Recent papers in Biopower
In the introduction to the volume, the editors explain the overarching aim of the volume and contextualize the main themes of its chapters. Even if the notions of biopolitics and biopower have played a crucial role in philosophy, the... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
This article argues that traditional models of diagnosis are incomplete in their reliance on a models of certainty that are no longer tenable in a postmodern world. Further, it argues that the current form of diagnosis, as applied to... more
This chapter focuses on how the political right in the United States, particularly in California, has propagated a highly charged political rhetoric in which Third World migrants, Mexicans in particular, are deemed to present a threat to... more
This essay analyzes the collective mnemonics embedded in the statistical discourse of Planned Parenthood’s 1955 conference, _Abortion in the United States_. Conferees recalled a culture that was diseased, remembered both through social... more
This book investigates drone technology from a humanities point of view by exploring how civilian and military drones are represented in visual arts and literature. It opens up a new aesthetic ‘drone imaginary’, a prism of cultural and... more
A paper discussing the ways in which psychology is implicated in current forms of government and regulation, particularly in TV media. The discussion stems from Michel Foucault's notions on governmentality and power and is applied to... more
This article aims to explore the notion of activist-art, identifying it as a distinct tendency in Modern art through a re-examination of historical and theoretical approaches to the radical avant-garde, drawing on autonomist Marxist and... more
The purpose of this thesis was to explore gender norms, beauty ideals and social practices and the way these become 'visible' on the Japanese female body as (re)producing the ideal Japanese femininity and skin color in particular. In... more
This volume provides a critical perspective on the meaning and significance of modernity – one of the more significant areas of anthropological inquiry. The purposes of the book are especially (1) to introduce students and scholars to the... more
The majority of gay men are now meeting online; however, little is understood about how body presentations in cyberspace affect gay men’s intimate contacts. In this article, I develop the concept of the quantifiable-body discourse to... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Ανατρέχοντας στο σύνολο του μαρξικού έργου, η παρούσα μελέτη επιχειρεί να αναδείξει την ύπαρξη μιας κεντρικής προβληματικής που διαπερνά τόσο τις πρώιμες όσο και τις ώριμες στιγμές της σκέψης του Μαρξ. Πρόκειται για την κριτική της... more
ABSTRACT This work aims to inquire the relation between biopolitics and freedom in the thought of Michel Foucault, particularly in the last phase of his life (1978-1984). Here we see how his encounter with ancient philosophy allowed him... more
(In press: November 2020) Refiguring childhood stages a series of encounters with biosocial power, which demarcates a specific zone of intensity within the more encompassing arena of biopower and biopolitics. Attentive to the contingency... more
What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a... more
Preámbulo: El siguiente manuscrito, tiene por propósito desarrollar una exposición documentada acerca del concepto de biopolítica en el pensamiento filosófico de Michel Foucault. Será posible, por ello, identificar diferentes estratos que... more
She loved accidents: any mention of an animal run over, a man cut to pieces by a train, was bound to make her rush to the spot. —Émile Zola, La Bête Humaine (1890) The spectacle of the wounded body has always had its lurid attractions.... more
Tesis de maestría que sostiene que el biopoder es la forma del poder político contemporáneo. La primera parte es una genealogía de los conceptos biopolítica y biopoder en Foucault, la segunda parte intenta desarrollar la idea de biopoder... more
A obra de Achille Mbembe trespassa os temas que relacionam poder e violência, tendo Políticas da Inimizade o foco na relação histórica entre estes tópicos. Como notificado pelo filósofo, este livro apresenta natureza episódica e... more
The biopolitical interpretation of contemporary violence, advanced most conspicuously by Michel Foucault, views violence as the production and circumscription of the life of a people. According to this interpretation, biopower is a... more
An overview of the implications of analysing children’s rights through a Foucauldian lens
Con questo mio lavoro intendo investigare i rapporti che intercorrono tra molteplici discorsi critici sul potere che si vennero a sviluppare nel secondo dopoguerra del Novecento e un’opera che ne incarnò e ne traspose... more
This article reviews recent literature on the political ecologies of conservation and environmental change mitigation, highlighting the biopolitical stakes of many writings in this field. Although a large and apparently growing number of... more
This article reconsiders the politics and aesthetics of aftermath photography through Gene Ray's theories of the sublime and Rosemary Laing's photograph welcome to Australia (2004), which documents the Woomera refugee detention centre, to... more
Syllabus, graduate seminar, Anthropology, UC Berkeley, Fall 2016
This article penetrates the idealistic, Marxist concept of the 'new Soviet man', linking it with the notion of eugenics. Departing from a reconstruction of the history and specificity of the eugenic movement in Russia since the late 19th... more
POUR CITER CE TEXTE Jérôme Maucourant, Frédéric Neyrat, "La communauté politique contre le néocapitalisme". Werner, Schönig. Perspectiven institutionnalischer Ökonomik, Lit, pp.111-139, 2001. URL... more
Amikor életről beszélünk, hajlamosak vagyunk pusztán az emberi létezésre gondolni. Emellett az állati élet vagy a természet mint létező alacsonyabb státuszt foglal el. Az emberi élet felsőbbrendűsége azonban nem magától értetődő, sőt az... more
This chapter approaches the question of biopolitics in ancient political thought looking not at specific political techniques but at notions of the final aim of the political community. It argues that the “happiness” (eudaimonia,... more
Informal communities of Russian artists and intellectuals during the late Soviet years practiced a “politics of indistinction.” They claimed to be uninterested in anything political and differentiated themselves from ordinary “Soviet... more
The article proposes a semiotic interpretation of the concept of bio-politics. Instead of a politics that takes "life itself " as its object and, as a result, separates life as an object from subjects, biopolitics is read as... more
Roberto Esposito claims that biopolitics characterizes the entire modernity, and that it is built on the immunity dispositive. Im-munity is the negation of the munus which animates and builds com-munity: inside the immunitarian paradigm,... more
Konferencë e mbajtur në seminarin « Nga gjendja natyrore te biopushteti », Universiteti UFO, Tiranë 2009, organizuar nga Alment Muho. Pjesa e pare e ketij artikulli eshte botuar filimisht, me titullin "Biopolitika Kuq e Zi", ne te... more