Recent papers in Biopower
La pregunta que orienta este trabajo es de qué forma las obras de arte actuales nos sitúan en el fenómeno de la Biopolítica y, al mismo tiempo, cómo este arte interpreta la caída del Otro y el ascenso del cuerpo fragmentado y de la imagen... more
The article prompts readers to reflect on the discrepancy between the study of migration and its object. The "science of migration", Palidda writes, fails to account adequately for the lived experience of migrant women and men; this is... more
Resumen. En este artículo se presenta una aproximación teórica a las miradas postestructuralistas sobre el Trabajo Social. En concreto, se analiza el lugar que Michel Foucault y Jacques Donzelot conceden al Trabajo Social en el conjunto... more
Through dialogue with Roberto Esposito's work, I reconceptualize modernity as a historically specific modulation of the transhistorical biopolitical prohibition of incest, that is, the prohibition of (the) self-referentiality (of blood).... more
This chapter of my book Bodies Out of Rule (2014) considers John Greyson's Zero Patience – a 1993 musical satire on the early days of the AIDS epidemic – in the context of the epidemiological and immunity discourses inherent in... more
In the last few years, there has been a minor explosion of Indian cinema-related events in Australia. How may we read this contemporary presence of Bollywood in Australia as a neoliberal archive of Australia's multicultural present? How... more
The aim of this article is to analyze the non-verbal parameters evidenced in the school context, from an ethnographic perspective guided by school psychology and based on Foucauldian theory, seeking to (re)update and understand the... more
Inmediatamente después de interesarse por el magnetismo animal, y seguramente como consecuencia de dicho interés, E.T.A. Hoffmann hizo de los autómatas personajes centrales en algunas de sus obras más notables. El presente trabajo... more
Este artículo explora la figura del homo sacer a través de tres obras: Mapocho de Nona Fernández (2002), Montacerdos de Cronwell Jara (1981) y La muerte y la doncella de Ariel Dorfman (1990). La biopolítica, popularizada por Michel... more
Resumo: O presente artigo pretende apresentar, concisamente, o conceito de campo e como ele foi um absoluto espaço biopolítico. A relação entre o estado de exceção permanente (o campo) e a biopolítica foi apresentada a partir da obra de... more
O que esse artigo intenta demonstrar é que a constituição da ideologia neoliberal entrelaça formas de viver e processos de governamentalização apoiadas sobre as políticas sociais com a assunção de orientações para a gestão técnica da... more
espanolEste trabajo presenta un analisis comparativo del acercamiento al estudio de las emociones desde la perspectiva del pensamiento sociologico y la critica a la biopolitica contemporanea. El objetivo de este trabajo es aproximarnos a... more
Based on the ethnographic work I conducted with a group of Brazilian travesti sex workers in Rio de Janeiro and Barcelona, this article aims to analyze how they adopt technologies to transform and beautify their bodies that question the... more
The transformation of the concept of freedom in modern society is presented in a general form as a fundamental departure from the established understanding of individual freedom and the loss of its ethnological and ethical dimension for... more
The article explores the latest opportunities for refined control over individuals by power structures within the so-called surveillance capitalism of contemporary society. It highlights the use of advanced tools of digitalization and... more
This article theorizes the state as central to the construction of racism in the Republic of Ireland, which, since the 1990s economic boom, has become an in-migration destination. State racism culminated in the 2004 Citizenship... more
La noción de biopolítica, acuñada por Michel Foucault para explicar la relación entre política, cuerpo y vida, se transformó en uno de los campos más extendidos del pensamiento filosófico y político. Esta fecundidad se expresa en la... more
This article analyzes the role of gender identity in the political and professional trajectory of the lawyer Madariaga Gutiérrez (1942-2009), legal advisor, minister and ambassador of the Military Junta lead by General Augusto Pinochet... more
The main concern of the first eugenists, such as Karl Pearson and Walter Weldon of University College London , were the perceived intelligence factors considered to be correlated with the social class. In his speech "Darwinism,... more
Bu yazı, kent ve sanat bağlantısını isyan ve direniş temelinde ele almayı denemektedir. Bu yazıda Gezi diren işinden hareketle, parktaki polis ablukasıyla bir açılış yapılmaktadır. Pomi'nin (Potansiyel Mimarlık İşliği) direniş sırasındaki... more
Biyoetik ve biyopolitika, ikisinin ortak paydasını oluşturan etikten türemiştir; fakat bunların seçimi ve ahlaki prensiplerinin uygulanışı birbirinden farklı olabilmektedir, hatta bu farklılık tamamen birbirlerinin zıddı olmaya kadar da... more
In an era of mass extinction and biodiversity crisis, it is increasingly crucial to cultivate more just and inclusive multispecies futures. As mitigation and adaption efforts are formed in response to these crises, just transitions... more
This Symposium reflects on the growing relevance of biopolitical perspectives in camps studies, border studies, refugee studies, and in particular in research at the intersection between mobility studies and political geography. The five... more
ε πεξηόδνπο ζνβαξήο θξίζεο, όπσο ζηελ ηξέρνπζα πγεηνλνκηθή θξίζε ηεο παλδεκίαο COVID-19, ην πξόηαγκα πξνζηαζίαο ηεο δεκόζηαο πγείαο κε όια ηα κέζα, θαη κε δηεηζδπηηθή παξαθνινύζεζε ζε βάξνο ησλ δηθαησκάησλ θαη ειεπζεξηώλ, είλαη γεληθά... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has largely been made sense of as acrisis. However, usingcrisisas a temporal-analytical category arguably obscures the complexity of the different temporalities at work in the pandemic. In this article, we examine... more
La articulacion de la politica con lo viviente humano queda manifiesta con el surgimiento de la biopolitica en la modernidad. La politica conlleva un rango ontologico que implica la vida. El discurso del capitalismo y el discurso de la... more
The article prompts readers to reflect on the discrepancy between the study of migration and its object. The "science of migration", Palidda writes, fails to account adequately for the lived experience of migrant women and men; this is... more
In deze tekst breng ik voor een laatste keer beide grote onderwerpen van mijn werk samen: de samenleving en psychose. Mijn bedoeling is enerzijds een meer zinvolle kadering en behandeling uit te werken voor psychose, en anderzijds dankzij... more
Este trabajo considera esquematicamente el ejercicio del biopoder en la regulacion de la comida y la bebida, examinando la espacialidad del biopoder y de la biopolitica a partir de sus manifestaciones en las sucesivas regulaciones de dos... more
the global struggle with Covid-19, firstly in China, then elsewhere, ill-prepared governments were scrambling to formulate policies balancing such intractable imponderables as ‘lockdown versus openness’, weighing the dangers of a health... more
- by Frank Turner
La línea de investigación planteada por Michel Foucault de 1976 a 1979 la cual se centra predominantemente en la historia de las prácticas gubernamentales obliga al autor francés a replantear las relaciones de poder en términos de... more
The COVID lockdowns were characterised by new forms of governmentality as lives were disrupted and controlled through the vertical transmission of biopolitics by the state. The paper considers how this was experienced by academics in 11... more
This article aims to problematize the marketing network that markets the stem cells present in the umbilical cord through the analysis of statements made by relatives about their relationship with the umbilical cord, collected on... more
Emotional well-being contributes to overall happiness, fulfillment, and the ability to thrive in various aspects of life. Emotional well-being is not merely the absence of negative emotions but encompasses the cultivation of positive... more
Pandemics are by definition public health threats so significant that they demand a coordinated global response that fundamentally alters the human, social, and economic dynamics of everyday life through heavily regulated restrictions of... more
By the early 1990s the paedophile as a 'type' of child sexual abuse (CSA) perpetrator was prioritised for study and intervention by the South African socio-medical sciences and cases of paedophilia featured prominently in the media... more
Este texto explora a relação entre discurso, envelhecimento e loucura, destacando como a velhice, ao lado da transgressão linguística e cultural, manifesta-se como exclusão social e marginalização. A análise aborda exemplos literários e... more
My main research focus is ethnographies and the lived experience of people of color, particularly women of color, working in the international assistance sector. As a senior global advisor focusing on decolonization and systemic change, I... more