Recent papers in Biologie
Iron chlorosis is an important nutritional disease that affects orchards and vineyards reducing quality and yield production. In soil, high calcareous conditions affect pH, raising it to sub-alkaline and alkaline levels and maintaining... more
Résu m é : Lors de l'exploitation de sources sucrées de grande taille, M. sabuleti pratique une récolte collective basée sur l'utilisation d'un recrutem ent de m asse. Au niveau global, l'exploitation de deux sources de saccharose est, en... more
Without Tiemory the optimal net benefit is given when the food sources are eoual in size to the ants' carrying capacity and smaller ants are more efficient t!^an larger ants in poorer environments. With memory smaller ants are more... more
Commu n lcative efficien cy can bs evaluated in terms of the veloclty at which in formation is tran smitted Ce.g. recruitmen t rate), or in terms of the accuracy of commun ication Ce.g. dispersion aroun d the target}. Although the... more
Collective behavior based on self-organization has been shown in group-living animals from insects to vertebrates. These findings have stimulated engineers to investigate approaches for the coordination of autonomous multirobot systems... more
In ants, aggregation is mainly based on the attraction between individuals. We confirmed the existence of ground marking in Lasius niger and demonstrated its influence on the aggregative behaviour of ants: the place of the gathering is... more
Genetic variations in the four casein genes CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, and CSN3 have obtained substantial attention since they affect the milk protein yield, milk composition, cheese processing properties, and digestibility as well as... more
Supplement to chapter 1 An Overview of Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Functions and Applications (H. Scheer) All formulas in chapter 1 have been generated with the freeware program "C-Design" (J. Bauer,... more
Short-term assays have suggested that RNA interference (RNAi) may be a powerful new method for intracellular immunization against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, RNAi has not yet been shown to protect cells... more
The non-conventional yeastPichia pastoris(syn.Komagataella phaffii) has become a powerful eukaryotic expression platform for biopharmaceutical and biotechnological applications on both laboratory and industrial scales. Despite the... more
Une première enquête Cpidémiologique menée en 1986 nous avait permis de la présence de l'infection par les deux virus HIV-I et HIV-2 en Côte d'Ivoire, lièrement dans la capitale économique, Abidjan.
The commitment of Reuber H 35 hepatoma cells to DNA synthesis was studied by exposing cells which were synchronized by serum depletion, to serum. It is shown that the period of commitment is 6-8 hr, independent of the length of the.Gl... more
Background High-throughput technologies have opened new avenues to study biological processes and pathways. The interpretation of the immense amount of data sets generated nowadays needs to be facilitated in order to enable biologists to... more
The recurrence of influenza A epidemics has originally been explained by a ''continuous antigenic drift'' scenario. Recently, it has been shown that if genetic drift is gradual, the evolution of influenza A main antigen, the... more
Question: How do species traits and abiotic factors influence the extent of hydrochorous dispersal into and out of a small floodplain area along a freeflowing river in The Netherlands? Location: The Kappersbult nature reserve (53107 0 28... more
Genetic variations in the four casein genes CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, and CSN3 have obtained substantial attention since they affect the milk protein yield, milk composition, cheese processing properties, and digestibility as well as... more
Although mangroves dominated by Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle are extending over 6000 ha in the Tanbi Wetland National Park (TWNP) (The Gambia), their importance for local populations (both periurban and urban) is not well... more
National audienceCes milieux aquatiques fournissent de nombreux services écosystémiques, en assurant des fonctions de support (production primaire, biodiversité), de régulation(épuration des nutriments, régulation des flux hydriques),... more
Major histocompatibility (MHC) molecules are encoded by extremely polymorphic genes and play a crucial role in vertebrate immunity. Natural selection favors MHC heterozygous hosts because individuals heterozygous at the MHC can present a... more
Macrophage plasticity is critical for controlling inflammation including those produced by helminth infections, where alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) are accumulated in tissues. AAM expressing the co-inhibitory molecule... more
How could bios and psyche emerge from physical-chemical ? Is "emergence" an answer to this question or just an embarrassment? This article offers a fundamentally new perspective. Wie konnte aus dem Physikalisch-Chemischen Bios und aus... more
Bis 1992 als Klärschlammdeponie genutzte Teiche in Bramsche-Achmer haben sich für viele Wat- und Wasservogelarten zwischenzeitlich zu einem bedeutenden Lebensraum entwickelt. In dem ca. 3 ha großen Gebiet brüteten 1993-1995 mehrere Arten... more
Heterogeneous physiognomy and observed diversity of woody vegetation in savanna are considered as specific responses of seedling species during their growth to the given site characteristics changeable with time. Consequently,... more
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Epidemiology of colon cancer 1.2 Etiology of colon caner 1.3 Prognosis of colon caner 1.4 Colorectal liver metastasis 1.5 Therapeutic approaches for colorectal liver metastasis 1.6 Physiopathology of... more
The timber of the species Lophira alata (azobe) is very popular for outdoor constructions, which favours its overexploitation and illegal logging. We sampled individuals from Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo... more
RVP je dokument, který je závazný pro organizaci a obsah výuky různých profesí na různých školách Víme-li, že máme 281 platných RVP SOV, pak si musíme položit otázky: 1) Jakým způsobem připravit studijní programy pro přípravu... more
Van Driessche et al.: DNA cytosine methylation in the Bovine Leukemia Virus promoter is associated with latency in a Lymphoma-derived B-cell line : potential involvement of direct inhibition of CREB/CREM/ATF binding. Retrovirology 2011... more
This paper examines the image used to promote tourism activities in mangroves and how those activities are actually managed and interact with mangroves in Caribbean islands. The study focused on Jamaica (Black River Lower Morass),... more
Analyses of 55 individual and 31 concatenated protein data sets encoded in Reclinomonas americana and Marchantia polymorpha mitochondrial genomes revealed that current methods for constructing phylogenetic trees are insufficiently... more
Jasmonates (JAs) and salicylic acid (SA) are plant hormones that play pivotal roles in the regulation of induced defenses against microbial pathogens and insect herbivores. Their signaling pathways cross-communicate providing the plant... more
The main objective of this study was to assess how mangrove reforestation has influenced litter degradation and concomitant nutrient dynamics in previously deforested plantations. Dynamics of nutrients (carbon, nitrogen and C:N ratios) in... more
L'objet de cette conférence est d'engager une réflexion sur le statut des langues naturelles et sur celui des conceptions, représentations et/ou modèles élaborés à propos de ces langues. Cette réflexion sera organisée en trois temps. Nous... more
Objectives: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of adding ciclosporin A (CSA) to the treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) demonstrating an incomplete response to methotrexate (MTX) monotherapy. Methods: In a 12 month,... more
Objective: To determine whether, as predicted by predator-prey dynamics, early withdrawal of antiretroviral therapy, i.e., when the number of CD4+ lymphocytes is still elevated, results in an overshoot of HIV-1 viraemia due to infection... more
L’investigation scientifique repose sur un certain nombre de propositions (axiomes, postulats, hypothèses) qui ne sont presque jamais elles-mêmes l’objet de quelconques réflexions ou recherches. Or, il s’avère que ces énoncés, notamment... more
The ability of activated Ras to induce growth arrest of human ovarian surface epithelial (HOSE) cells via induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 WAF1/CIP1 has been used to screen for Ras pathway signaling components using... more
Sandy sediments of continental shelves and most beaches are often thought of as geochemical deserts because they are usually poor in organic matter and other reactive substances. The present study focuses on analyses of dissolved biogenic... more
Spiral waves in a small disk and on a small sphere 63-64 Davydov, V.A. and Zykov, V.S. 65-67 filamentous fungi Deutsch, Α., Dress, A. and Rensing, L. Dupont, G. and Goldbeter, A. Dutt, A.K. Chemical pattern formation: An overview 75-77... more
Background: Surgery is a curative treatment for patients with locally advanced colon cancer, but recurrences are frequent for those with stage III disease. FOLFOX adjuvant chemotherapy has been shown to improve recurrence-free survival... more