Birth Rate
Recent papers in Birth Rate
Feminist philosophy can make an important contribution to the field of genocide studies, and issues relating to gender and war are gaining new attention. In this article I trace legal and philosophical analyses of sexual violence against... more
BACKGROUND: At present there is considerable interest in healthcare administration, among professionals and among the general public concerning the quality of programmes of assisted reproduction. There exist various methods for comparing... more
Many of the simple mathematical models currently in use often fail to capture important biological factors. Here we extend current models of insect-pathogen interactions to include seasonality in the birth rate. In particular, we consider... more
Background Thailand's progress in reducing the under-fi ve mortality rate (U5MR) puts the country on track to achieve the fourth Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Whether this success has been accompanied by a widening or narrowing of... more
Very little of the intense interest and activity in the field of family planning in Pakistan has come up in the form of publications. Since the formation of the Family Planning Association of Pakistan in 1953 and the initiative of the... more
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify trends in gonadotropin therapy in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment worldwide. Methods Retrospective evaluation utilizing the results of a Web-based survey,... more
study was carried out on the home range characteristics of seven wild white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) groups focusing on the spatio-temporal distribution of food resources at Khao Yai National Park in northeastern Thailand. These... more
Family Planning Program Evaluation is not a well-developed art, much less an exact science. The evaluation of the performance of such programs has received a good deal of attention but the methodologies are still controversial and the... more
Objective: To estimate the probability of live birth, adverse treatment outcome, and extremes of ovarian response at different antral follicle count (AFC) cutoff levels in a large prospective cohort of women undergoing IVF treatment.... more
Though fertility in Ghana has declined from an average of 8 children per woman over the past three decades to 4 per woman in recent times, the current rate of population growth is still unmatched by the requisite economic growth. Recent... more
Perhaps one of the most pervasive phenomena among teenaged females today is "teenage fertility." The purpose of this article is to describe teenage fertility as it relates to developing countries. The study attempts to pose the problem by... more
It is generally acknowledged that one of the great social transformations in our past was the decline in European fertility in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is unfortunate, then, that one of the greatest gaps in... more
Successful cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos is essential not only to maximize the safety and efficacy of ovarian stimulation cycles in an IVF treatment, but also to enable fertility preservation. Two cryopreservation methods are... more
Just over 20% of white women in America will never bear children, the highest percentage in modern history. Only half of this group-10% of women without children- are considered infertile. Many women in the fertile but childless group... more
Examines the evidence behind the authors' claim that the current decline in birth rates will accelerate faster than the UN expects because of urbanization, and consequently cause world population to peak far lower and sooner than the UN... more
В статье приведены результаты исследования численности, удельного веса, рождаемости, смертности, возрастного состава бурят Республики Бурятия в 1959-2010-е годы. На основе материалов всесоюзных и всероссийских переписей и данных текущего... more
Using data for 1960-97 for 22 low fertility countries, we document a dramatic change in the association of fertility levels to women's levels of labor force participation. Until the 1980s, this association had been strongly negative.... more
BITENCOURT, Fábio. Arquitetura do ambiente de Nascer: reflexões e recomendações projetuais de arquitetura e conforto ambiental. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2008, 129 p.; il. Este livro traz como proposta principal apresentar reflexões e... more
... FERTILITY BEHAVIOUR AMONG ADOLESCENTS IN INDIA HARIHAR SAHOO Harihar Sahoo, Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad - 431004, Maharashtra Page 2. Vol. 57, No.1, June - 2011 23... more
The global economy is now so large that society can no longer safely pretend it operates within a limitless ecosystem. Developing an economy that can be sustained within the finite biosphere requires new ways of thinking
Child birth registration and monitoring is a vital first step towards guaranteeing lifelong protection and securing an identity. It’s a step towards promoting children’s right to birth registration which clearly falls within UNICEF’s... more
The semi-parametric regression achieved via penalized spline smoothing can be expressed in a linear mixed models framework. This allows such models to be ÿtted using standard mixed models software routines with which many biostatisticians... more
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AKI atau Angka Kematian Ibu di Indonesia menjadi yang tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Tingginya AKI di Indonesia yaitu 390 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup (SDKI 1994) tertinggi di ASEAN. Salah satunya angka kematian ibu yang terjadi di Papua... more
Arctic demography has previously been reviewed on a large scale, across the circumpolar nations. We look instead at some recent population dynamics on sub-regional to community scales, focusing on Arctic Alaska. Detailed graphics... more
This is the day of the sister's birthday, it an amazing day so do not spend it here. On this great occasion of your sister's birthday. We have collected a huge amount of data like sms and quotes, statuses, shayari, and poems in hindi.... more
M.A dissertation [in French] , department of Social Anthropology, EHESS, under the supervision of Prof. Mary Picone.
This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. AHRQ or U.S. Department of Health and... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
The present chapter examines past and projected population trends and assesses the implications of these latter trends for dependency ratio developments. The essential feature to highlight regarding past and current developments is the... more
Replacement fertility is a term commonly used by demographers when referring to levels of childbearing and yet is rarely explained. It is normally presented as being around 2.1 children per woman. Continued below replacement fertility in... more
Sperm cells are the endpoint of male spermatogenesis and have particular anatomic and metabolic features. Sperm cryopreservation and storage currently require liquid nitrogen or ultralow refrigeration methods for long or short term... more
To determine the effects of ovarian stimulation with highly purified urofollitropin on oocyte and embryo quality. Design: Parallel randomized open-label clinical study. Setting: Assisted reproduction centers. Patient(s): Two hundred... more
В статье приводятся новые данные об обстоятельствах запрета абортов в СССР в 1936 году. На материалах Челябинской области, а также союзных республик, показана недейственность законодательного запрета и рост числа криминальных абортов.... more
The essay argues that Marianne Moore's "The Camperdown Elm" (1967) employs a form of confession, to the scandal of being an elderly woman, as part of her ongoing exploration and deployment of the evolving dynamics of celebrity culture, to... more