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Professional development (PD) workshops designed to help faculty move from teacher- to learner-centered science courses for undergraduates are typically evaluated with self-reported surveys that address faculty’s satisfaction with a... more
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      Higher EducationLearner Centered ApproachStudent Centered LearningFaculty Development
Flow Cytometry Protocols
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPhilosophy of BiologyConservation Biology
The central importance of evolution to all biological sciences is recognised by many authors. Despite this scientific consensus, the theory of evolution is commonly presented as one discrete topic among many in the biology curriculum.... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolution EducationBiology Education
This readable and informative survey of key ideas about students’ thinking in science builds a bridge between theory and practice by offering clear accounts from research, and showing how they relate to actual examples of students talking... more
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      Science EducationChemistry EducationLearning SciencesFormative Assessment
Struktur dan Jaringan Hewan Kelas XI SMA
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    • Biology Education
Siling labuyo (Capsicum frutescens) is a small, commonly found chili pepper in the Philippines. This pepper is great to add spice, without altering the flavor of the dish because of its distinctive and complex taste. These plants are... more
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      BotanyEnvironmental ScienceScience EducationBiology Education
A joint evaluation of all animals, uses all additive genetic relationships uses all data on all animal jointly It works as a linear model (correcting different effects for each other), jointly estimates animal effects and fixed effects... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringGeneticsAnimal ScienceConservation Biology
This study examines techniques for calling attention to the random movements of two proteins within a crowded molecular environment, while simultaneously depicting a binding event. Participants (n=148) watched one of five cued animations... more
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      Visual Attention (Psychology)Biology Education3D animation
While maths can be viewed as enabling learning in science and medicine, in reality we see students are bringing their maths anxiety with them to their studies. Our work focuses on dissecting the maths problem as it relates to teaching and... more
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      PsychologyScience EducationThreshold conceptsLearning Sciences
Some of the most satisfied people in academia are those who combine the joy of teaching with the excitement of cutting-edge research. One example of that kind of academic is Kelly Barry, an associate professor in the department of... more
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      Science EducationBiology Education
High-level thinking skills are incredibly required to face the challenges in the 21st-century era. One of it skill is to think analytically or people commonly call it analytical thinking. Analytical thinking skills can be trained to the... more
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    • Biology Education
Investigamos aspectos para a inserção da história das ciências na es-cola básica durante o desenvolvimento de uma proposta didática que visa o aprendizado de conceitos relacionados à evolução biológica, segundo a concep-ção de Lamarck.... more
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      Science EducationBiology EducationHistory of SciencesBiological evolution
The research was aim to know: (1) influence of blended learning based edmodo on learning outcome; (2) influence of blended learning based edmodo on retention; (3) influence of motivation on learning outcome; (4) influence of motivation on... more
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    • Biology Education
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      Science EducationBiology EducationFactor analysisScience teacher education
Teaching Science in a digital society where 21st century skills are being harnessed is a perennial challenge. This is for the reason that teachers, specifically in the elementary level, are relentlessly modifying and innovating teaching... more
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    • Biology Education
• Siapkan bahan-bahan berikut: 1 karung kotoran ayam, setengah karung dedak, 30 kg hijauan (jerami, gedebong pisang, daun leguminosa), 100 gram gula merah, 50 ml bioaktivator (EM4), air bersih secukupnya. • Siapkan tong plastik kedap... more
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    • Biology Education
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    • Biology Education
Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion beschrieben. Das Modell ist ein theoretischer und methodischer Rahmen sowohl für die Unterrichtsplanung als auch für die fachdidaktische Lehr-Lernforschung. Es... more
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      Science EducationHistory EducationBiology EducationGeography Education
Lingkungan sekitar merupakan aspek penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Pembelajaran yang berorientasi terhadap lingkungan akan menciptakan pembelajaran yang kontekstual dan aktual. Buku saku ini merupakan buku yang membahas mengenai... more
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      EducationMangrovesBiology Education
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionBiology EducationCharles Darwin
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the laboratory facilities available and its perceived effect on science students performance in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State . Literatures relevant to the topic were reviewed and four... more
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      Information TechnologyScience EducationICT in EducationBiology Education
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Analyzing students' perceptions is essential to the development of studying scientific concepts. In particular, this research investigates students' conceptual understanding of a fundamental biological principle: homeostasis. Homeostasis... more
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    • Biology Education
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    • Biology Education
We come across both living and non-living things in our daily lives . Sometimes it is very easy to differentiate between the two, but at times it is difficult. There are many features and factors which make living things different from... more
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    • Biology Education
Das Lexikon informiert über Alltagsvorstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu allen Bereichen der Biologie von Abstammung bis Zufall. Es dient mit diesen empirisch erhobenen oder aus Unterrichtserfahrungen stammenden Vorstellungen... more
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      MisconceptionsBiology Education
Textbooks will not be separated from the applied curriculum. There are four aspects analyzed in the pedagogical content analysis of the textbook research: the accuracy of concepts, the accuracy of curriculum objectives, the readability of... more
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      Biology EducationPedagogical Content KnowledgeBiology Teacher EducationPendidikan Biologi
This monograph outlines and enframes the concept and the outputs of a four-year research in didactics for the subjects of biology, geography, and chemistry. This project has been supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic... more
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      Chemistry EducationBiology EducationGeography Education
This article presents a case study of the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in high-school biology project-based learning. The study's main goal was to conduct an in-depth, qualitative examination of the students' experiences... more
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      Skills DevelopmentProject-Based LearningComputational ThinkingBiology Education
Παρουσίαση plus  31.5.2017 Νοσοκομείο ΑΧΕΠΑ 
Εμβόλια-Εμβολιοφοβία ,Αιμοδοσίακαι Κοινωνία.
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      ImmunologyPublic HealthBiology EducationVaccination
This study aims to examine the pre-service science teachers' conceptions of Systematics and Taxonomy. Sample of the study consists of 54 preservice elementary-science teachers enrolled in a compulsory General Biology course. Groups were... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Science EducationBiology EducationGeneral Biology
Acha fonio (Digitaria exilis and Digitaria iburua) is a traditional African cereal grains which is poorly studied, although, it has received an increasing attention by scientists within the last ten years as revealed from literature. They... more
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Se revisan cien años de historia de los currículos españoles de biología, con la intención de revelar las relaciones de algunos temas socialmente controvertidos de la biología y los procedimientos de toma de decisiones a la hora de... more
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      Science EducationBiology EducationTeaching Evolution
Constituting a central and unifying base for all biological fields, theory of evolution is an interdisciplinary subject and plays an important role in understanding some basic concepts of biology. The main purpose of this research is to... more
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      Science EducationEvolution EducationBiology Education
Análisis de la importancia y el papel de la biología en el mundo actual, así como de sus perspectivas de futuro.
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      BiologyBiological EducationBiology EducationBiological Sciences
Students come to science class with many ideas of how the natural world works, some of which do not match the consensus of the scientific community and can lead to misunderstandings. Because a growing body of educational research... more
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      BiochemistryScience EducationAssessmentCell Biology
The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories (AULs) and analyzing adapted primary literature (APL). The... more
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      Science EducationNature of ScienceBiology EducationEducation science outreach
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      Biology EducationAnalogiesTeaching BiologyAnalogies and metaphors
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem manajemen pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh Quipper School sebagai Online Learning Management System di Indonesia. Dalam artikel ini akan dikaji cara kerja dan fitur-fitur di dalam Quipper... more
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      Distance LearningBiology EducationPendidikan Biologi
The activity discussed in this Science note has been found useful in enriching and supporting the teaching and learning of the following points from the current International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL) biology syllabus:
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      BotanyScience EducationBiologyBiology Education
During past two decades, a significant body of research has focused on students' understandings of scientific phenomena. Among them, investigations into students' understanding of biological concepts indicate that students of varying ages... more
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      Science EducationConceptual changeBiology Education
Background: While recent research indicates that using human examples can be an engaging way to teach core evolutionary concepts such as natural selection and phylogenetic thinking, teachers still face potential conflicts and challenges... more
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      Science EducationEvolution EducationBiology EducationAcceptance of evolution
Solucanlar farklı yiyeceklerin kokusunu alabilir mi? Çok güçlü bir böcek ne kadar ağırlık kaldırabilir? Cırcır böcekleri yalnızken mi, yoksa arkadaşlarıyla beraberken mi daha mutludur? Bir örümceğe dokunabilir misin? Peki, ona evcil... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLearning and TeachingBiology
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      Evolutionary BiologyEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageBiology Education
Spectrum Key Stage 3 Science: Spectrum Biology Class Book
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      EducationBiologyBiology Education
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      ParasitologyBiologyBiology EducationBiological Sciences
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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    • Biology Education
CAMPUS DE SOROCABA ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO SOROCABA, 2014 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS Campus de Sorocaba Rodovia João Leme dos Santos, km 110, SP 264 -Itinga. Cx.Postal 3031-CEP 18052-780-Sorocaba -SP -Brasil Fone 0XX15-3229-6000... more
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      Cell BiologyBiology Education