Biological Systems Engineering

197 papers
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Biological Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies engineering principles to biological systems, focusing on the design, analysis, and optimization of processes involving biological materials and organisms. It integrates knowledge from biology, engineering, and technology to develop solutions for agricultural, environmental, and biomedical challenges.
Fluorescent protein promoter reporters are important tools that are widely used for diverse purposes in microbiology, systems biology and synthetic biology and considerable engineering efforts are still geared at improving the sensitivity... more
Network concepts have been widely reported in the current literature on international engineering operations. But a systematic view of the unique nature of engineering is missing and its implications for the design and operations of... more
The solution lies in the direction of taking a systems view of things. When you have the view from space, you realize that the concept of fields within fields within fields, systems of functioning within systems of functioning, is the... more
Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises... more
Samantha Jacques, Milwaukee School of Engineeirng John D. Gassert, Milwaukee School of Engineering Thomas Swiontek, Milwaukee School of Engineering Jeffrey LaMack, Milwaukee School of Engineering Charles Tritt, Milwaukee School of... more
Biological nitrogen fixation is a complex process requiring multiple genes working in concert. To date, the Klebsiella pneumoniae nif gene cluster, divided into seven operons, is one of the most studied systems. Its nitrogen fixation... more
Background: Mammary gland morphogenesis involves ductal elongation, branching, and budding. All of these processes are mediated by stroma-epithelium interactions. Biomechanical factors, such as matrix stiffness, have been established as... more
Grain protein films plasticized with glycerol were prepared from corn zein (CZ), wheat gluten (WG), and a 2.3:1 mixture of wheat gluten and soy protein isolate (WG/SPI). Moisture adsorption curves of the three types of protein films at... more
Grain protein films plasticized with glycerol were prepared from corn zein (CZ), wheat gluten (WG), and a 2.3:1 mixture of wheat gluten and soy protein isolate (WG/SPI). Moisture adsorption curves of the three types of protein films at... more
Grain protein films plasticized with glycerol were prepared from corn zein (CZ), wheat gluten (WG), and a 2.3:1 mixture of wheat gluten and soy protein isolate (WG/SPI). Moisture adsorption curves of the three types of protein films at... more
We report an all-in-one platform-ScanDrop-for the rapid and specific capture, detection, and identification of bacteria in drinking water. The ScanDrop platform integrates droplet microfluidics, a portable imaging system, and cloud-based... more
In recent years, the field of systems biology has emerged from a confluence of an increase both in molecular biotechnology and in computing storage and power. As a discipline, systems biology shares many characteristics with engineering.... more
Luke Pros Zac good comprehension of material, able to apply Anna always willing to participate John well organized Cal dependable Elizabeth good comprehension Cons Zac could be more confident Anna could be more assertive of knowledge John... more
Field performance of six combinations of planter attachments on a conventional row-crop planter in two residue management corn production systems was evaluated. The management systems consisted of baled-out residue plots worked by a... more
In this research effects of active toothed coulter on planter penetration in semi-dried soils covered with previous wheat (Triticum aestivum) residue was studied. Therefore, effects of three levels of speed ratio (coulter peripheral... more
In the prospect of engineering cyanobacteria for the biological photoproduction of hydrogen, we have studied the hydrogen production machine in the model unicellular strain Synechocystis PCC6803 through gene deletion, and overexpression... more
changed the name of the undergraduate degree program to "Biological Systems Engineering." Over the years, Agricultural Engineering, like other engineering disciplines, has expanded into new areas of activity. Activity focused on... more
changed the name of the undergraduate degree program to "Biological Systems Engineering." Over the years, Agricultural Engineering, like other engineering disciplines, has expanded into new areas of activity. Activity focused on... more
Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It is also considered as the art and science of developing an operable system that meets requirements within often opposed... more
Mechanical forces play a crucial role in tumor patho-physiology. Compression of cancer cells inhibits their proliferation rate, induces apoptosis and enhances their invasive and metastatic potential. Additionally, compression of... more
Ecological engineering' is relatively recent. It resembles chemical, hydrological and other engineering where the title indicates another discipline specialisation (ecology, chemistry, hydrology) is closely associated. Differently, civil,... more
In recent years, the field of systems biology has emerged from a confluence of an increase both in molecular biotechnology and in computing storage and power. As a discipline, systems biology shares many characteristics with engineering.... more
Computational strain design protocols aim at the system-wide identification of intervention strategies for the enhanced production of biochemicals in microorganisms. Existing approaches relying solely on stoichiometry and rudimentary... more
It is presented the chemical engineering development, as guided by its four main paradigms: unit operations, transport phenomena, product engineering and sustainable chemical engineering. The starting point is the paradigm definition as... more
This article "The Many Faces of Systems Engineering" is based on a qualitative study that included, at its core, dozens of in-depth interviews with prominent experts in the field. We have conversed with lead systems engineers, high... more
Osmotic actuation is a ubiquitous plant-inspired actuation strategy that has a very low power consumption but is capable of generating effective movements in a wide variety of environmental conditions. In light of these features, we aimed... more
This chapter describes the nature of engineering design, introduces modern design philosophy called Design for Six Sigma, suggests some benefits of a hands-on design project, indicates the qualities of a good designer, and explains the... more
Biomedical Engineering is a relatively new interdisciplinary science. This paper presents the biomedical engineering activity, which is carried out at Budapest University of Technology and Economics and its partner institutes. In the... more
This chapter describes the nature of engineering design, introduces modern design philosophy called Design for Six Sigma, suggests some benefits of a hands-on design project, indicates the qualities of a good designer, and explains the... more
Computational strain design protocols aim at the system-wide identification of intervention strategies for the enhanced production of biochemicals in microorganisms. Existing approaches relying solely on stoichiometry and rudimentary... more
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and minimize friction while exploring and searching. Among living... more
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and minimize friction while exploring and searching. Among living... more
MiR-7 acts as a tumour suppressor in many cancers and abrogates proliferation of CHO cells in culture. In this study we demonstrate that miR-7 targets key regulators of the G1 to S phase transition, including Skp2 and Psme3, to promote... more
Pulp mill sludge produced in the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) contains organic matter (11-47%), nitrogen (38-2560 mg N/kg) and phosphorus (167-370 mg P/kg), which may be valuable for increasing soil productivity. The levels of heavy... more
Abstract: This paper offers a new paradigm for engineering education and therefore for engineering. This paper proposes a future for engineering where sustainability is deeply embedded in the things that engineering produces (ie its... more
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and minimize friction while exploring and searching. Among living... more
The solution lies in the direction of taking a systems view of things. When you have the view from space, you realize that the concept of fields within fields within fields, systems of functioning within systems of functioning, is the... more
Pulp mill sludge produced in the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) contains organic matter (11-47%), nitrogen (38-2560 mg N/kg) and phosphorus (167-370 mg P/kg), which may be valuable for increasing soil productivity. The levels of heavy... more
In exploring the epistemology of engineering science, we propose a model of engineering. This model incorporates the goals of engineering, the approach to engineering (also called the engineering method) and the role of experience in... more
In exploring the epistemology of engineering science we propose a model of engineering. This model incorporates the goals of engineering, the approach to engineering (also called the engineering method) and the role of experience in... more
Abstract: This paper offers a new paradigm for engineering education and therefore for engineering. This paper proposes a future for engineering where sustainability is deeply embedded in the things that engineering produces (ie its... more
CONTEXT Engineering is a set of practices and principles evidenced in the artefacts of human cultures. In the 21st century there is growing understanding of the implications of this for supporting innovation and sustainable practices.... more
Mechanical forces play a crucial role in tumor patho-physiology. Compression of cancer cells inhibits their proliferation rate, induces apoptosis and enhances their invasive and metastatic potential. Additionally, compression of... more
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and minimize friction while exploring and searching. Among living... more
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and minimize friction while exploring and searching. Among living... more
Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to human problems." This is a view that pervades engineering education. Recent emphasis in the United States is "engineering is design." The thesis of this paper is that... more
Samuel (1991) in identifying problems associated with engineering education observed that the product of engineering education does not have an identifiable entity. Unlike professions such as medicine, law or accountancy it is difficult... more