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Kamena Gora is located in the southwesternmost part of Serbia, near the border of Montenegro and represents a part of the Stari Vlah-Raška highland region of the Dinarides in Serbia. This area belongs to the region of Srednje Polimlje,... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BiodiversityBiospeleology
Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Tuscany (central Italy)
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    • Biospeleology
Se presenta información taxonómica sobre 348 especies animales, con datos biológicos, biogeográficos y ecológicos. Se describe el karst guipuzcoano y su evolución geológica y climática durante el Mesozoico y Cenozoico. Se describen los... more
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      BiospeleologySubterranean BiologyCave Fauna
Hypogean habitat has characteristic features: lack of sunlight, stable climate, limited food sources. Cave-dwelling species evolved morphological and physiological adaptations. They are categorized by adaptability in: trogloxenes... more
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      EntomologyBiospeleologyCave BiologyCave and Karst Studies
Review of selected taxonomic groups registered in the caves of Ukraine, including Nematoda, Crustacea, Collembola, Coleoptera, some other groups if insects, Aranei, Acari, Lissamphibia, Mammalia, Aves. Total list of cavernicolas includes... more
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      UkraineBiospeleologyCave BiologyCave Fauna
The process of complexity rise is both causal and casual simultaneously, one of both probabilistic and highly ontogenesis-depending nature, highly causal and casual simultaneously. That ambiguitu of the process always confused... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesInformation TheoryMacroecology
The Erreketa cave (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country) is developed in a bar of marbles and black marly limestone of Turonian age (late Cretaceous) intruded by basic-ultrabasic sills of the base of the late Cretaceous volcanic complex of the... more
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Two new caves located in the Sierra de Aralar (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country) are described. One of them is in a hardly visible depression of the slope and is a fossil cavity of short development. The other was explored after unclog and widen... more
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      HydrogeologyKarst GeomorphologyKarst and speleologyBiospeleology
A. Procaccianti1, M. Tandari1-2, G. Catoni1, F. Toso1-2, A. Ferracci 1, V. Poole1, G. Bosso1-3 1 Shaka Zulu Club Subiaco 2 Speleo Club Roma 3 Gruppo speleologico Ruvese Da almeno un triennio le ricerche esplorative dello Shaka Zulu Club... more
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      SpeleologyKarst and speleologyBiospeleologyBiospelology
We present taxonomical, biological, ecological and biogeographical data about 22 troglobiont taxa. These belong to 19 distinc families in 10 zoological orders: Amphipoda, lsopoda, Decapoda, Amblypygi, Opiliones, Collembola, Blattaria,... more
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A three-year study on the presence and distribution in space and time of snow flies was carried out inside the ice cave Buso del Valon (Lessini Mountains, 45°N, 11°E). An updated checklist, based on both published data and new records on... more
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    • Biospeleology
Many biospeleological studies focus on organisms that are exclusive inhabitants of the subterranean realm, but organisms that are not obligate cave-dwellers are frequent in caves, and may account for a substantial portion of biomass.... more
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      Community EcologyEcologyCommunityBiospeleology
Siju Cave in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya, India was the subject of a meticulous and detailed biological survey in 1922. The cave was re-visited, and the biota documented in 2019. Observations made in 2019 were compared to those reported... more
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    • Biospeleology
Biospeleology Congress Abstracts
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      Environmental EngineeringGeologyHydrogeologyWater
Timor-Leste (formerly East-Timor) is one of the youngest nations in the world. Partly because of its troubled recent history, this small Southeast Asian country nowadays remains one of the least explored as far as speleology is concerned.... more
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      East TimorKarst and speleologyBiospeleologyTimor-Leste
aBstRaCt: Islamia trichoniana Radoman, Pseudoislamia balcanica Radoman and Trichonia trichonica Radoman are local endemics and threatened hydrobiids living in Lake Trichonis, Western Greece. The rough initial description of their... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyFreshwater EcologyMalacology (Biology)Biospeleology
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      SpeleologyBiospeleologyCrna Gora
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      Karst EnvironmentsSpeleologyKarst and speleologyBiospeleology
Andhracoides gebaueri n. sp. from Belum Cave is the second hypogean representative of the genus Andhracoides Wilson and Ranga Reddy, 2011, the first one being Andhracoides shabuddin Wilson and Ranga Reddy, 2011, from Guthikonda Cave; both... more
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A bibliographic analysis of the hypogean biological studies in Portugal is made, compiling 138 publications related to the subterranean invertebrate fauna, since its begining in 1870 until November 2012. A catalogue of hypogean endemic... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyConservation BiologyPublic Relations
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RIASSUNTO -Il contributo del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona allo sviluppo della biospeleologia -Le origini del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona risalgono alla metà del XVI secolo. Un gran numero di naturalisti veronesi... more
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      History of ScienceNatural HistoryMuseologyBiospeleology
Many biospeleological studies focus on organisms that are exclusive inhabitants of the subterranean realm, but organisms that are not obligate cave-dwellers are frequent in caves, and may account for a substantial portion of biomass.... more
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      Community EcologyEcologyCommunityBiospeleology
Cave entrances are transition zones with intermediate characteristics between epigean environments, which bear lower environmental stability, and hypogean environments, with lower food resources. Associated to these interfaces there is a... more
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      BiospeleologyCave BiologySpeleobiology
The reproductive biology of European salamanders of the genus Hydromantes (subgenus Speleomantes) is poorly known. The lack of information is related to their cryptic behaviour and habitat, which make detection extremely difficult,... more
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      ReproductionParental careBiospeleologyCave Biology
The Abkhazian region, in the southern foothills of the Caucasus Mountain Range, comprises a unique natural environment containing numerous subterranean habitats with relict and endemic lineages of ob¬ligate stygofauna. We aimed to assess... more
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      AmphipodaBiospeleologyCave and Karst Studies
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      EcologyInvertebrate ZoologyBiospeleologyCave and Karst Studies
Se describe la sima de Basolo, situada en el karst Jurásico de Aralar. La cavidad contiene galerías fósiles que evidencian un funcionamiento hídrico anterior. Los cambios climáticos Pleistocenos alternaron fases de intensa denudación y... more
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      GeomorphologyKarst and speleologyBiospeleologyCave and Karst Studies
This preliminary report summarizes the results of our study on the status of the southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus) in Arkansas. Its presence in the state represents the western- southern limits of its distribution. Three... more
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      BiospeleologyCave Biology
A new bathynellacean, Camachobathynella meghalayaensis n. gen., n. sp., is described from a hyporheic habitat in Meghalaya, a northeastern Indian state. This is the first Palearctic bathynellacean from India. It has very little in common... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyConservation BiologyTaxonomyEcology
In the last decades the quick development of road net round towns of Sardinia has revealed how the underground world is much wider than one could suppose, allowing in face area the exploration of several natural caves without a link with... more
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      BiospeleologyCave BiologyCollembolaSubterranean Biology
We collected and studied a large number of specimens of the two species of the genus Diaprysius present in Hérault department (France), D. andreae Fagniez, 1922 and D. sicardi Mayet, 1907. We conclude that they are, in fact, one unique... more
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      Coleoptera SystematicsSystematic EntomologyBiospeleologyCave Biology
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationPetroglyphs and PictographsArchaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)
A checklist of the troglobitic coleoptera species of the genus Cytodromus Abeille, 1876 is presented with an iconography. Distribution maps, descriptions and a key to the species are provided along with detailed pictures of males’... more
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      Coleoptera SystematicsBiospeleologyCave BiologyColeoptera
Fifty species of guanophilic (bat guano-loving) fungi were isolated from field-collected samples within three caves in southwestern Puerto Rico; most were mitosporic fungi (23 species). The caves studied were Cueva La Tuna (Cabo Rojo),... more
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Austrotyla awishoshola n. sp. is described from the moss gardens of one lava tube cave in El Malpais National Monument, Cibola Co., New Mexico. Most chordeumatidans require mesic conditions, and these environments are limited to moss... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyEcologySpeleology
During the dry season, the European Plethodontid salamanders (genus Hydromantes) usually occupy underground environments (i.e. caves), where they can find cold temperatures and high moisture. Hydromantes breed in hypogean environments,... more
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      BreedingBiospeleologyCave BiologyTemperature
New locations of Coletinia maggii (Grassi, 1887) have been discovered in the center of the Iberian Peninsula in different types of subterranean environments, such as a stony layer in the subsoil of an alluvial plain, an alluvial Mesovoid... more
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      EntomologyBiospeleologySubterranean Biology
Recently, a series of systematized studies of the Milieu Souterrain Superficiel (MSS) are being carried in several enclaves of the Iberian Peninsula, which have entailed the finding of the enigmatic ant Aphaenogaster cardenai Espadaler,... more
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      Subterranean Ecology (Ecology)BiospeleologyFormicidaeSubterranean Biology
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      EntomologyBiologyBiodiversitySystematic Entomology
In the course of time the legislation of protection caves is developed and specialized under a number of normative acts, but until today they do not relate to the caves as a basic object of protection. There are several present acts,... more
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      Karst EnvironmentsKarst GeomorphologyArchaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)Speleology
We present a preliminary research on geomorphology and fauna for the study of the SUC (Superficial Underground Compartment) in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). The survey has taken place in coluvial deposits and hillside sediments, in two... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyEcologyBiospeleology
Recent surveys have recorded cosmopolitan cyclopoid copepods such as Macrocyclops albidus, Meso-cyclops aspericorni, Microcyclops varicans and Eucyclops agilis from Cueva Clara de Empalme (or Cueva Clara) in the Río Camuy Caves Park of... more
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      Freshwater BiologyBiospeleologyPlankton, CopepodsFreshwater Biology and Limnology
Larval and winged stages of Paraleptophlebia werneri Ulmer, 1919 were found in Andreevskaya Cave and Verkhnyaya Shakuranskaya Cave (W Caucasus, Abkhazia). No considerable differences in chaetotaxy, coloration and body size of larval and... more
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      CaucasusAbkhaziaBiospeleologyCave Biology
Cave invertebrate communities are dependent upon exogenous energy sources because their environment generally lacks primary producers. In small caves of central Texas, endemic terrestrial cave invertebrates often rely in part on the... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiospeleologyOrthopteraCave and Karst Studies
Species known from literature and over 60 species from Ukrainian caves from author’s collection are reviewed. Troglobionts are: Crimean Pseudaphaenops tauricus, P. jakobsoni, Taurocimmerites dublanskii and Carpathian Duvalius... more
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      BiospeleologyCave BiologyColeopteraSubterranean Biology
A new collembolan species of the genus Arrhopalites Borner, 1906 from Ukrainian (Eastern) Carpathians is described, figured and compared with similar species. A. kristiani Vargovich, sp. n. belongs to the species group with one spine on... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)UkraineBiospeleologyCave Biology