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Inhibition of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) activity by cadmium was studied under steady-state kinetic conditions after preincubation of the enzyme with millimolar concentrations of Cd 2 + for various periods of time. The H 2 O 2-mediated... more
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    • Biomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis
Objectives:To study the magnitude of chronic liver disordersin children attending the only tertiary care hospital. To study the spectrum of chronic liver disorders in children. Study design:Prospective observational study... more
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      Chronic PainBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisChronic kidney diseaseChronic illness
Hepatic injury is associated with distortion of the metabolic function. Hepatic disease/Cirrhosis of liver can be evaluated by biochemical analysis of serum tests, includes levels of serum Alanine and Aspartate amino transferases,... more
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      BiochemistryBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisHepatitisUric Acid
ABSTRACT: Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes from soft or mineralized tissues is a direct and widely used technique for modeling diets. In addition to its continued role in paleodiet analysis, stable isotope analysis is now... more
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      ArchaeologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsHuman Evolution
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the major histological subtype of liver cancer. Tumorigenic changes in hepatic cells potentially result from aberrant expression of microRNAs (miRNAs). Individual microRNA gene may give rise to... more
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      MicroRNABiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisNext generation sequencingLiver
This report describes extrahepatic bile duct obstruction in two ferrets, which were presented with anorexia, chronic weight loss and general weakness. Physical examination revealed lethargy, cachexia, dehydration, abdominal pain and... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisFerretIcterus
Context: Hepatitis is an endemic disease worldwide leading to chronic and debilitating cancers. The viral agents and hepatotoxic substances lead to damage of hepatocytes and release of damage associated molecules in circulation. The lack... more
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      MicroRNABiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiver diseases
Background and Aims: Lipid abnormalities are commonly observed in cirrhosis liver. This study was conducted to determine lipid profile in cirrhotic patients and to assess its relationship with the severity of the disease. Materials and... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiver CirrhosisEvaluation of Lipid Profile and Lipoprotein-A in Thalassemia in Respct to Serum FerritineLipid Profile
Background: Dried flower bud of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) is rich in eugenol, an antioxidant and antiinflammatory compound that can protect liver against injury. Clove, besides eugenol, also contains other pharmacologically active... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisPhytopharmacology
Radiological assessment is evolving rapidly, including in paediatric liver tumour surgery. There are advancements in the fields of conventional radiology, 3D imaging and preoperative planning. This article presents the current research in... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiver diseasesComputer assisted orthopaedic surgeryLiver Cirrhosis
Biomarker Hati terdiri dari, marker Kerusakan hati, sistem ekskresi hati, fungsi hati dan perubahan interstisial hati.
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisELISAHepar
Background: Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic disease that involves the whole organ. In liver cirrhosis the gonadal axis is affected. Hyperprolactinemia is often present in these patients as well as hyperestrogenemia, both are... more
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    • Biomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis
Background: The present study was carried out to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of methanolic fruit extracts of Phoenix dactylifera (date palm) against thioacetamide-induced liver damage in male albino wistar rats. Methods:... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiverpool and MerseysideLiver diseasesLiverpool
The heterogeneous nature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) complicates early recognition and treatment. In recent years, a growing body of evidence has demonstrated that intervention during the window of opportunity can improve the response to... more
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      Health SciencesBiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisHealth
Background: The study was planned to evaluate the liver function of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2MD) by measuring Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), plasma glucose, urea and... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiverpool and MerseysideLiver diseasesLiver Cirrhosis
Hepatic steatosis or " fatty liver " is a characteristic for disorders ranging from Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) as part of the metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize these liver disorders can due to... more
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      ObesityCancerBiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis
Aim: In this systematic review, guidelines on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were evaluated, aiming at a guideline synthesis focusing on diagnosis and staging. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted on any... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisMedicineHepatologyLiver diseases
Liver diseases are becoming a major health concern. In the developing countries it is due to microbial infection. In the rest of the developed world it is due to alcohol abuse. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are a significant health... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisLiver diseasesLiverFatty liver disease
The study revealed the nature of the state change information system of the liver tissue with hepatadenoma, liver cancer and non-cancer pathologies. Was shown that information parameters of non-cancer diseases indicate that liver tissue... more
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      PathologyOncologyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary Pathology
Background: The selection of disease biomarkers is often difficult because of their unstable identification, i.e., the selection of biomarkers is heavily dependent upon the set of samples analyzed and the use of independent sets of... more
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing in prevalence and has the potential to be a highly lethal malignancy. Patients with early-stage HCC have potentially curative therapeutic options, but treatments for more advanced HCC were... more
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      BiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisCancer ImmunotherapyHepatology
Background: Detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) during the pre-symptomatic phase is becoming increasingly important for costeffective clinical trials and also for deriving maximum benefit... more
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      BiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisMild Cognitive ImpairmentMild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease
In the present study, it was try to investigate the effects of green tea on some biochemical parameters of male albino rats with ethanol toxicity. All rats were divided into 4groups, Group 1 (controls) and group 2 (ethanol control)... more
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      Social MovementsMusicMusic EducationEthnomusicology
Despite the development of surrogate non-invasive methods, histological evaluation remains an important tool for reliable classification, grading and staging, as well as prognosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However,... more
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      EpidemiologyBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisHepatitis CHepatology
Aim: In this systematic review, guidelines on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were evaluated, aiming at a guideline synthesis focusing on diagnosis and staging. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted on any... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisType 2 DiabetesHepatologyLiver diseases
Autoimmune hepatitis is characterized by a continuing hepatocyte necrosis that usually progresses to liver cirrhosis. Autoimmunity is also a feature of chronic infection by Helico-bacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium involved in the... more
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      GastroenterologyBacteriologyBiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisUltrafiltrationLiver CirrhosisICU
In the study the method of assessing adaptive and regenerative opportunities of the liver by assessing of its information state was applied. The research revealed achange in the nature of the information state of the tissue of the liver... more
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      Information ScienceOncologyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary Pathology
Aim: In this systematic review, guidelines on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were evaluated, aiming at a guideline synthesis focusing on diagnosis and staging. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted on any... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisMedicineHepatologyLiver diseases
Globally, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is associated with a poor prognosis due to frequent diagnosis in late stages. As a result, mortality is roughly equivalent to the annual incidence. Regardless of etiology, the development of liver... more
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      Biomarkers of Liver CirrhosisCancer ImmunotherapyHepatitis CHepatology
Liver diseases afflict more than 10% of the world population. Although the main risk factors are known and the population at risk is monitored, new biomarkers are urgently needed to allow early diagnosis and hence more effective... more
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      Mass SpectrometryBiomarkersBiomarkers of Liver CirrhosisProteomics And Mass Spectrometry
** Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. [email protected] Abstract Seventy five samples of frozen meat, raw milk and poultry feed (25 samples each), were examined mycologically and for detection of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). The results... more
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    • Biomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis