Recent papers in Biomechanics
The knowledge of the onset and cessation timing of the paraspinal muscles that surround the lumbar spine is an important area of research for the understanding of low back pain. This study examined the timing of the erector spinae and... more
There are several pathologies related to the patellofemoral joint, in which the patellofemoral syndrome is one af the most common and challenging to treat. The patellofemoral syndrome results from a malalignment of the knee extenso r... more
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient and reconstructed knees display altered biomechanics during gait. Identifying significant gait changes is important for understanding normal and ACL function and is typically performed by... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the training responses observed with low-load resistance exercise to volitional fatigue translates into significant muscle hypertrophy, and compare that response to high-load resistance... more
The main objective of this work is the evaluation, by means of the finite element method (FEM) of the mechanical stability and long-term microstructural modifications in bone induced to three different kinds of fractures of the distal... more
In this study Interlocking nails were used in order to fixate the canine femoral fractures and to examine the effects of the implants on fracture healing, clinically and radipgraphically in 19 dogs. The material of the study consisted 19... more
Combinatorial strategy has been used in therapeutic angiogenesis in animal models of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and coronary artery disease for decades. Previous studies have shown that basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) and... more
Plantar pressure assessment is a tool useful for study of the gait cycle. In this study, we present a means of assessing the gait cycle using a temporal analysis of plantar pressures and lower-leg muscle activities. Plantar pressures and... more
This dissertation would not have been possible without the contributions and support of many people along the way. I would like to take the opportunity to recognize the following mentors, colleagues, friends, and family for their efforts... more
Post-activation potentiation (PAP) has been shown to increase force generation due to prior muscular activity which can acutely improve strength and power performance. Typically, heavy-loaded bench press has been used as a conditioning... more
Quantitative ultrasound has attracted significant interest in the evaluation of bone fracture healing. Animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that the propagation velocity across fractured bones can be used as an indicator of... more
Determining the epithelium's contribution to corneal biomechanics is important for the predictive numerical simulation of corneal biomechanical behaviour in which the cornea's five main layers are represented separately. Twenty-four... more
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the kinematics and kinetics of successful versus unsuccessful basketball free throw shots. Six professional basketball players (age= 23±2.09 years members of Iranian premier... more
In this pilot study, we point out potential differences between calcaneal trabecular microarchitecture in humans and nonhuman large apes, such as increased degree of anisotropy, reduced bone volume fraction, and very stereotypical... more
Muscle Boost X Switch out your office chair for an exercise ball. Sitting on one of these balls helps you tone your abs and core muscles as you constantly use them to maintain posture and balance. You can also use the stability ball for... more
Current studies on pole-vaulting focus mostly on energy transfer data [Ekevad, M., Lundberg, B., 1995. Simulation of ''smart'' pole .] and often fail to take into account the actions exerted on the pole [Arampatzis, . Effect of the... more
In presence of aortic stenosis, a jet is produced downstream of the aortic valve annulus during systole. The vena contracta corresponds to the location where the cross-sectional area of the flow jet is minimal. The maximal transvalvular... more
Currently, cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main health problems. Part of the patient’s rehabilitation process, affected by this disease, is manually performed by a physiotherapist, which, due to physical exhaustion, could affect... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of tissue hydration on the structural properties of human patellar tendon. Specimens were subjected to a load relaxation experiment prior to being stretched to failure. The... more
Whole body vibration (WBV) is a promising tool for counteracting bone loss. Most WBV studies on animals have been performed at acceleration <1g and frequency between 30 and 90Hz. Such WBV conditions trigger bone growth in osteopenia... more
Biodegradable polymer scaffolds have played a significant role in wide range of tissue engineering application such as bone scaffolds since the last decade. The aim of this article is to provide the comprehensive overview of biocompatible... more
A computer-based data acquisition system has been developed to analyze the long term performance of polymer insulators using a fog chamber. The leakage currents flowing through the insulators under test are sensed, conditioned, digitized,... more
An automatic Uni-or Multi-modal Inteligent Seizure Acquisition (UISA/MISA) system is highly applicable for onset detection of epileptic seizures based on motion data. The modalities used are surface electromyography (sEMG), acceleration... more
The velocity by which the disturbance travels through the medium is the wave velocity. Pulse wave velocity is one of the main parameters in hemodynamics. The study of wave propagation through the fluid-fill elastic tube is of great... more
Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) in astronauts returning from long-duration spaceflight missions has been well documented, but the altered mechanical loading environment experienced by the musculoskeletal system, which may contribute... more
In a chamber of the heart, large-scale vortices are shown to exist as the result of the dynamic blood flow and unique morphological changes of the chamber wall. As the cardiovascular flow varies over a cardiac cycle, there is a need for a... more
Patient motion during brain SPECT studies can c l e m resolution and introduce distortion. We have developed a correction method which incorporates a motion tracking system to monitor the position and orientation of the patient's head... more
Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe pressure ulcer that results from sustained deformation of muscle tissue overlying bony prominences. In order to understand the etiology of DTI, it is essential to determine the tolerance of muscle... more
Biological vessels are characterized by their substantial compliance and low friction that present a major challenge for crawling robots for minimally invasive medical procedures. Quite a number of studies considered the design and... more
In order to create a hemodynamic environment that can simulate the physiological condition of arteries, an in vitro experiment apparatus was designed whose key modules were compliance chamber and after-load. These two modules were... more
The number of strides required for treadmill running gait analysis is unaffected by either speed or run duration.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the wrist lagging angle in golf down swing had an impact on both driving distance and driving accuracy for NCAA Division I female golfers. Seven female golfers all freshmen from a... more
Two noninvasive measurement techniques wen used to monitor activity-induced changes in skeletal muscle in humans. Phosphorus magnetic lcsonancc spectroscopy (P-MRS) was used to meastt~c changes in cturgy metabolism by measuring the ratio... more
An important goal in rehabilitation engineering is to develop technology that allows individuals with severe motor impairment to practice arm movement without continuous supervision from a rehabilitation therapist. This paper describes... more
Torticollis is a visible medical condition. Your child’s head constantly tilts to one side. Torticollis means twisted neck in Latin. The condition is also called wry neck or twisted neck. Torticollis can be congenital or acquired.... more
Fractures of metatarsal are most common fractures in children foot. Most common causes are direct injuries to the fore foot.Here we present a case of non union metatarsal shaft fracture with 90degrees deformity treated by open reduction... more