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We quantified the diet of the Chilean Hawk (Accipiter chilensis) by analyzing 495 prey remains collected during two breeding seasons (2001-2002 and 2002-2003) in an Andean Nothofagus forest of Nevados de Chillán, northern Patagonia. The... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyAnimal Behaviour
Whether predators can limit their prey has been a topic of scientific debate for decades. Traditionally it was believed that predators take only wounded, sick, old or otherwise low-quality individuals, and thus have little impact on prey... more
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      Population DynamicsRaptorsLiterature ReviewBiological Sciences
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyAnimal BehaviourRaptors
We propose that cavity-nesting bird communities are structured in nest webs analogous to food webs, where interspeci®c and intraspeci®c interactions are centered around nest site availability. Our sites of mixed deciduous coniferous... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesResource useEnvironmental Sciences
- After the exceptional influx of Booted eagles Hieraaetus pennatus from Western Europe in October 2004, we reviewed thespecies’ presence in Italy over the period December 2004 - February 2005 and during spring 2005. We documented the... more
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      GeographyWestern EuropeConservation BiologyEcology
The major goal of this study was to determine whether protective measures in the case of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture are in accordance with public priorities. To this end we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods... more
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      BioeconomicsEndangered SpeciesIsraelBirds of prey
The Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) uses mainly soaring flight during migration and avoids long water crossings between Italy and Africa by crossing at the Strait of Gibraltar. Observations were made 15-26 September 2000 at four... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyAnimal Behaviour
Check list degli uccelli del Parco Regionale della Murgia materana
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      Bird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)BirdwatchingBird Conservation
Intraspecific variation in plumage may have a functional significance in mate choice. As a result, breeding birds are often paired assortatively with respect to colour. However, whether this within-pair correlation is a result of... more
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      Cognitive SciencePigmentationMate ChoiceAssortative Mating
Historically the species was widespread and very common; the decline of the population probably took place at the end of 19th century and went on in the first decades of the 20th century. At the moment there are 20-22/25 breeding pairs,... more
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      Birds (Ecology)Birds of preyBird MigrationBreeding Ecology of Birds
For the past five years I’ve been doing research on the cognitive abilities of African Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus), attempting to document not only their remark-able linguistic abilities but also examining the way that they interact... more
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      Cultural StudiesCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnthropology
Riassunto – Si presenta la prima checklist della Basilicata aggiornata al 31 Maggio 2008. Le informazioni riguardanti l'avifauna lucana sono ancora molto scarse e frammentarie a causa del basso sforzo di ricerca effettuato nella regione.... more
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      Bird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)BirdwatchingBirds of prey
Il Grillaio per la prima volta in un Piano d'Azione nazionale per la tutela e salvaguardia. Il falco, recentemente passato dallo status di SPEC1 a SPEC3, ha popolazioni concentrate prevalentemente tra Basilicata e Puglia ma negli ultimi... more
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      Conservation BiologyBird (Ornithology)Raptor BiologyBirds (Ecology)
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      Conservation BiologyBird (Ornithology)SardiniaBirds of prey
Age and sex structure of Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) in feeding areas of central Chile.-The age and sex structures of the Andean Condor are known for some parts of its range while in other such areas data are lacking. The aim of this... more
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      Environmental ScienceBirds (Ecology)Animal BehaviourBehavioral Ecology
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
This is an update to the "Status, distribution and population of breeding birds in Sardinia (Italy) to 1995" published at the end of the last century by the same author. This work examines the species that have been breeding in Sardinia... more
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      SardiniaBird ConservationBirds of preyRed List
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      Raptor BiologyRaptorsBirds of preyKleptoparasitism
We report the data on the first findings of Eagle Owl in Sardinia. An adult individual of the nominal subspecies with the mark "Nuoro, 15th October 1946" was found in a private collection in northern Italy. Another individual was seen... more
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      OwlsBirds of preyBirds of Sardinia
Se dan a conocer los registros colectados durante la temporada 2021 del proyecto. Estos en total fueron 154, repartidos en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa fe, Rio Negro, Santa Cruz, La Pampa, Tierra del fuego, Chubut, Entre... more
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      ArgentinaRaptorsOwlsBirds of prey
Aflatoxins, a group of related secondary metabolites of Aspergillus fungi, are commonly found on grains and seeds. Numerous outbreaks of acute aflatoxicosis have been documented worldwide and several epidemiological studies have shown a... more
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      ToxicologyRaptorsBirds of preyENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
Resumen • El chimango (Milvago chimango) es el miembro más abundante de los ensambles de aves rapaces desde Paraguay y Bolivia hasta el extremo sur de Argentina. En la Patagonia argentina estudiamos la nidificación de una población de... more
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      Birds (Ecology)RaptorsBirds of preySimbiosis
Nótulas Nótulas RESUMEN. En este estudio se proporcionan nuevos registros de nidificación del jote cabeza negra (Coragyps atratus) y del jote cabeza colorada (Cathartes aura) para la provincia de Río Negro. Jotes cabeza colorada ubicaron... more
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      Raptor BiologyBirds (Ecology)RaptorsPatagonia
The first population size estimates were of 110-150 breeding pairs in Sardinia; this estimate was updated to 150-200 pairs at the end of last century. More recently, a possible population of about 230-250 pairs is estimated, with a stable... more
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      SardiniaBirds of preyHabitat, Ecology and Human Aspect for the Conservation of birdsBirds Ecology and Behaviour
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      OrnithologyMarine OrnithologyBird (Ornithology)Parrots (Ornithology)
In this article I describe a case of pyric carnivory observed during a roadside raptor survey in northern Corrientes province, Argentina. In a fire front of about two kilometers long, 213 raptors of five species were detected: 190... more
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      Grassland EcologyBirds of preyNeotropical ornithologyFires
This chapter develops a perspective on raptors in the Iron Age and Middle Ages until c. 1500 AD in cultural areas inhabited by the speakers of the North Finnic dialects that became the Finnish, Karelian and Ižorian languages. It develops... more
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      SemioticsMythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural History
On 21th January 1995, a first-winter European Honey-buzzard, Pernis apivorus, has been photographed in the Oristano Gulf (west Sardinia, ltaly). The bird slayed in an area surrounded by a mixed Pinus and Eucalyptus re­ afforestation. In... more
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      Birds (Ecology)Birds of prey
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      Wildlife ConservationConservación De Fauna SilvestreBirds of prey
fondata nel 1994 conta attualmente oltre 200 soci ed ha sede presso il Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia. Gli obiettivi dell'Associazione sono quelli di: 1) diffondere l'interesse per la fauna selvatica a Vertebrati del Veneto, anche... more
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    • Birds of prey
This paper surveys the zooarchaeological evidence for the practice of hawking in England from its origins up to around AD 1500. Although there are some tantalising possible traces of hawking during the Roman (AD 43–410) and Early... more
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      ZooarchaeologyHuman-Animal RelationsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
Esta enfermedad, transmitida por roedores silvestres, ha tenido una rápida emergencia en países latinoamericanos como Brasil, Argentina, Paraguay y Chile, considerándose ya una zoonosis panamericana, al ser conocida también en América del... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyEcologyBiodiversity
This paper is the introduction, discussion and summary of the following book: K-H. Gersmann & O. Grimm (eds.), Raptor and human - falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale. Publication in August 2018 in... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ReligionInterdisciplinary StudiesHuman-Animal Studies
Ölü uğurlama törenlerinin bir kısmı ölümden sonra insan ruhunun dünyadan uçarak, gökteki bir yere göçeceği inancına yöneliktir. Çoğunlukla gökte tasavvur edilen tanrı veya tanrılara eriştirmek için, cesedi veya cesedin içinde olan ruhu,... more
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      TransformationBirds of preyTurksFuneral
Se ofrece ensayo sobre el Cenzontle, sinsonte, mimus polyglottos o mockingbird, ave de las cuatrocientas voces, ave sagrada de México.
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      BirdsongBirds of preyBirdsEducacion
Photographs cover: Relief of Merymery and Apis statuette (photographs by K. Wentink) ISBN 978-90-8890-772-2 (softcover) ISBN 978-90-8890-771-5 (hardcover) ISBN 978-90-8890-773-9 (PDF e-book) L a b E x A N R -1 1 -L A B X -0 0 3 2 -0 1
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistory of MuseumsAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyBirds of prey
Gli areali riproduttivi delle specie trattate sono stati attinti dai CD "Aves -Guida elettronica per l'Ornitologo" di Pierandrea Brichetti, su concessione dell'Autore. Gli areali di svernamento sono stati delineati da Nicola Baccetti e... more
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      Conservation BiologyBird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)Birds of prey
Birds of prey have been, in comparison to other avian groups, an uncommon study model, mainly due to the limitations imposed by their conservative life strategy (low population density and turnover). Nonetheless, they have attracted a... more
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      ZoologyOrnithologyEcosystem ServicesConservation Biology
NESTING OF THE AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverius) AND THE HARRIS HAWK (Parabuteo unicinctus) IN BUENOS AIRES CITY, ARGENTINA. Observations of six nesting pairs of raptors were conducted in the north side of Buenos Aires City. Five... more
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      OrnithologyEcologyRaptor BiologyBirds (Ecology)
The paper is the synthesis for the second book on raptors and falconry, published by the ZBSA (Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology)
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      InterdisciplinarityHunting (Human Animal Relations)Human-Animal StudiesRaptors
On c 20 November 2011, an injured Peregrine Falco peregrinus with a Russian ring (Moskwa CS006254) picked up in Sardinia, Italy. The bird had a broken wing and was taken to a shelter. It was found to have been ringed as a nestling on 3... more
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      MigrationBirds of preyOrnitology
The main aim of this paper is interpretation and discussion of the meaning of birds in Viking Age mortuary practices, beliefs, art as well as medieval written sources (e.g. Icelandic sagas, Poetic Edda). Special attention will be... more
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      ArchaeologyOrnithologyOld Norse LiteratureViking Studies
In contrast to contemporary Scandinavia with its many burials of men that include raptors, only very few human graves with bones of bird of prey are known from the Central European 1st millennium AD. This observation, plus the fact that... more
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      History of ScienceArchaeozoologyHunting (Human Animal Relations)Bird remains (Zooarchaeology)
During the poetry tour of UK and Europe, Bill and Daph hosted me in their delightful cottage in St Albans, following my Ver Poets recitation (April 27, 1998). I recall being transfixed by a tiny metal sculpture of an owl in the bedroom.... more
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      PoetryBlack HolesModern PoetryContemporary Poetry
Archaeological, iconographic, ethno-historic, and ethnological sources reveal a wide range of traditional human-raptor interactions in Mesoamerica. Raptors-including vultures, hawks, eagles, owls, and falcons-have played a significant... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyRaptorsMesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican Religion
A origem do nome do arquipélago dos Açores é um dos assuntos mais intrigantes sobre a história destas ilhas Atlânticas. Das muitas teorias apresentadas ao longo dos tempos, a que defende a identificação errónea da espécie de ave de... more
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      Birds (Ecology)AzoresBirds of preyFalconry
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      Conservation BiologyConservationArgentinaRaptors
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      OrnithologyAnimal BehaviorBird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)