token dentro de uma infraestrutura de blockchain para rastrear o caminho dos recursos do BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social). Além de transparência para a sociedade... more
In addition, it is a pleasure to mention that this research is supported by two projects: POLOLAS (Explorando Soluciones Guiadas para Sistematizar el Aseguramiento Temprano de la Calidad del Software) (TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R), which is... more
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists,... more
هدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على التقنيات الحديثة التي أفرزتها الثورة الصناعية الرابعة وآثارها على المحاسبة والمراجعة، وذلك بالاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي الوثائقي لمراجعة الوثائق المتوفرة من بحوث ومؤلفات وإصدارات وتحليلها واستخلاص الاستنتاجات... more
Приведены основные принципы построения существующей инфраструктуры открытых ключей. Освещены проблемные вопросы, связанные с функционированием такой системы. Предложена новая концепция построения инфраструктуры открытых ключей с... more
In the context of private ordering—where rule sets are relatively fluid, centrally controlled, and exist in the shadow of law and regulation—developing generalizable insights about comparatively superior governance mechanisms is... more
The emergence of Blockchain have revolutionize the decentralization in distributed architecture. The advances in the consensus mechanism techniques and the development of different variants of consensus algorithms gives a huge impact on... more
Risk insurance for disasters plays a relevant part in the implementation of risk reduction strategies during the pre-disaster phase. This is essential to support risk management towards decreasing the marginal risk allowing policy holders... more