Bioprocess Technology

213 papers
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Bioprocess Technology is the use of biological systems or organisms to develop products and processes, primarily in the fields of biotechnology and bioengineering. It encompasses the design, optimization, and control of bioprocesses for the production of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other bioproducts, integrating principles of microbiology, biochemistry, and chemical engineering.
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers have long been pursued to meet clinical needs by using native hemoglobin (Hb) from human or animal blood, or recombinantly produced Hb, but the development has been impeded by safety and toxicity issues.... more
Studi tentang pemurnian etanol secara mikrofiltrasi menggunakan membran selulosa ester telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah metode mikrofiltrasi dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemurnian etanol, dan... more
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki cadangan batubara yang besar, sehingga bahan bakar tersebut dipakai oleh beberapa industri seperti semen dan baja. Batubara di Indonesia adalah batubara dengan kualitas rendah yang memiliki... more
Biorefineries are examples of industries striving towards a circular and bio-based economy through valorising natural raw materials to a spectrum of products. This is a resource-efficient process which also decreases overall environmental... more
Real-time monitoring of product titers during process development and production of biotherapeutics facilitate implementation of quality-by-design principles and enable rapid bioprocess decision and optimization of the production process.... more
Lignocellulosic biomass fractionation is typically performed using methods that are somehow harsh to the environment, such as in the case of kraft pulping. In recent years, the development of new sustainable and environmentally friendly... more
Gasifikasi batubara allothermal menjadi tren pengembangan saat ini karena dapat menghasilkan gas sintesis tanpa menggunakan pereaksi O2 murni, rasio H2/CO dalam produk yang besar dan cocok untuk batubara lignit. Makalah ini membahas... more
Biosorption batch experiments were conducted to determine the cesium binding ability of native biomass and chemically modified biosorbents derived from marine algae, namely ferrocyanide algal sorbents type 1 and type 2 (FASs1 and FASs2).... more
Biosorption batch experiments were conducted to determine the cesium binding ability of native biomass and chemically modified biosorbents derived from marine algae, namely ferrocyanide algal sorbents type 1 and type 2 (FASs1 and FASs2).... more
Considering the much higher enzymatic activity reached when the initial fibre material was further disintegrated it is assumed that the possibilities for enzymes to attack desired structures of the intact fibre wall may have been too few... more
Fermentation is a process which involves slow decomposition of organic substances, induced by enzymes or microorganisms that basically convert carbohydrates into organic acids. Fermented foods and beverages have a diversity of traditions... more
Phosphorus (P) is a critical element for life on Earth. However, readily extractable ores are being exhausted rapidly and a combination of increasing usage, rising costs and numerous geopolitical problems are expected to impact food... more
Microalgal biotechnology has yielded a range of products for different consumer markets, but large scale production for bulk commodities is limited by the cost and environmental impact of production. Nutrient requirements for large-scale... more
Vermicomposting results in the production of two bio-fertilizers, vermicompost and vermiwash. The bio-fertilizers were applied to 4kg of loam-clay soil over a period of 40 days. The effect of the vermicompost, vermiwash, application time... more
Saccharomyces boulardii is non-pathogenic probiotic yeast with many health benefits. In the present work, studies were carried out to improve cell growth kinetics to produce cell mass of this biotherapeutic yeast in semi-industrial scale.... more
Combustion of biomass produces thermal energy that can be utilized of other energy utilities by conversion through fluidized combustion systems. Fluidized reactor with a system (fluidized bed) is an option to the existing conversion... more
Vermicomposting results in the production of two bio-fertilizers, vermicompost and vermiwash. The bio-fertilizers were applied to 4kg of loam-clay soil over a period of 40 days. The effect of the vermicompost, vermiwash, application time... more
Huge quantities of apple orchard waste (AOW) generated could be regarded as a promising alternative energy source for fuel and material production. Conventional and traditional processes for disposal of these wastes are neither economical... more
Phosphorus (P) is a critical element for life on Earth. However, readily extractable ores are being exhausted rapidly and a combination of increasing usage, rising costs and numerous geopolitical problems are expected to impact food... more
Pharmaceutical residues are found in the environment due to extensive use in human and veterinary medicine. The active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have a potential impact in non-target organisms. Municipal wastewater treatment... more
Ultrasound has many uses, such as in medical imaging, monitoring of crystallization, characterization of emulsions and suspensions, and disruption of cell membranes in the food industry. It can also affect microbial cells by promoting or... more
One of the stages of post-harvest handling is drying rice. The rice drying process for this is still done by direct drying under the sun. The drying process depends on the amount of solar radiation, especially the rainy winter weather.... more
The successful functioning and stability of an anaerobic digester depends on the interplay of several factors, each of which is very important to the success of the system as a whole. pH is central to the whole system as it dictates the... more
Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil kelapa dengan hasil yang melimpah. Batang kelapa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku furniture dimana hasil sampingnya berupa serbuk gergaji. Serbuk gergaji kayu kelapa merupakan salah satu biomassa yang... more
ABSTRAK. Kedelai (Glycine max) adalah salah satu komoditi yang kaya akan protein namun mengandung rafinosa dan stakiosa yang dapat menimbulkan flatulensi (gas berlebihan) dalam tubuh manusia. Rhizopus oryzae diketahui dapat mengurangi... more
Indonesia merupakan penghasil biomassa lignoselulosa residu pertanian yang cukup melimpah, salah satunya adalah limbah pertanian sorgum yang belum memiliki nilai ekonomis berupa batang Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Total gula... more
Background and Objective: Lactobacillus plantarum is one of the probiotics species used in functional food products. These bacteria or their purified bacteriocins are used as biological preservatives in the food industry. The first step... more
Pemanfaatan sumber energi biomasa sebagai salah satu sumber energi alternatif di Indonesia sangatlah potensial karena ketersediaanya yang sangat berlimpah. Akan tetapi, bahan bakar biomasa seperti ampas tebu misalnya, mempunyai nilai... more
New activated sludge processes that utilize sorption as a major mechanism for organics removal are being developed to maximize energy recovery from wastewater organics, or as enhanced primary treatment technologies. To model and optimize... more
There are 3 choices in accommodating power station facility which have beeninstalled to fulfill standard regulation of environmental quality which progressivelytighten. Firstly, facility modification of pulverized–coal fired power plant... more
In recent years, the effective purification of PEGylated therapeutic proteins from reaction media has received particular attention. Although several techniques have been used, affinity-based strategies have been scarcely explored despite... more
Fungal infections in humans are mostly due to Candida albicans, an opportunistic commensal yeast that causes systemic and invasive candidiasis. Conventional treatment of candidiasis using antifungal compounds such as polyenes and azoles... more
The successful functioning and stability of an anaerobic digester depends on the interplay of several factors, each of which is very important to the success of the system as a whole. pH is central to the whole system as it dictates the... more
Considering the much higher enzymatic activity reached when the initial fibre material was further disintegrated it is assumed that the possibilities for enzymes to attack desired structures of the intact fibre wall may have been too few... more
In recent years, the effective purification of PEGylated therapeutic proteins from reaction media has received particular attention. Although several techniques have been used, affinity-based strategies have been scarcely explored despite... more
Considering the much higher enzymatic activity reached when the initial fibre material was further disintegrated it is assumed that the possibilities for enzymes to attack desired structures of the intact fibre wall may have been too few... more
Biomass power plants are electricity generators with alternative energy that utilize organicmaterials, in this case cow dung. The cow dung is then processed to produce syngas. Syngas is used as fuelto turn turbines. In previous studies, a... more
In this study, it was aimed to determine the medium where Lactobacillus fermentum microorganisms with probiotic properties grow most efficiently by using Response Surface Method (RSM). Studies have been conducted on a 500 ml erlenmeyer... more
This paper presents the assessment of Pb, Cd and Zn concentrations in the African pear (Dacryodes edulis) sold in eight popular markets in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. The concentrations of these metals ranged from 0.01±0.002µg/g to... more
Bahan berlignoselulosa yaitu biomassa dari tanaman yang memiliki komponen utama selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Karena memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi, maka bahan berlignoselulosa dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku produksi... more
This study aims to determine the effect of boiling time of soybean to getting the best fermented soybean characteristics. The design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with duration of boiling soybeans consisting... more
Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to... more
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