Biometrics And Identity
Recent papers in Biometrics And Identity
Gait recognition is a technique that identifies or verifies people based upon their walking patterns. Smartwatches, which contain an accelerometer and gyroscope have recently been used to implement gait-based biometrics. However, this... more
(UPDATED) KUPATA NAMBA YA NIDA - USISOME PAPER, TUMIA HAYA MAELEZO HAPA. TAFADHALI TUMIA MAELEZO HAYA KUPATA NAMBA YA NIDA. Kufahamu iwapo NIN imeshazalishwa Ingia kwenye uwanja wa kutuma ujumbe mfupi wa maneno (SMS/UMM), kwenye... more
The term 'biometrics' refers to a measurable characteristic that is unique to an individual such as fingerprints, facial structure, the iris or a person's voice. In recent years, there have been rise in the number of applications based on... more
Effective management of projects is increasingly becoming important for organisations to remain competitive in today's dynamic business environment. The use of benchmarking is widening as a technique for supporting project management.... more
Identifying attackers is a major apprehension to both organizations and governments. Recently, the most used applications for prevention or detection of attacks are intrusion detection systems. Biometrics technology is simply the... more
The focal point of security is preventing unauthorized access or loss of customer or company data. Texas Instruments proposes these solution components for activating biometric security of a technological infrastructure. Methods and... more
Fish identification is crucial for the survival of our threatened fish species. In this paper, a novel and robust biometric-based approach was proposed to identify fish species. The proposed approach consists of three phases. In the first... more
Vehicle registration and licensing systems have been in existence for decades. However, there has been over 55% increase in the number of reported stolen vehicles which have not been recovered in the last 3 years. Therefore, there is need... more
The problem of voting is still critical in terms of safety and security. This paper deals with the design and development of a web-based voting system using cloud computing and aadhaar card in order to provide a high performance with high... more
This article analyses the development of three EU migration databases and their significance for the internal control of irregular migrants. Because borders and immigration policy alone cannot stop irregular migration, many governments... more
A biometric passport, also known as an e-passport, ePassport or a digital passport, is a combined paper and electronic passport that contains biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity of travelers. It uses... more
The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of user acceptance of Biometric Technologies (BT) at outdoor music festivals in the United Kingdom. While research on such technologies, such as facial recognition is limited in... more
Population increase, complex government service expansion and urgency for effective public service delivery to the citizens have made the application of Information and Communication Technologies for development of public service delivery... more
ABSTRACT Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in deciding the success of an organization. Each employee in the database is associated with a position can be added and edited when need... more
Reliable identity management must be built with an accurate user identity recognition method. This recognition usually is the core of the authentication method which is the essential part of any identity management system. The... more
Biometric data in documents One of the highlighted missions of the European Union is to assure the establishment of the area of freedom, security and justice for the app. 500 million inhabitants residing in twenty eight Member States. For... more
Authentication plays a very critical role in security related applications. This is obvious from the breaches of information systems recorded around the world. This has become a major challenge to ecommerce and many other applications.... more
Biometric verification refers to an automatic verification of a person based on some specific biometric features derived from his/her physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. A biometric verification system has more capability to... more
Solved – Fingerprint Enrollment, Verification and Identification Module using DigitalPersona U.are.U 4500 & 4000B in C#., if you have being looking for source code on how do I capture fingerprint in C# by using DigitalPersona 4500 & 4000B... more
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance... more
Many teachers and students in Nigerian institutions of learning find teaching and learning a herculean task and very boring because of the obsolete methods of teaching and learning in this sector of the Nigerian economy. New innovative... more
Accurately identifying a person is the most critical process in biometrics-based security applications, and issued for recognizing and determining an individual identity based on his or her physical or behavioral characteristics including... more
Tema rada su biometrijski osobni podaci – daktiloskopija. U radu se govori o samom pojmu biometrije, definira se biometrija kao znanost te se dalje obrađuje jedan dio biometrije primjenjene u daktiloskopiji. Prvi dio obuhvaća uvodno... more
Access control systems restrict access to a secured premise or other secured devices (like a safe) only to authorized persons. In this design a biometric (fingerprint based) access control system was developed with added versatility:... more
Fingerprint biometric criminal identification module plus source code for developing and integrating DigitalPersona Fingerprint Reader/Scanner with C#.NET windows application.
Among all the biometrics, fingerprint based identification is one of the most mature and proven technique. Surface fingerprint characteristics, can be obscured during imaging by moisture, dirt or wear which has become a challenge.... more
How and why has it come to pass that children as young as 12 in the UK are being injected with a novel form of mRNA technology that is unlicensed, has no long-term safety data, and remains in clinical trials until May 2023? This article... more
Information is an important part of any system. In the academic world, information is especially very important and essential. Students have to register for courses, take attendance, quizzes, and exams and as well as check their scores.... more
In the current scenario the way banking and transaction system is changing in the world, the validation, authentication and confirmation of a person is very important and should be of more concern. Authentication and verification has... more
user using his/her ID and fingerprints into a database after feature extraction. These features form a template that is used to determine the identity of the user, formulating the process of authentication. The enrolment process is... more
The field of Biometrics is an ever-expanding research area formed of different perceptions and theories from identity to verification. This can be fascinating with numerous aspects usually leading to authentication and security. Biometric... more
At various points in its existence, the Indian state has deployed technologies to govern the nation. Recently, the state has undertaken a number of large-scale projects to make use of digital technology. The most controversial of these is... more
Gesichter hinterlassen heute digitale Spuren: Von allgegenwärtigen Kameras erfasst und algorithmisch ausgewertet, werden sie massenhaft zu Datenprofilen verknüpft. Operative Porträts geht den verstreuten Anfängen dieser Entwicklung nach.... more
Bibliographie 190 Sitographie 192 Filmograhie 193 Les derniers numéros de la collection Passerelle 194 11 01 LA NOTION DE FRONTIÈRE DANS UN MONDE GLOBALISÉ 11 PRÉFACE 12 12 A. PETITE HISTOIRE DES FRONTIÈRES PARTIE I LA NOTION DE FRONTIÈRE... more
The objective of this work is to automatically recognize faces from video sequences in a realistic, unconstrained setup in which illumination conditions are extreme and greatly changing, viewpoint and user motion pattern have a wide... more
Iris is a powerful tool for reliable human identification. It has the potential to identify individuals with a high degree of assurance. Extracting good features is the most significant step in the iris recognition system. In the past,... more
As there is a rapid increase in technology development increase in identity theft, consumer fraud, threat to personal data also increasing day by day. The methods developed earlier to secure personal information from theft were not... more
Over the past decade, biometrics technology has evolved from a technology used primarily in forensics and a narrow scientific and technological field to an indispensable technology in public and private sectors ex¬panding into areas... more
Abstract - With the wide acceptance of online systems, the desire for accurate biometric authentication based on face recognition has increased. One of the fundamental limitations of existing systems is their vulnerability to false... more
Employees use the biometric clocking system to clock 'in and out' simply by pressing their finger onto the scanner of the clock. Computerized biometric employee clocking system is an automated process that verifies workers identity and... more
Security is one of the major challenges faced by individuals, organizations, and the world at large. The evolution of technology assists in solving this menace of insecurity and with the continuous growth in technology; several techniques... more
This article presents the approach followed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) national ID scheme to register its population for the new smart ID card it launched in 2005. It presents how the organisation reengineered its operations to... more
Mandatory registration of prepaid SIM cards is a policy that a number of governments have adopted in recent years. It requires consumers to provide proof of identity in order to activate a prepaid mobile SIM card. There is some doubt... more
Abstract - Due to the need for strong security for customer financial information in the banking sector, the sector has started the introduction of biometric fingerprint measures in providing securities for banking systems and software.... more