The efficient specification of aesthetic measures for music as a part of modelling human conception of sound is a challenging task and has motivated several research works. It is not only targeted to the creation of automatic music... more
Software systems are becoming ever more complex, as the capabilities of the software upon which they are based increase. To develop software that is manageable, we must look for novel sources of inspiration, rather than requiring an... more
This is the readable introductory version of Global Workspace Theory, published in 1997 in the Journal of Consciousness Studies. The Oxford University Press book of that year provides an easy book-length introduction. Since 1997 our... more
Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning (book) introduces the essential ideas behind all key algorithms and techniques for data mining and machine learning, along with optimization techniques. Its strong formal... more
Historically, architects used to draw what they could build, and built what they could draw. The straight lines and circular arcs drawn on paper using straight edge and compass have been translated into the materials made by the extrusion... more
The textbook is available in hard-copy version (in Serbian language) primary for our MSc and PhD students to learn and investigate modern scientific disciplines in domain of intelligent manufacturing systems and processes development.... more
The growing complexity of real-world problems has motivated computer scientists to search for efficient problem-solving methods. Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence metaheuristics are outstanding examples that nature has been... more
ABSRACT: Design methodologies have radically shifted our conception of the design process, as well as our understanding of geometrical forms as a function of performance instead of finite positions in space. However, the materials... more
We consider the optimal control design of an abstract autonomous vehicle (AAV). The AAV searches an area for tasks that are detected with a probability that depends on vehicle speed, and each detected task can be processed or ignored.... more
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
A biologically inspired cognitive architecture must draw its insights from what is known from animal (including human) cognition. Such architectures should faithfully model the high-level modules and processes of cognitive neuroscience.... more
Many optimization problems in science and engineering are highly nonlinear, and thus require sophisticated optimization techniques to solve. Traditional techniques such as gradient-based algorithms are mostly local search methods, and... more
This work investigates the parallelization of the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Besides a sequential version enhanced with local search, we compare three parallel models: master-slave, multi-hive with migrations, and hybrid... more
This work presents an integrated simulation system for development of modular robotic locomotion patterns. Using graphical configuration interfaces users can create robots, attach sensors, create and assign actuation algorithms, build an... more
UTS Bio Inspired Computation, Bio Inspired Computation, UTS Komputasi Berbasis Biologi, Komputasi Berbasis Biologi, Komputasi Biologi, Bioinformatika, Bioinformatics, UTS Bio, Informatika, Teknik Informatika, Universitas... more
Networks today are continuously changing and network routing is a major challenge. This is due the fact that the networks complexity is increasing and predominant in today’s internet. To cope up with this problem we use the advanced... more
This paper reports the hybridization of the artificial bee colony (ABC) and a genetic algorithm (GA), ina hierarchical topology, a step ahead of a previous work. We used this parallel approach for solving theprotein structure prediction... more
Lifelong learning is a long-standing aim for artificial agents that act in dynamic environments in which an agent needs to accumulate knowledge incrementally without forgetting previously learned representations. Contemporary methods for... more
This paper describes a study in the evolution of distributed cooperative behavior, specifically leader election, through digital evolution and group selection. In digital evolution, a population of self-replicating computer programs... more
In an attempt to provide a unified account for a vast literature discussing a multiplicity of selves, Shaun Gallagher (2013) has proposed a pattern theory of self. Subsequent discussion on this account has led to a concern that the... more
In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines... more
In this paper we propose a Lossless data compressor in high level throughput using re programable FPGA technology.Real time data compression is expected to play a crucial role in high rate data communication applications. Most available... more
Many-cores are on the cusp of becoming state-of-the-art processor technology for the next decade. To guarantee efficient communication between multiple cores, a Network-on-a-Chip (NoC) is considered as an alternative to overcome the... more
A global workspace (GW) is a functional hub of binding and propagation in a population of loosely coupled signaling elements. In computational applications, GW architectures recruit many distributed, specialized agents to cooperate in... more
Biocomputing is a recently growing and highly interdisciplinary field of research that investigates models and computational techniques inspired by biology and related sciences. Here, cyclic behavior (redox cycling) of purified... more
This article reinterprets the Global Workspace theory in the form of a coherent model. The model is initial and simple. It interconnects the Working Memory and the Long Therm Memory using the graph theory. The model can be used for... more
We present a learning-based method for model completion and adaptation, which is based on the combination of two approaches: 1) R2D2C, a technique for mechanically transforming system requirements via provably equivalent models to running... more
This paper develops PeSeeD, a new metaheuristic algorithm for finding optimal spaced seed. Sequences matching is a hot topic in bio-informatics, which is used in many applications such as understanding the functional, structural, or... more
Although inspired by the biological aspect, the concept of autonomic computing is emblematic of the diversity of solutions that propose a self-governance of systems from high-level objectives. From the human point of view, the autonomic... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the slime mould Physarum polycephalum as an ideal biological substrate for transport networks. When presented with several sources of nutrients the slime mould propagates colonises the... more
In this work, we investigate the possibility of using inspiration from the self-organizing property of organisms in nature for providing visual representation of an invisible pollutant profile. We present a novel mathematical model of the... more
In recent years, Deep Learning techniques have shown to perform well on a large variety of problems both in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, reaching and often surpassing the state of the art on many tasks. The rise of... more
Abstract shown in the journal article. Please note that "the frame problem" is a general challenge in AI/robotics as well as in computational neurobiology. Broadly speaking, as a robot drives outside of a familiar space, like a... more
It is well known that, in nature, populations are dynamic in space and time. This means that the size of populations oscillate across their habitats over time. This work uses the concepts of habitats, ecological relationships, ecological... more
Although inspired by the biological aspect, the concept of autonomic computing is emblematic of the diversity of solutions that propose a self-governance of systems from high-level objectives. From the human point of view, the autonomic... more
One of the more interesting concepts being postulated for next gen power plants, is the notion of highly resilient and survivable I&C systems. While resilience and survivability are “cross system attributes”, resilience and robustness... more
The subject of this article is the frame problem, as conceived by certain cognitive scientists and philosophers of mind. The challenge is to explain the capacity of so-called informationally unencapsulated cognitive processes to deal... more
A photomosaic is an image assembled from smaller images called tiles. When a photomosaic is viewed from a distance, it resembles a desired target image. The process of photomosaic generation can be viewed as an optimization problem, where... more