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In light of possible future restrictions on the use of fossil fuel, due to climate change obligations and continuous depletion of global fossil fuel reserves, the search for alternative renewable energy sources is expected to be an issue... more
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      AgroecologyBiomassBiomass energyBioenergy and Biofuels
The heavy reliance on non-renewable energy sources from fossil fuel such as petroleum, natural gas and coal has led to the scarcity of these sources and occurrence of global warming. This phenomenon raises the public concerns to diversify... more
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      Materials ScienceBiomass energyWood EngineeringWood science and technology
The societal challenges of the 21st century are profound and wide ranging. Basic needs such as food, housing, mobility, health, and energy will become even more acute as the world population exceeds nine billion. The demand for... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyPower SystemRenewable energy resources
Densification of biomass is often required to combat the negative handling characteristics of these low bulk density materials. A high-quality densified product is strongly desired, binding agents are usually added to comminuted biomass... more
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      Alternative EnergyBiomass energyAlternative FuelsBiomass Briquetting
Indonesia is the third-largest rice producer countries in the world with the total production capacity of around 70 million tons per year. Rice husk is the main residue from rice milling and is about 20% of the paddy grain weight. Typical... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentBiomassEnergy
This experiment was conducted on fixed bed combustion in a one-dimensional bench. The effects of ash and moisture content on the combustion characteristics of corn straw were determined. The two parameters directly relate to the burning... more
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      BiomassBIOCHARBiomass PyrolysisBiomass energy
The biomass for energy purposes, coming from agroforestry systems and timber industry, can provide various environmental and socio-economic benefits. Among all renewable energy sources, agroforestry biomass represents both an important... more
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      BiomassBiomass energyForestry EngineeringWoody Biomass
Rice husk lean-combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor (FBR) of 0.3 m diameter with expansion to 0.4 m in the freeboard zone and 3 m height was investigated. Experiment design – response surface methodology (RSM) –... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
— Algae are gaining broad consideration as a substitute renewable source of biomass for the manufacture of bioethanol, due to this reason categorized under the " third generation biofuels " .İn this work, GC-MS analysis and FTIR has been... more
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      BiomassAgriculturePyrolysisBiomass Pyrolysis
Agricultural by–products are renewable energy sources from which essential amount of energy can be recovered, which can be used to replace the use of conventional fossil fuel, reduces the potential of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and at... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringAgronomyRenewable EnergyEnergy Engineering
Various researchers work on PKL electricity previously. But they did not mention the future prospect about PKL electricity. This research work mentioned the and discussed about the future prospects of PKL electricity.The appliances may... more
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    • Biomass energy
The chapter discusses the problem of air emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDFs) from the process of cement clinker production. In the analyzed cement kilns significant amount of fossil fuels is... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementAlternative EnergyMunicipal Solid WasteBiomass energy
Apresentação sobre torrefação e carbonização de biomassa para a disciplina de Pirólise no doutorado em biocombustíveis da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, sob supervisão do professor Dr. Ricardo Reis Soares.
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyBiomassEnergy
In the study, first-time personal exposure level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was measured during cooking hours in participants of three different types of kitchen both in the particulate and gaseous phase using traditional... more
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      Environmental ToxicologyBiomass energyExposure AssessmentIndoor air pollution
The biofuel industry is rapidly growing with a promising role in producing renewable energy and tackling climate change. Nanotechnology has tremendous potential to achieve cost-effective and process-efficient biofuel industry. Various... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemistryEnvironmental Science
The world's energy markets rely heavily on the fossil fuels coal, petroleum crude oil, and natural gas as sources of thermal energy; gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels; and chemicals. Since millions of years are required to form fossil... more
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      Environmental ScienceOptimization techniquesBiomass energySolar Desalination of Water
This study aimed to evaluate the productivity of Arundo donax under good water and N availability coming from non-conventional sources, in different Italian environments (Padova and Bologna in the north, Reggio Calabria and Catania in the... more
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      BiomassBiomass energyBiomass Crops
Rice husk lean-combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor (FBR) of 0.3 m diameter with expansion to 0.4 m in the freeboard zone and 3 m height was investigated. Experiment design e response surface methodology (RSM) e... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
Sono presentati tre lavori che riportano i risultati di un progetto di ricerca sulla valorizzazione energetica dei Sarmenti di vite in provincia di Gorizia
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      Biomass energyVine-ShootPelletVineyard
Energy and power capability of supercapacitors are important because of their use in providing backup power or pulse current to electronic/electric products or systems. The choice of the electrode materials, such as... more
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      Electrochemical Energy Storage DeviceBiomass energyCapacitors, Supercapacitors, Energy storage devicesBiomass Pyrolysis, Biochar, Activated Carbon
Tarım atıkları, orman atıkları ve enerji bitkileri olarak adlandırılan biyokütle kaynaklarının oldukça geniş kullanımı vardır. Bunlardan organik atıklar gübre, ormancılık ve orman endüstrisinden ağaç atıkları, gıda ve kağıt endüstrisi... more
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      Renewable Energy SystemsBiomass energyBiomass gasification for thermal and power applicationBiomass gasification
No Brasil, desde o ano de 2016, particulares estão autorizados a gerarem sua própria energia elétrica com fontes renováveis em regime de cooperação com seus se-melhantes, valendo-se, para tanto, das figuras jurídicas da geração... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergy LawSustainable Development
Production of biogas from agricultural and animal wastes is one of the viable options to mitigate the scarcity of energy and hazards of fossil fuels to both human and ecology. Therefore, this project work was on generation of biogas using... more
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      BiomassBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energyAnaerobic Digestion
Biochars produced from pelletized grape vine (GV) and sunflower husk (SFH) agricultural residues were studied by pyrolysis in a batch reactor at 400 and 500 °C. Chemical and physical evolution of the biomass under pyrolysis conditions was... more
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      BiomassAgroforestryBiomass energyPellet
Biomass pyrolysis is a promising renewable sustainable source of fuels and petrochemical substitutes. It may help in compensating the progressive consumption of fossil-fuel reserves. The present article outlines biomass pyrolysis. Various... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
The possibility of producing bioethanol from the biomass of finger millet straw was studied. The effects of temperature, acid concentration, hydrolysis time, and substrate concentration were investigated. The result showed that a maximum... more
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      Biomass energyPhotocatalytic water splitting
Tanaman kelapa (Cocos nucifera) merupakan tanaman utama dan hampir merata terdapat di seluruh provinsi dan kabupaten di Indonesia. Tanaman ini telah berada di Indonesia sejak ribuan tahun lalu, dan menjadi salah penopang ekonomi rakyat... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBioenergyBiomass energy
Desertification and deforestation are great problems facing developing nations. Adequate means of disposing wastes are also lacking, hence, converting them to other useful products such as briquettes for domestic fuel is desirable. The... more
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      Renewable EnergyRenewable energy resourcesAlternative EnergyBiomass energy
This project is about designing and analyzing a portable biogas digester to fermentation of kitchen waste product in order to produce methane gas. The overall objective of carrying the work is to analyze the efficiency of biogas... more
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      BiogasBiomass energyBiogas Plants
production of bio ethanol from corncob
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      Biochemical EngineeringBiomass energyBiotransformation of Lignocellulose Materials
Briquettes are widely used as a renewable energy material for solving the problem of dependency and over-consumption of wood fuel as a source of energy for human use. However, their performance depends on the types and nature of binders... more
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    • Biomass energy
En Colombia, según cifras del Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, se generan 27.300ton/día de basura de los cuales el 65% son residuos sólidos orgánicos, equivalentes a 17.745 ton/día, los cuales van a los rellenos... more
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      BiomassGHG EmissionsBiomass energyLignocellulosic Biomass Conversion to Chemicals
Automatic process control aiming at making industrial systems more autonomous, could have a tremendous impact on quality management which has become the prior concern of most companies. This project addressed the problem of palm oil mill... more
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      Quality ManagementControl SystemsBiomass energyprogrammable logic controller(PLC)
The rising energy crisis significantly resists the improvement of developing countries all over the world. Agricultural residues can play a vital role as a source of renewable energy to overcome the crisis. Rice husk is the second-largest... more
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      Biomass energyRenewable ResourcesBiomass ProcessingBiomass Pellets
Pemahaman tentang biomassa dapat diawali dengan pengertian, kemudian melangkah ke identifikasi tipe, sumber, karakteristik, target pengunaan, teknologi konversi, mata rantai penyediaan bahan baku mulai dari sumber hingga ke pabrik... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassEnergy ConversionBiomass energy
Renewable energies are at the forefront of sustainable solutions against global warming. Among these, we can mention the energy biomass that contributes to energy self-sufficiency and the improvement of the living environment. In this... more
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    • Biomass energy
Interest in biomass fuels is increasing worldwide to produce heat, power, liquid fuels and hydrogen with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Thermochemical biomass processes are relatively well developed, e.g. for direct combustion,... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiomassBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energy
The study relates to a compact briquetting machine developed in the Philippines that can compress and produce cylindrical briquettes having a hole at the center using biomass and urban wastes with the aid of a hydraulic jack and is... more
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      TechnologyBiomassBiomass energyAlternative Fuels
Biomass is a versatile energy resource that could be used as a sustainable energy resource in solid, liquid and gaseous form of energy sources. Torrefaction is an emerging thermal biomass pretreatment method that has an ability to reduce... more
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      Biomass to fuel conversionBiomass energyBiomass gasification for thermal and power applicationBiomass Processing
Carbon atom Carbon atom is most important and abundant constituent of existing and new generated biological mater and biomass and the basis of all forms of life on earth. It is involved in the composition and construction of organic... more
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      Food EngineeringClimatic ChangesTropical forest biomassFood Microbiology
Malaysia has a good mix of energy resources like oil, natural gas, coal and renewable energies such as biomass, solar and hydro. In spite of this plenty of resources, the country is dependent on fossil fuel for industrial and... more
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    • Biomass energy
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      BiomassBiogasBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energy
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      BiomassBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energyBiomass Processing
The ever growing environmental concern caused by excessive use of fossil fuels in energy and transportation systems triggered considerable investigations on alternative energy sources such as biomass. Furthermore, the availability and... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBiomassModeling
An extensive background overview on the use of agricultural residues (wastes) for production of paper, board, binderless board, energy, different types of fuels by pyrolysis (solid, liquid and gaseous fuel), many petrochemicals... more
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      Rural SociologyDevelopment EconomicsBioeconomicsEnergy Economics
The decreasing availability of fuel wood coupled with the increasing prices of kerosene and cooking gas in Nigeria has drawn attention on the need to consider alternative sources of energy for domestic and industrial use in the country.... more
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      BiomassWood ScienceBiomass to fuel conversionBiomass energy
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    • Biomass energy
Currently, energy problems are faced all over the world, majorly African countries. One of the solutions in the challenging energy situation is utilization of renewable energy. Even countries that are rich with fossil fuels have... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
The need for sustainable alternatives to oil has been of deep concern to many countries around the world, and especially the U.S. due to the rapidly rising cost of oil. As a result, many nations face significant energy security challenges... more
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      BiomassCeramic MembranesHigh Temperature CeramicsGasification
This study aims to (1) convert agricultural waste to biochar through pyrolysis, (2) examine its physiochemical characteristics, and (3) investigate its potential role as fuel and catalyst in energy recovery technologies. The produced... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental Science