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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyOld Rus'
                     Straps and Trains m the Viking Age: Birka's Female Costume in a New Light Since 1938, when Agnes Geijer presented... more
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Birka, Sigtuna and Medelpad—Glimpses of Three Writing Environments in the Viking Age. The author discusses some aspects of vernacular literacy in the Viking Age by analysing the runic material from three different places in Sweden:... more
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      LiteracyRunologyRunic inscriptionsRunestones
The textiles produced in Viking Age Scandinavia were not only a twofold system of spun fibres. They were a result of complex interactions among resources, technology and society and moreover the Viking societies’ needs, desires and... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyAncient Craftmanship (Archaeology)Viking Age ScandinaviaAncient Textile Technology
Hur kan vi som arkeologer få insyn i och förståelse för historiskt symboliska platser som Birka och Gamla Uppsala? Platsernas monumentalitet och rika forskningshistoria riskerar att påverkar de hypoteser och tolkningar vi lyfter fram och... more
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      Viking Age ScandinaviaChamber GravesBirka
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaMedieval WarfareViking Age
Hard copy available via: The aim of the excavation of Birka’s Black Earth Harbour in 2015/16 was to know more about the wooden extension of the stone-box construction (Swed. stenkista)... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyPorts and Harbours
This paper is a critical response to the recently published ‘A Female Viking Warrior Confirmed by Genomics’ (Hedenstierna-Jonson and others, 2017). Its purpose is to investigate the archaeological sources involved in the DNA research on... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyAncient DNA ResearchVikingsBirka
The warrior woman has long been part of the Viking image, with a pedigree that extends from the Valkyries of Old Norse prose and poetry to modern media entertainment. Until recently, however, actual Viking Age evidence for such... more
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      ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age Scandinavia
In September 2016 geophysical surveys were conducted at Korshamn, as one of the main harbour bays of the island of Björkö, situated outside the town boundaries of the Viking town of Birka. The investigation of a solitarily raised plateau... more
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      Early ChristianityMissionary HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age Scandinavia
Hard copy available via: The volume “New Aspects of Viking-age Urbanism, c. AD 750-1000”, published in the series Theses and Papers in Archaeology of the Archaeological Research... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Viking Age Scandinavia
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      Health SciencesMedieval ArchaeologyOsteologyAnglo-Saxon archaeology
When Viking Age women leave the traditional ways of life in a rurla setting behind and move into the first urban settlements, conditions change and new roles and identities are formed. What can the archaeological record tell us about the... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaBirkaWomen in the Viking Age
De vikingatida lämningar som idag utgör världsarvet Birka och Hovgården har länge engagerat och fascinerat både forskare och besökare. Det finns en rik forskningshistoria, men också en ständig aktualitet kring platsen. Fyndmaterialet från... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyBirka
Situated at the interface between archaeology and numismatics, the Viking-Age coin-pendants offer considerable insights into how coins, valuables and images were perceived. Carefully selected and often homemade, coin-pendants are a... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNumismaticsViking StudiesViking identities
In the collections of Uppsala university, cared for by the university Museum Gustavianum, is the collection of finds from the Valsgärde cemetery, located 4 km north of Uppsala. The cemetery contained boat graves, chamber graves, cremation... more
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      Medieval StudiesViking AgeTablet WeavingHistory of Sweden
The warrior woman has long been part of the Viking image, with a pedigree that extends from the Valkyries of Old Norse prose and poetry to modern media entertainment. Until recently, however, actual Viking Age evidence for such... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaBirka
Excavations of martial structures of the Viking Age trading post of Birka have uncovered new evidence of contacts between Scandinavia and the early Magyar settlement territory. These new finds have led to a revision of the finds in the... more
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      Old Rus'Viking Age ScandinaviaBirkaVikings in the East
There is archaeological evidence of contacts between eastern central Sweden and south-western Finland through the ages: in the Neolithic, the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, and the Late Iron Age. Archaeologists in Finland have often... more
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      Social IdentityHybridizationViking StudiesViking identities
The interpretation of the buried person in Bj 581 as ‘a high-ranking warrior woman’ is not convincing and the image presented by the ten co-authors of the conclusions of older research is misleading. This is an English translation of the... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaBirka
Dear reader, Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license. The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers:... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryUrbanismViking Age Archaeology
Abstract In the mid-10th century a young girl of high social standing was buried in one of the more distinguished grave-fields in Birka. She was placed in a coffin together with a few personal objects. Her dress was of high quality, as... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyBirka
In 1950 a collection of finds from Hedeby harbour were published by an amateur in a regional periodical. They have not received much scholarly attention since. Out of the assemblage, only a penannular brooch came as a loan into the... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyBirkaViking art
This study contends through a formal analysis of extant rules and material gaming pieces that the medieval board game hnefa-tafl served as an important example of cultural and historical record for the Icelandic Commonwealth. Due to the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesOld Norse LiteratureWelsh History
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyBirka
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      Viking Age ScandinaviaBirka
Metallurgic ceramics form a common group of Iron Age/Early Medieval workshop finds. These highly specialized refractory ceramics carry a lot of information; telling us not just about the blacksmiths’ and goldsmiths’ skills in handling... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)ArchaeometryViking Age Archaeology
In research on Birka strong focus has since long been directed towards long-distance contacts with Western as well with and Northeastern Europe (todays Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). The great attention paid to west- and east European... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaViking Age FinlandBirka
Glass is not typically a material one would associate with a chaîne opératoire approach. Whilst molten glass moves as a liquid, as a craft process glass bead making is bound to a linear process just like other types of material culture.... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyCraft KnowledgeCraft production (Archaeology)Beads
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      Economic HistoryUrbanism (Archaeology)Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
The warrior woman has long been part of the Viking image, with a pedigree that extends from the Valkyries of Old Norse prose and poetry to modern media entertainment. Until recently, however, actual Viking Age evidence for such... more
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      ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age Scandinavia
When Birka was established it was without precedent in the Eastern Viking World. The first generation of inhabitants left their traditional rural lifestyle and formed a new way of life. The following generations became the first truly... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaBirka
The warrior woman has long been part of the Viking image, with a pedigree that extends from the Valkyries of Old Norse prose and poetry to modern media entertainment. Until recently, however, actual Viking Age evidence for such... more
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      ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age Scandinavia
I slutet av september år 2017 släppte Uppsala universitet ett pressmeddelande, vilket under oktober samma år kom att få stor uppmärksamhet i massmedia runt om i världen. På Facebook och andra sociala medier delades en uppsjö artiklar med... more
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      ArchaeologyTextilesArabic Language and LinguisticsViking Studies
During the 1972 rescue excavation prior to a motorway construction project in the Swedish region of Södermanland, a previously unknown Viking Age burial ground was found near the farmstead of Årby in Turinge parish. The find included some... more
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      ArchaeologyResearch MethodologyMaterial Culture StudiesTypology
Material evidence of prehistoric crime is rare. A compilation of finds from Hedeby harbour however offers three case studies, where three different offences – thievery, counterfeiting and homicide – are likely. Evidence for the smuggling... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHarbour Archaeology
År 2007 kunde byggnadsarkeologen Sven Rosborn genom studier av bl.a. äldre utgrävningsmaterial lägga fram en delvis helt ny bild av hur palatset Alsnöhus en gång sett ut. Studien lades ut som en interaktiv multimediaapplikation på... more
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      BirkaMedeltidshistoriaMedeltida byggnaderSven Rosborn
Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex in 2017 Two mounds from the Dneprovskaya group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex were excavated in 2017. Mound Dn-59 held a... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryEarly Medieval Archaeology
The town-like settlement of Birka was a major center of trade and crafts in the Eastern region of Viking-Age Scandinavia. The inhabitants constituted a cultural and social mix including people of various origins and with influences from a... more
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      Viking Age ScandinaviaBirkaViking Age Weapons
PHD DEFENCE DATE: May 28 TIME: 13:15 ADDRESS: Humanistiska Teatern * Thunbergsvägen 3C * 752 38 Uppsala DIRECTIONS: FACULTY EXAMINER: Professor Elna Siv Kristoffersen (Stavanger University).... more
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      TypologyPerformanceSociosemioticsSkaldic Poetry
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyBirkaBirka Archaeology
Anders Söderberg describes the functional role of ceramic shells during the brazing process of iron artefacts (bells, padlocks, weights), focussing on the functionally different workshops at Birka and Sigtuna, in Sweden. The author... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Viking Age Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyAnthropology of DressHistory of DressTextiles
Semi-automated approaches to archaeological feature detection can be invaluable aids to the investigation of high resolution, large area archaeological prospection datasets. In order to obtain stable and reliable classification results,... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingLiDARAirborne Laser Scanning
This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave. The equipment contains for example closed... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyArcheryTraditional ArcheryAncient Weapons and Warfare
Dear friends and colleagues! Please feel invited to listen to one of my papers during the upcoming EAA in Budapest - or (if I am lucky!) even both of them ... 😁 See abstracts below
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      IconographyMetalwork (Archaeology)Viking StudiesViking Age Archaeology
Mit den nur begrenzten Untersuchungen des Jahres 2012 lässt sich erstmals eine gesicherte chronologische Abfolge für die Nutzung der Hochburg erstellen: Bereits in der späten Merowingerzeit wird die Hochburg von einem umfangreichen,... more
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      Urbanism (Archaeology)Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyMerovingian and Carolingian
TheViking Period proto-townsite of Birka on the island of Björkö in Lake Mälaren is one of the prime sites in Swedish archaeology and much research has been done on it. However, with time the amount of available information, the fact that... more
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      Urbanism (Archaeology)Archaeological GISViking StudiesViking Age Archaeology
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaMaterial Culture of the Viking age
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      Memory StudiesCultural MemoryHistoriaBirka