Recent papers in Bioremediation
Biosorption is a physico-chemical and metabolically-independent process based on a variety of mechanisms including absorption, adsorption, ion exchange, surface complexation and precipitation. Biosorption processes are highly important in... more
Paraffin wax produced from crude oil consists primarily of long chain, saturated hydrocarbons (linear alkanes/ n-paraffins) with carbon chain lengths of C18 to C75+, having individual melting points from 40 to 70°C. This wax material is... more
Abstract The capability of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris (Cv) for biomass production and nutrients removal under different wastewater quality has been studied. Cv was cultivated in a standard medium ( Marine labs American society of... more
DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane] is a major environmental pollutant and economical methods to remove DDT from the environment are required. In this work we used seaweed (dried and ground) to enhance DDT transformation... more
The two smallest islands of the Azores have received at the same year the title of Biosphere Reserve, from the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme. The territorial object of this article is precisely one of those islands, Graciosa... more
In this work, a brewer’s yeast strain was used to remove heavy metals from a synthetic effluent. The solid–liquid separation process was carried out using the flocculation ability of the strain. The yeast strain was able to sediment in... more
Aims: The presented study was aimed to reveal transcriptional regulation of genes involved in SDS degradation (sdsA and sdsB) in Pseudomonas sp. ATCC19151. In addition, the ability of Pseudomonas sp. ATCC19151 to degrade anionic... more
Perchlorate (ClO 4 2 ) release into the environment has occurred primarily in association with its manufacture and use in solid rocket propellant. When released into groundwater, perchlorate can spread over large distances because it is... more
Palabras clave: biorremediación, toxicidad, bacterias, rutas catabólicas, mecanismos moleculares RESUMEN Los plaguicidas N-metilcarbamatos, son muy utilizados a nivel mundial para controlar insectos, ácaros, nemátodos, hongos y malezas en... more
The study was aimed at determining the effects of industrial effluents on the soil environment of Challawa industrial area, Kano State Nigeria. Profile pit soils were sampled in the areas affected by industrial effluents and the adjacent... more
Lecturers and tutors Simona Rossetti, IRSA-CNR, Italy Anna Barra Caracciolo, IRSA-CNR, Italy Federico Aulenta, IRSA-CNR, Italy Claudia Beimfohr, Vermicon, Germany Philippe Corvini , University of Applied Sciences and Arts... more
An innovative bioprocess method, Systematic Environmental Molecular Bioremediation Technology (SEMBT) that combines bioaugmentation and biostimulation with a molecular monitoring microarray biochip, was developed as an integrated... more
Our study dealt with the phenol bioremediation potential of Earthworms which were collected from a vermicomposting unit in Vellore, Tamil Nadu and maintained under proper growth conditions. Different concentrations of phenol ranging from... more
Biodiversity conservation is a significant challenge for urban planning and management. When new urban development strategies are introduced, their effects on urban biodiversity are often unknown and may have serious consequences for... more
Overview of biodiversity in wastewaters Biodiversity is complex in wastewaters, involving micro/macro flora and fauna, and viruses. Interactions among the biota range from mutualism to predation. Community and trophic level cascades... more
Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil is studied using the slurry bioreactor. This method overcomes the limitations of the mass transfer rates and thereby improves the extent of degradation as compared to the... more
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are major and recalcitrant pollutants of the environment and their removal presents a significant problem. Phytoremediation has shown much promise in PAH removal from contaminated soil, but may be... more
Pit lakes (abandoned flooded mine pits) represent a potentially valuable resource to mining companies, the environment and community, if appropriate water quality can be achieved. However, the water is often of low pH with high dissolved... more
Coal is one of the most commonly utilized fossil fuel for energy production across the globe leading to higher amount of emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the atmosphere. Combustion of coal containing higher contents of sulfur is a... more
The combined remediation mechanisms of volatilization and biodegradation in the vadose zone were investigated for naphthalene remediation at a creosote-contaminated site where a poplar tree-based phytoremediation system has been... more
Culturable hererotrophic bacteria Vibrios Filter-feeding activity Bioremediation Bioindicator Spongia officinalis Apulian coasts a b s t r a c t This study was carried out to evaluate the microbiological accumulation capability of the... more
The extraction behaviour of Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solution, as function of pH, has been investigated with chloroform solutions of 1-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-dodecyldithiocarboxylate-5-pyrazolone (HDTC-12) as... more
The present study was aimed to assess the ability of Bacillus sp. JDM-2-1 and Staphylococcus capitis to reduce hexavalent chromium into its trivalent form. Bacillus sp. JDM-2-1 could tolerate Cr(VI) (4800 µg/mL) and S. capitis could... more
An underwater device, able to favour the sea auto-cleaning capacities, is herein described. This system, called MUDS (marine underwater depuration system), consists of a percolating filter and is placed at sea over an urban sewage outflow... more
Επιλέξατε μία μέθοδο βιοαποκατάστασης εδαφών από την βιβλιογραφία και αναζητείστε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες.
The kinetics study of effluents from food and detergent industries were carried out. Two different bacteria Pseudomonas spp and Bacillus spp were isolated from food effluent (FE) and detergent effluents (DE) and were used for their... more
Polyurethanes (PU) are the sixth most produced plastics with around 18-million tons in 2016, but since they are not recyclable, they are burned or landfilled, generating damage to human health and ecosystems. To elucidate the mechanisms... more
Plant species, spatial variability in plant diversity and vegetation cover were recorded at a French timber treatment site with Cu-contaminated soils (65-2600 mg/kg). Shoot biomass, shoot Cu concentration and accumulation were determined... more
The revolution in metal industries worldwide and anthropogenic activities has added significantly large amount of metals into the natural environment leading to hazardous impact on diverse organisms. Remediation of metal contaminants... more
The present study reports on tolerance study of heavy metals by endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungi isolated from agriculture field used for the study were Phomopsis sp, Fusarium sp.1, Colletotrichum sp, Fusarium sp.2 and Phoma sp. To test... more
Cryptococcus albidus, isolated from the sediments of Century Pulp and Paper Mill, Lalkuan, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India, produced a copper containing oxidase, laccase, that was capable of degrading environmental pollutants. Bagasse was... more
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) worldwide has increased its area sown and yield per hectare, however currently producers are facing strong legislation issued by the European Union regarding the maximum levels of lead and cadmium that must have... more
The ability of brown-rot fungi (BRF) to eliminate DDT in artificially and historically contaminated soil was investigated to determine whether the BRF would be suitable for the bioremediation of DDT in soil. Gloeophyllum trabeum,... more
Composting of biowaste and diesel contaminated-soil is an efficient bioremediation method, with mature compost as a usable end product.
Methyl parathion (MeP) is a very hazardous pesticide freely used in agriculture in Mexico. This pesticide and others, arriving through different processes, exert significant effects on water quality with serious consequences for... more
Plant species, spatial variability in plant diversity and vegetation cover were recorded at a French timber treatment site with Cu-contaminated soils (65-2600 mg/kg). Shoot biomass, shoot Cu concentration and accumulation were determined... more
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
Yarrowia lipolytica is a fungus that degrades hydrophobic substrates very efficiently. The fungus displays several important characteristics that have encouraged researchers to study various basic biological and biotechnological... more
En la presente investigación se ha aplicado y comparado el método de bioestimulación con el de atenuación natural sobre suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos en la zona norte del país. La atenuación natural es la degradación generada por... more
Additional index words. ferns, foliage plant, phytoremediation, sick building syndrome, volatile organic compounds Abstract. The efficiency of volatile formaldehyde removal was assessed in 86 species of plants representing five general... more
Page 1. Population Changes of Soil Microbial Communities Induced by Hydrocarbon and Heavy Metal Contamination Roger Dobler, Matthias Saner, and Reinhard Bachofen* University of Zurich, Institute for Plant Biology, Zollikerstr. 107,... more