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The models of growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass are constructed by examining the result observation of pattern growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass in the field. Then, these result are presented by drawing graphic behavior of growth... more
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      MatematikaBiomassaLogistic ModelJurnal Matematika
Apresentação sobre torrefação e carbonização de biomassa para a disciplina de Pirólise no doutorado em biocombustíveis da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, sob supervisão do professor Dr. Ricardo Reis Soares.
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyBiomassEnergy
Penelitian dan penerapan energi terbarukan membutuhkan dukungan informasi yang akurat dan terkini. Kebutuhan itu dapat dipenuhi dari akses pustaka dalam bentuk buku akademik, jurnal ilmiah, laporan penelitian, atau dari berita dan... more
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      BioenergyEnergi Baru TerbarukanJurnal IlmiahBiomassa
Penyerapan karbondioksida oleh vegetasi merupakan salah satu pengelolaan cadangan karbon yang penting dalam kehidupan. Aktivitas manusia telah memberikan kontribusi besar dalam peningkatan emisi karbondioksida yang memicu pemanasan global... more
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    • Biomassa
O l e h : R i z q y A g u s t i a n B F a r a h S e n t i k a Ty a s R e s t u W D i a n M a r i s q h a S h a fi r a H a n i n d i t a M a r w a t i BIODIESEL Definisi Biodiesel Biodiesel adalah bagian dari kelu arga biofuel dan... more
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      BioenergyBiodieselBiomassaEnergi Biomassa
Biomass from Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) has the potential to be employed as raw material for renewable energy sources in Indonesia. EFB can be efficiently converted into valuable fuel products through gasification to produce syngas. Syngas... more
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      BiomassBioenergyBiomass to fuel conversionBiomassa
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      BIOCHARBiomass Pyrolysis, Biochar, Activated CarbonTorrefaction of biomassBiomassa
Pemahaman tentang biomassa dapat diawali dengan pengertian, kemudian melangkah ke identifikasi tipe, sumber, karakteristik, target pengunaan, teknologi konversi, mata rantai penyediaan bahan baku mulai dari sumber hingga ke pabrik... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassEnergy ConversionBiomass energy
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An extensive background overview on the use of agricultural residues (wastes) for production of paper, board, binderless board, energy, different types of fuels by pyrolysis (solid, liquid and gaseous fuel), many petrochemicals... more
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      Rural SociologyDevelopment EconomicsBioeconomicsEnergy Economics
Resumo: Desde os mais longínquos tempos da existência humana até a época contemporânea, houve incessante busca e domínio da energia, essencial para a manutenção da vida humana. Inicialmente, utilizou-se a própria força física e o uso das... more
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      Environmental GeographyEnvironmental policyBiomassEnergy Resources
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassaEnergi TerbarukanEnergi Biomassa
Penggunaan pellet kayu (wood pellets) merupakan salah satu upaya mendayagunakan biomassa menjadi bioenergi. Pemilihan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur merupakan sinergis yang bakal menjadikan Indonesia sebagai penyedia bioenergi terbesar dari... more
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      BiomassBiomass to fuel conversionBiomassaEnergi Terbarukan
Paradigma Baru Sistem Bioenergi Lestari (Berkelanjutan): Sejarah Perkembangan Konsep. Buku ini merupakan materi perkuliahan Konversi Bioenergi yang disajikan khusus kepada mahasiswa peserta program Magister Teknik Energi Terbarukan... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBioenergy and BiofuelsBiomassa
Information on vegetation distribution and contents of biomass in sequestering carbon is very important in relation to support Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD)... more
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      Climate ChangeBiomassa
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, dengan mengucap Syukur kepada Allah SWT, telah dapat disusun buku Ekonomi Pabrik dengan tujuan memudahkan mahasiswa dalam mengikuti dan mempelajari matakuliah Ekonomi Teknik Kimia, Perancangan Pabrik Kimia dan... more
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      BiomassaBiobriketEkonomi Teknik
A vegetação da Caatinga é explorada para energia, mas existem poucos estudos sobre as relações entre as características da madeira e seu potencial energético. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi relacionar as características da madeira e... more
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      Environmental ScienceBiomassEnergyBiology
Os manguezais estão entre os ecossistemas com maior potencial para armazenamento de carbono por metro quadrado e quantificá-lo por meio da determinação da biomassa é importante para estabelecer o potencial de sequestro de carbono de uma... more
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The models of growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass are constructed by examining the result observation of pattern growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass in the field. Then, these result are presented by drawing graphic behavior of growth... more
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      MatematikaBiomassaLogistic ModelJurnal Matematika
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBioenergyBiomassa
Penurunan kualitas sumberdaya alam, perubahan iklim dan kemanusiaan, pembangkit energi adalah salah satu tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini. Sekitar 50% dari bahan bakar yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan daya pada... more
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      Renewable EnergyRenewable energy resourcesBiomass energyOrganic rankine cycle
Memberikan pengetahuan serta mengkaji kesiapan energi biomassa dalam mendukung program power plant 35000 MWatt untuk Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik UI pada diskusi tanggal 19 November 2015, di Depok, Jawa Barat.
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      Renewable EnergyBioenergyRenewable EnergiesEnergi Baru Terbarukan
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    • Biomassa
The models of growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass are constructed by examining the result observation of pattern growth seaweed Gracillaria biomass in the field. Then, these result are presented by drawing graphic behavior of growth... more
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      BiomassaLogistic Model
A inserção de insumos alternativos na confecção de novos compósitos implica em detalhada caracterização, pois podem ocorrer características negativas no seu processamento ou uso final, como a presença de sílica, ou impurezas minerais.... more
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      BiomassBiomassaNew Productsnovos produtos
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Capítulo 8: Desenvolvimento e avaliação da qualidade físico-química de sabonete em barra a base de óleo de coco (Cocos nucifera
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      BiotecnologiaModelagemQuimicaAlimentos Y Bebidas
Resumo A comunidade global se depara neste século com uma série de desafios que parecem indicar o limite de sua expansão e desenvolvimento. Entre esses desafios, encontram-se as crises energética e ambiental, profundamente interligadas.... more
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      PetróleoMeio AmbienteBiocombustíveisEthanol
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    • Biomassa
A Anomalocardia flexuosa está entre os moluscos bivalves marinhos mais encontrados no litoral brasileiro. O marisco é artesanalmente explorado em diversas regiões do país para consumo de subsistência e venda no mercado local. O presente... more
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      BivalvesBiomassaENGENHARIA DE PESCAMoluscos Bivalves
Tingkat penggunaan biomassa sebagai sumber energi primer di Indonesia cukup tinggi yaitu mencapai 280 juta setara barel minyak (SBM) dan sekitar 84% dari biomassa tersebut digunakan untuk kebutuhan sektor rumah tangga. Penggunaan kompor... more
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    • Biomassa
Fuel oil is a very important need in life. The fuel used for this comes from crude oil extracted from the ground, while fuel oil is not renewable, so for the next few years society will experience a shortage of fuel. The fact on the... more
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      Renewable EnergyCatalystBiomassaPyrolisis
RESUMO: Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o crescimento inicial de mudas e produção de biomassa de maracujazeiro azedo amarelo cultivar redondo, produzidas a partir de resíduo proveniente de tanques de piscicultura. O experimento foi... more
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Biomass from Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) has the potential to be employed as raw material for renewable energy sources in Indonesia. EFB can be efficiently converted into valuable fuel products through gasification to produce syngas. Syngas... more
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      BiomassBioenergyBiomass to fuel conversionBiomassa
A vegetação da Caatinga é explorada para energia, mas existem poucos estudos sobre as relações entre as características da madeira e seu potencial energético. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi relacionar as características da madeira e... more
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Aula sobre cogeração de energia apresentada no doutorado em biocombustíveis da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU como parte do cumprimento dos créditos na disciplina de Bioetanol.
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyBiomassEnergy
RESUMO Nesse trabalho objetivou-se propor uma metodologia não destrutiva para quantificação de volume individual, biomassa e carbono do tronco em um remanescente florestal. O estudo foi feito em cinco parcelas de 600 m². As variáveis... more
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      Engenharia FlorestalBiomassaForestry Engineering
Salam sejahtera ! Publikasi singkat ini semoga mudah dibaca dan dipahami. Materinya terkait dengan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan terutama biomassa menjadi bioenergi. Bacaan ringkas menjadi kebutuhan anda yang sedang menekuni keahlian baru... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassRenewable energy resourcesBiomassa
Sistem bioenergi pada paradigma baru, berpatokan pada prinsip sistem energi dimana semua faktor harus diidentifikasi dan dicantumkan karena mempengaruhi keberlangsungan proses, kinerja dan hasil sistem tersebut. Sistem bioenergi adalah... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBioenergyBiomassa
RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo da biomassa de cártamo (Carthamus tinctorium L) submetida à ensilagem em três tratamentos. Foi realizado um ensaio de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes com ovinos e determinada a... more
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Pemerintah Jerman melalui Bank Pembangunannya (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau -KfW) telah menyatakan dukungan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur energi terbarukan dan lingkungan Indonesia. Pinjaman yang disediakan sekitar dua milyar Euro... more
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      Renewable EnergyBioenergyRenewable energy resourcesRenewable Energy Systems
In the search for strategies to mitigate climate change, the promotion of renewable energy is a major challenge worldwide, particularly for developing countries such as Brazil and Colombia, which aim to diversify their power grids by... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceBiomassAmazonia
Cowpea is a crop of great importance for small producers in Northeast Brazil, being a source of income and food for family farmers. The present work had as objective to evaluate the productive performance of different cultivars of cowpea... more
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A carência de estudos sobre o balanço de carbono e viabilidade econômica em sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) motivaram este estudo. Foram avaliados um sistema agrissilvipastoril (SASP) composto por eucalipto, feijão e capim braquiária e um... more
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      BiomassGreenhouse gasesBiomassaCash Flow
This study aimed at making and testing a portable wood stove, which presented an average efficiency of 12.3%. This percentage was higher than the 2.9 to 4.6%. range found in residential stoves in the city of Irati/PR. The fuel used in the... more
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      BiomassEnergy ConsumptionBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energy
Informasi mengenai distribusi vegetasi dan kandungan biomassa dalam penyerapan karbon sangat penting dalam mendukung proyek Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) melalui... more
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      Environmental ScienceForestryClimate ChangeBiomassa
A vegetação do Cerrado é composta por três formações: campestre, savânica e florestal. Resíduos lenhosos naturalmente são produzidos por florestas, seja pela queda de galhos, ramos ou mesmo árvores inteiras. As queimadas no cerrado são... more
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sottoprodotti di origine animale e rifiuti; condizioni per l'appartenenza all'elenco dei biocombustibili e per la qualificazione dei sottoprodotti
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Bioenergi sebagai salah satu sumber energi terbarukan menjadi sebuah harapan besar dalam pemenuhan energi nasional. Kehadiran harapan ini karena untuk memenuhi tuntutan lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial pada tingkat daerah, nasional, dan... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBiomass energyPower Generation
This paper was presented at the seminar on
"Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies in Developing Countries in Cottbus, Germany, April 17th - 24th 2016 "
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassRenewable energy resourcesBiomassa