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      BiosystematicsMonoclonal Antibodies
This study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative morphology to characterise and group different representative species of the family Sapindaceae in Africa. The morphological characters used included leaf, stem and fruit.... more
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Filogeni sangat fundamental dalam menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan dan menggambarkan garis evolusi antar organisme. Filogeni merupakan hasil analisis dari filogenetik, dalam hal ini filogenetik molekuler yang menganalisis sekuens... more
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      SystematicsBiosystematicsMolecular phylogenetics
A problem set of compiled Biology Olympiad questions.
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Praptosuwiryo TNg. 2017. Spore germination and early gametophyte development of Platycerium wandae (Polypodiaceae) from Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18: 175-182. Studies on gametophyte development in ferns are very important, as the... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)PteridologyBiosystematics
We describe Halmaheramys bokimekot Fabre, Pagès, Musser, Fitriana, Semiadi & Helgen gen. et sp. nov., a new genus and species of murine rodent from the North Moluccas, and study its phylogenetic placement using both molecular and... more
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    • Biosystematics
Two recognized species of Ceropegia L. from India are lectotypified here, namely, Ceropegia macrantha Wight
and C. wallichii Wight.
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)Plant EcologyConservation Biology
In the present work, terrestrial isopods of the family Eubelidae are investigated in Iran. The genera Periscy-phis and Somalodillo are reported for the first time. More localities are presented for Koweitoniscus tamei (Omer-Cooper, 1923)... more
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The evolution of terrestrial isopods to on the land required several morphological, anatomical and physiological adaptations. The presence of the brood pouch or marsupium in ovigerous females was among the most important features allowing... more
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    • Biosystematics
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      BiosystematicsMonoclonal Antibodies
What is Bio Systematics? Biological systematics is the study of the diversification of living forms, both past and present, and the relationships among living things through time. Relationships are visualized as evolutionary trees... more
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      BiosystematicsMonoclonal Antibodies
We describe Halmaheramys bokimekot Fabre, Pagès, Musser, Fitriana, Semiadi & Helgen gen. et sp. nov., a new genus and species of murine rodent from the North Moluccas, and study its phylogenetic placement using both molecular and... more
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ABSTRACT Natural intraspecific and interspecific crosses among Capsicum species are very high, resulting in intermediary forms which are complex to categorize. It is likely that through these crosses, new species or varieties may have... more
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      BotanyGeneticsSystematics (Taxonomy)Crop genetic diversity
Статья посвящена анализу развития филогенетики – области биологической система-тики, которая занимается идентификацией и прояснением эволюционных взаимоотношений между видами, как ныне живущими, так и вымершими. Цель статьи – выделить и... more
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      GenomicsHistory of ScienceBiosystematicsPhylogeny
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. subsp. arundinacea) is one of the most economically important forage grasses in cold and temperate regions of the world. In this study, we have assessed the genetic diversity and structure of wild... more
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      Plant SystematicsBiosystematicsPlant Systematics and Biosystematics
In nature subordination of organic beings in groups under groups is an established fact rather than an artifact. As against the abiotic things, the living beings exhibit a state of dynamism due to the influence of infinite evolutionary... more
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      BioinformaticsBotanyConservation BiologyPhylogenetics
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