Biologically inspired computing

276 papers
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Biologically inspired computing is an interdisciplinary field that develops computational models and algorithms based on biological processes and systems. It draws from principles observed in nature, such as evolution, neural networks, and swarm behavior, to solve complex problems and enhance computational efficiency.
The growing complexity of real-world problems has motivated computer scientists to search for efficient problem-solving methods. Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence metaheuristics are outstanding examples that nature has been... more
Inspired by biological mechanisms and structures in neuroscience, many biologically inspired visual computational models have been presented to provide new solutions for visual recognition task. For example, convolutional neural network... more
Software systems are becoming ever more complex, as the capabilities of the software upon which they are based increase. To develop software that is manageable, we must look for novel sources of inspiration, rather than requiring an... more
In this paper, we propose a biologically inspired visual integrated model for image classification, called VMVI-CNN. Motivated in part by recent neuroscience progress in revealing integrated functions of human visual system, two... more
We present a framework which allows standard stereo reconstruction to be unified with a wide range of classic top-down cues from urban scene understanding. The resulting algorithm is analogous to the human visual system where conflicting... more
In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines... more
Many optimization problems in science and engineering are highly nonlinear, and thus require sophisticated optimization techniques to solve. Traditional techniques such as gradient-based algorithms are mostly local search methods, and... more
by John Oyekan and 
1 more
In this work, we investigate the possibility of using inspiration from the self-organizing property of organisms in nature for providing visual representation of an invisible pollutant profile. We present a novel mathematical model of the... more
In an attempt to provide a unified account for a vast literature discussing a multiplicity of selves, Shaun Gallagher (2013) has proposed a pattern theory of self. Subsequent discussion on this account has led to a concern that the... more
Foraging theory has been the inspiration for several decision-making algorithms for task-processing agents facing random environments. As nature selects for foraging behaviors that maximize lifetime calorie gain or minimize starvation... more
This paper reports the hybridization of the artificial bee colony (ABC) and a genetic algorithm (GA), ina hierarchical topology, a step ahead of a previous work. We used this parallel approach for solving theprotein structure prediction... more
In this paper a possible general framework for the representation of concepts in cognitive artificial systems and cognitive architectures is proposed. The framework is inspired by the so called proxytype theory of concepts and combines it... more
In this paper we propose a Lossless data compressor in high level throughput using re programable FPGA technology.Real time data compression is expected to play a crucial role in high rate data communication applications. Most available... more
This paper describes a study in the evolution of distributed cooperative behavior, specifically leader election, through digital evolution and group selection. In digital evolution, a population of self-replicating computer programs... more
We consider the optimal control design of an abstract autonomous vehicle (AAV). The AAV searches an area for tasks that are detected with a probability that depends on vehicle speed, and each detected task can be processed or ignored.... more
This paper presents an incremental clustering algorithm based on DGC, a density-based algorithm we developed earlier [1]. We experimented with real-life datasets and both methods perform satisfactorily. The methods have been compared with... more
A method increasingly used to uniquely identify objects (be they pieces of luggage, transported goods or inventory items in shops and warehouses), is Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). One of the most important components of RFID... more
This paper describes a study in the evolution of cooperative behavior, specifically the construction of communication networks, through digital evolution and multilevel selection. In digital evolution, a population of self-replicating... more
There are many successful applications of Backpropagation (BP) for training multilayer neural networks. However, they have many shortcomings. Learning often takes insupportable time to converge, and it may fall into local minima at all.... more
Many-cores are on the cusp of becoming state-of-the-art processor technology for the next decade. To guarantee efficient communication between multiple cores, a Network-on-a-Chip (NoC) is considered as an alternative to overcome the... more
A photomosaic is an image assembled from smaller images called tiles. When a photomosaic is viewed from a distance, it resembles a desired target image. The process of photomosaic generation can be viewed as an optimization problem, where... more
The task of radar pulse compression is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem and has been effectively solved using radial basis function (RBF) network and multiobjective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). The pulse compression... more
We present a learning-based method for model completion and adaptation, which is based on the combination of two approaches: 1) R2D2C, a technique for mechanically transforming system requirements via provably equivalent models to running... more
The search for biologically plausible ideas, models and computational paradigms always drew the interest of computer scientists, particularly those from the natural computing area. Also, the concept of optimisation can be abstracted from... more
Biologically inspired behaviour-based approaches to agent design have been particularly successful in mobile robotics. In this approach, rather than decomposing intelligent agents by function, the systems is segmented into independent... more
by Janos Abonyi and 
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Biological systems are self-organizing, tolerant of manufacturing defects and they adapt, rather than being programmed, to their environments. The problems they solve involve the interaction of an organism/system with the real world.... more
Digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems in safety-related applications of next generation industrial automation systems require high levels of resilience against different fault classes. One of the more essential concepts for... more
It is well known that, in nature, populations are dynamic in space and time. This means that the size of populations oscillate across their habitats over time. This work uses the concepts of habitats, ecological relationships, ecological... more
An amorphous computer is a multitude of tiny computers each with a CPU, memory, and local communication capability. An iSurface is a particular instance of an amorphous computer, an “intelligent” coasting capable of computing, sensing and... more
Based on the workings of visual cortical area V1, a model for an architecture for early computer vision is proposed. We propose to do image processing for computer vision on the basis of a combined map, of edge orientation and... more
This paper presents our vision of the futuristic product. Proactive Home Furnishings allows user to realize (useful) information embedded of physical objects and/or on the top of architectural surfaces. Proactive Home Furnishings also... more
A model of face representation, inspired by the biology of the visual system, is compared to experimental data on the perception of facial similarity. The face representation model uses aggregate primary visual cortex (V1) cell responses... more
Although inspired by the biological aspect, the concept of autonomic computing is emblematic of the diversity of solutions that propose a self-governance of systems from high-level objectives. From the human point of view, the autonomic... more
This paper reports about progress in two areas towards quantum computing architectures with elements inspired from biological controls, as proposed in an earlier paper. The first area is about exploiting mathematical results in coloured... more
Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning (book) introduces the essential ideas behind all key algorithms and techniques for data mining and machine learning, along with optimization techniques. Its strong formal... more