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An investigation of the electrochemical activity of human white blood cells (WBC) for biofuel cell (BFC) applications is described. WBCs isolated from whole human blood were suspended in PBS and introduced into the anode compartment of a... more
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    •   14  
      BiologyProton Exchange MembraneCyclic VoltammetryMedicine
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
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    •   206  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
Background: Inducible promoters are widely spread genetic tools for triggering, tuning and optimizing the expression of recombinant genes in engineered biological systems. Most of them are controlled by the addition of a specific... more
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    • Biological Engineering
γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) causes retrograde amnesia in juveniles and young adults. Earlier, we have reported that in adolescent rat, GHB impairs the hidden platform task performance in the Morris water maze. In the present study, a... more
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    •   58  
Synthetic biology is a diverse jungle of techno-epistemic approaches arising from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. However, the field is also seeking to promote a unique identity along a disciplinary framework, and its... more
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    •   17  
      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of TechnologySociology of KnowledgeSynthetic Biology
Two bed media were tested (gravel and Filtralite) in shallow horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetlands in order to evaluate the removal of ammonia and nitrate for different types of wastewater (acetate-based and domestic... more
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    •   20  
      BiogeochemistryArchitectureAquatic EcologyBiochemical Engineering
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
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    •   142  
      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
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    • Biological Engineering
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
    • by 
    •   206  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
    • by 
    •   200  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
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    •   177  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
Biological engineering is a field of engineering in which the emphasis is on life and life-sustaining systems. Biological engineering is an emerging discipline that encompasses engineering theory and practice connected to and derived from... more
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    •   3  
      Biomedical EngineeringBiological EngineeringBiological Sciences
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Malaysian market for smartphone and the usage behaviors of consumers. This paper presents the result of a survey on the trend of smartphone from the... more
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    •   185  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
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    •   28  
      Information SystemsEngineeringEcological EngineeringEvolutionary Biology
Most of the wastewater treatment systems in small rural communities of the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) consist of constructed wetlands (CW) with horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF). It is believed that those systems allow the compliance... more
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    •   20  
      Agricultural EngineeringArchitectureBiochemical EngineeringBioenergy
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    •   5  
      BiochemistryBiochemical EngineeringBioprocess/ Biochemical EngineeringMolecular Biochemistry
The ISO 9001 (2000) define "Quality" as the ability of a set of inherent properties and characteristics of a product, system or process to fulfill requirements of customers and other interested parties. The "Plan de Calidad de Obra (PCO)"... more
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    •   199  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
For years, the field of drug delivery has focused on (1) controlling the release of a therapeutic and (2) targeting the therapeutic to a specific cell type. These research endeavors have concentrated mainly on the development of new... more
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    •   8  
      Agent BasedDrug deliveryUltrasoundDrug Delivery System
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    •   176  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
The U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) recently published a document presenting "Grand Challenges for Engineering". This list was proposed by leading engineers and scientists from around the world at the request of the U.S.... more
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    •   4  
      Biological EngineeringNational Science FoundationDrinking WaterFresh water
Mapping genome of an organism is an important tool to provide a guide for the sequencing experiments by showing the exact positions of genes and other distinctive features in the chromosomal DNA. Whole genome sequencing of eukaryotic... more
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    • Biological Engineering
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    •   199  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
We discuss interconnect parasitic extraction in the nanometer domain using the ITRS 2005 roadmap for future technology generations. Resistance becomes the dominant contribution for timing for local wires at 65 nm and beyond, a major... more
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    •   41  
      Information SystemsEngineeringEcological EngineeringEvolutionary Biology
Ralph Brothers' parents both died of acute myocardial infarctions at an early age. Ralph inherited dyslipidemia and glucose intolerance, and his blood pressure is above normal. Determined to prevent an early death, he has altered his... more
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    •   205  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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    •   1261  
      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Schizophrenia, a problem in how brains function, is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities and difficulty with... more
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    •   4  
      AnthropologyReligion and PoliticsBiological EngineeringBiological science
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
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    •   206  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
The Hamiltonian Path Problem asks whether there is a route in a directed graph from a beginning node to an ending node, visiting each node exactly once. The Hamiltonian Path Problem is NP complete, achieving surprising computational... more
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    •   12  
      GeneticsComputational ComplexitySynthetic BiologyDNA computing
Internet addiction disorder (IAD) has been proposed to describe uncontrollable, damaging use of Internet technology leading to some changes in the autonomic nervous system. IAD can be defined as an impulse-control disorder that does not... more
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    •   20  
      BiochemistryBioinformaticsClinical PsychologyBiophysics
Papain (PAP) merupakan salah satu enzim yang sering digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, salah satunya untuk melunakkan daging. Selain itu biasa pula sebagai obat penyembuh luka, peradangan, dan lain-lain. Namun, konsentrasinya yang sangat... more
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    • Biological Engineering
The communication of stress/anxiety between conspecifics through chemosensory signals has been documented in many vertebrates and invertebrates. Here, we investigate how chemosensory anxiety signals conveyed by the sweat of humans (N =... more
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    •   29  
      Information SystemsEngineeringEcological EngineeringEvolutionary Biology
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
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    •   205  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
This research evaluates the effect of both organic and ammonia loading rates and the presence of plants on the removal of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, 2 years after the... more
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    •   132  
      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
This paper presents an example of the importance of evapotranspiration in constructed wetlands, with vertical subsurface flow, comparing different methods of treatment efficiency calculations and discussing the influence of... more
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    •   115  
      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental Science
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
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    •   205  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
The design of artificial biological systems and the understanding of their natural counterparts are key objectives of the emerging discipline of synthetic biology. Toward both ends, research in synthetic biology has primarily focused on... more
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    •   13  
      Research DesignSynthetic BiologyMetabolic EngineeringBiophysical Chemistry
Tissue engineering, as an interdisciplinary approach, is seeking to create tissues with optimal performance for clinical applications. Various factors, including cells, biomaterials, cell or tissue culture conditions and signaling... more
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    • Biological Engineering
Background: Cyanobacteria are solar-powered prokaryotes useful for sustainable production of valuable molecules, but orthogonal and regulated promoters are lacking. The Lac repressor (LacI) from Escherichia coli is a well-studied... more
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    • Biological Engineering
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    •   216  
      ManagementEngineeringEcological EngineeringOptical Engineering
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
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    •   205  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
Two bed media were tested (gravel and Filtralite) in shallow horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetlands in order to evaluate the removal of ammonia and nitrate for different types of wastewater (acetate-based and domestic... more
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    •   157  
      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMaterials EngineeringChemical Engineering
This paper is an attempt to develop software framework for public library based and Webenabled multilingual community information services by utilizing open standards and open source software. It uses GSDL as DL software, PERL, PHP and... more
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    •   199  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
The southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) is a riparian bird that spends winter months in Central and South America and summer breeding months in riparian zones of the American Southwest. Decline of the willow... more
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    •   217  
      ManagementEngineeringEcological EngineeringOptical Engineering
Two media bed (gravel and Filtralite NR) were tested in a mesocosm to evaluate the removal of organic matter (as chemical oxygen demand (COD)), ammonia (NH4-N), nitrite, nitrate and solid matter (as total suspended solids (TSS)) for a... more
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    •   142  
      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
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    •   207  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
We aimed to determine the effectiveness of a lay-administered tailored education and coaching (TEC) intervention (aimed at reducing pain misconceptions and enhancing self-efficacy for communicating with physicians) on cancer pain... more
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    •   220  
      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
This study examines the Prophetic tradition in Akidah or Islamic belief through the book of Sahih Bukhari which the Prophet Muhammad PBUH gave direction to educate the people by mentioning and promising the rewards (al-thawab) and... more
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    •   29  
      Information SystemsEngineeringEcological EngineeringEvolutionary Biology
Different loading conditions are probable in many of the applications where fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites find use as potential and promising materials. Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effects of... more
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    •   176  
      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
The San Pedro River in the southwestern United States retains a natural flood regime and has several reaches with perennial stream flow and shallow ground water. However, much of the river flows intermittently. Urbanization-linked... more
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    •   216  
      ManagementEngineeringEcological EngineeringOptical Engineering