In this paper, we will examine numerous optimization approaches in the field of computer science engineering in depth, shedding light on their applications, strengths, and weaknesses. Optimization algorithms are important tools in... more
Over the past few decades, the studies on algorithms inspired by nature have shown that these methods can be efficiently used to eliminate most of the difficulties of classical methods. Nature inspired algorithms are widely used to solve... more
The paper reviews and introduces the state-of-the-art nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms in optimization, including Firefly algorithm, PSO algorithms and ABC algorithm. By implementing these algorithms in Matlab, we will use worked... more
A model of face representation, inspired by the biology of the visual system, is compared to experimental data on the perception of facial similarity. The face representation model uses aggregate primary visual cortex (V1) cell responses... more
Bom in Ireland and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland. James Arthur came to New York in 1871. Trained in mechanics and gearcutting, he pursued a career in the manufacture and repair of machinery, during the course of which he founded a... more
Nature is the best tutor and its designs and strengths are extremely massive and strange that it gives inspiration to researches to imitate nature to solve hard and complex problems in computer sciences. Bio Inspired computing has come up... more
Evolutionary algorithms rarely deal with ontogenetic, non-inherited alteration of genetic information because they are based on a direct genotype-phenotype mapping. In contrast, several processes have been discovered in nature which alter... more
The stability of synchronized states ͑frequency locked states͒ in networks of phase oscillators is investigated for several network topologies. It is shown that for some topologies there is more than one stable synchronized state... more
A robotic swarm can perform various tasks. However, a human is required to task the swarm. Human control over the swarm can be enabled through a set of influential agents which can be either leaders or predators. In the presence of... more
In this position paper, we synthesize "within the system" models of human influence over bio-inspired swarms, summarizing observations from previous experiments and identifying methods of influence that have not yet been explored. We... more
Despite lacking a generally accepted definition, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is commonly understood to refer to artificial agents possessing the capacity to build up a context-independent understanding of itself and the world... more
Resumen Es por todos conocida la rápida evolución de las tecnologías móviles en estos últimos años. Hace tan solo una década nadie podría augurar la desorbitada cantidad de dispositivos (smartphone) que existen en la actualidad. Su rápida... more
Dr. Epstein has taken on the urgent task of relating phenomenology, cognition, and neurophysiology. He has done substantial theorizing, based on some substantial empirical work, although he modestly warns that it is only a working-paper... more
Bees algorithm (BA) is a new member of meta-heuristics. BA tries to model natural behavior of honey bees in food foraging. Honey bees use several mechanisms like waggle dance to optimally locate food sources and to search new ones. This... more
In this paper, an integer quadratic programming model is proposed for workload balancing in the examination job assignment problem. The proposed model can be classified as part of the 'Generalised Assignment Problem' or GAP, which is... more
In this paper, an integer quadratic programming model is proposed for workload balancing in the examination job assignment problem. The proposed model can be classified as part of the 'Generalised Assignment Problem' or GAP, which is... more
Bees algorithm (BA) is a new member of meta-heuristics. BA tries to model natural behavior of honey bees in food foraging. Honey bees use several mechanisms like waggle dance to optimally locate food sources and to search new ones. This... more
El estudio enfatiza la importancia de comprender los sistemas vivos, tanto del carbono como in silico, como organismos complejos que se autoorganizan y colaboran desde estructuras descentralizadas para mantener un orden del no-equilibrio.... more
Neuromorphic image sensors produce activity-driven spiking output at every pixel. These low-power consuming imagers which encode visual change information in the form of spikes help reduce computational overhead and realize complex... more
Fuzzy clustering is an important problem which is the subject of active research in several real world applications. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm is one of the most popular fuzzy clustering techniques because it is efficient,... more
This paper presents an improved algorithm for path planning using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. This algorithm is used to find collision free shortest path from the start position to destination. The environment considered here is a... more
Biological organisms learn from interactions with their environment throughout their lifetime. For artificial systems to successfully act and adapt in the real world, it is desirable to similarly be able to learn on a continual basis.... more
This article discusses the possibilities of using FPGAs in order to construct fast PLCs that execute serialcyclic program control loop. The PLCs bistable function blocks of the IEC 61131-3 standard with particular emphasis on the possible... more
The lack of transparency of neural networks stays a major break for their use. The Layerwise Relevance Propagation technique builds heat-maps representing the relevance of each input in the model s decision. The relevance spreads backward... more
This paper addresses the problem of optimality in semantic Web service composition by proposing a hybrid nature-inspired method for selecting the optimal or near-optimal solution in semantic Web Service Composition. The method hybridizes... more
There are many successful applications of Backpropagation (BP) for training multilayer neural networks. However, they have many shortcomings. Learning often takes insupportable time to converge, and it may fall into local minima at all.... more
One of the recently proposed algorithms in the field of nature-inspired algorithm is the Honey Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) algorithm by Haddad and Afshar. The HBMO algorithm simulates the marriage behaviour of bees. The solutions are... more
Darwin's theory of evolution explains the early history that led to the origin of man. The theory of the hypercell organisms or "Homo Proteus", as I call the Man-Machine-Hybrid, continues where Darwin's theory left off and deals with the... more
In this paper, we develop computing machinery within the framework of the String Multiset Rewriting calculus (SMSR), as dened by Barbuti et al. [4], to solve the SAT problem in linear time regarding the number of variables of a given... more
Recent advances in robotics technology provide great support for robotic leg prostheses to realize full biomechanical functionalities of the contralateral leg. In order to reproduce the biomechanical behaviors of the contralateral leg,... more
Biological organisms learn from interactions with their environment throughout their lifetime. For artificial systems to successfully act and adapt in the real world, it is desirable to similarly be able to learn on a continual basis.... more
We present a socially inspired approach that allows agents in Multi-Agent Systems to speed up their own learning process through communication. Thereby, they are able to trade off impact of knowledge by mutation dependent on the recent... more
Imitation is not only a powerful means to drastically downsize the exploration space when learning behavior. It also helps to align the learning efforts of a robot group towards a common goal. However, one prerequisite in imitation, the... more
Information extraction is systematic process of extracting structured information from documents which has both unstructured and semi structured data set. Data available over the web is unstructured which is processed and delivered that... more
Bom in Ireland and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland. James Arthur came to New York in 1871. Trained in mechanics and gearcutting, he pursued a career in the manufacture and repair of machinery, during the course of which he founded a... more
In this paper, an investigation of snake robot movement scenario has been discussed and analyzed. Angular velocity, snake robot movement trends and motion shape are involved in this investigation by implementation of serpentine... more
It presents an original model of human creativity, as well as a series of personal considerations about creativity within Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is believed that when human creativity it will be known, it can be implemented in... more
Routing algorithm is the key element in networks performance and reliability, therefore, there is a need for an algorithm to manage traffic flows and deliver packets from the source to the destination in a realistic time. A modification... more
In the field of Evolutionary Computation (EC), many algorithms have been proposed to enhance the optimisation search performance in NP-Hard problems. Recently, EC research trends have focused on memetic algorithms that combine local and... more
Advances in computer technology, coupled with the intention to utilize the limited resources to its best possible way while conforming to the prescribed objective, has led to a wealth of different optimization approaches in engineering... more
h i g h l i g h t s • Surveys algorithms applicable to swarm robotic systems for target search and tracking. • Identifies variations of the search and tracking problem addressed in the literature. • Discusses desired capabilities of... more
The ability to detect floor regions from an image enables a variety of applications such as indoor scene understanding, mobility assessment, robot navigation, path planning and surveillance. In this work, we propose a framework for... more
One of the main constraints in wireless sensor networks limited battery power which plays a great influence on lifetime and the quality of wireless sensor networks. Clustering is an effective technique that can greatly expand lifetime,... more
This paper addresses the problem of steering a swarm of autonomous agents out of an unknown maze to some goal located at an unknown location. This is particularly the case in situations where no direct communication between the agents is... more
In this paper we propose a Lossless data compressor in high level throughput using re programable FPGA technology.Real time data compression is expected to play a crucial role in high rate data communication applications. Most available... more
In this paper we propose a Lossless data compressor in high level throughput using re programable FPGA technology.Real time data compression is expected to play a crucial role in high rate data communication applications. Most available... more
Propulsion of swimming robots at the surface and underwater is largely dominated by rotary propellers due to high thrust, but at the cost of low efficiency. Due to their inherently high speed turning motion, sharp propeller blades and... more
In this article, a new hybrid algorithm based on Honey Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) combined with the Tabu Search (TS) for null steering beamformer in adaptive antenna array is presented. The proposed method HBMO/TS is applied to a set... more