Biological Conservation
Recent papers in Biological Conservation
As human influences fragment native communities and ecosystems, remaining land must be better managed to conserve many elements of biodiversity. Much of this land is privately held, yet traditional private land-use management practices... more
Ethiopian shade coffee plantations are well documented to be bird-friendly and act as refuges for disappearing tree species. The extent to which these plantations support mammal conservation, as well as mammal sensitivity to coffee... more
neuropsychological evaluation showed that there was no difference between e4-positive and e4-negative groups in most cognitive domains such as attention, language, visuospatial function, and frontal/executive function. Significant... more
No conflicts of interest exist in the research and development of this poster Background:. The accurate quantification of CSF biomarkers is paramount in the development of AD drugs but measurement has varied due to handling and storage... more
Harvesting, consumption and trade of bushmeat are important causes of both biodiversity loss and potential zoonotic disease emergence. In order to identify possible ways to mitigate these threats, it is essential to improve our... more
The mitigation of conflicts associated with large carnivore damage to livestock and agriculture is pivotal to their conservation. We evaluate current programs to compensate and prevent large carnivore damage in 27 European countries and... more
The present conservation status of the endemic fleshwater fish of Spain is reviewed and compared with a former list made in 1986. Ten taxa (species and subspecies) are exclusively endemic to Spanish waters, 13 are lberian endemics (Spain... more
The abilities of species to use the matrix of modi®ed habitats surrounding forest fragments may aect their vulnerability in fragmented landscapes. We used long-term (up to 19-year) studies of four animal groups in central Amazonia to test... more
A comprehensive understanding of species phenological responses to global warming will require observations that are both long-term and spatially extensive. Here we present an analysis of the spring phenological response to climate... more
An important requirement for biologists conserving vulnerable species of wildlife and managing genetic problems associated with small population size is to evaluate existing evidence regarding what is known of a species' recent population... more
Over the past few decades, there has been a steep increase in the number of conservation-related field studies that measure glucocorticoid hormones (corticosterone or cortisol) as a marker for stress. Endocrine tools show great potential... more
We report the abundance, patterns of distribution and physical characteristics of Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) nests on Komodo Island in Indonesia. A total of 46 Komodo dragon nesting sites were identified, of these 26 nests were... more
The purposes of this study are to extract the names of species and places for a citizen-science monitoring program, to obtain crowd-sourced data of acceptable quality, and to assess the quality and the uncertainty of predictions based on... more
In order to better understand the nature of disturbances to wintering snowy plovers, I observed snowy plovers and activities that might disturb them at a beach near Devereux Slough in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Disturbance (activity... more
A long-term view of rare plant reintroduction Drawing on a literature review and survey questionnaires, explore how demographic, genetic, and ecological factors influence success rates in plant reintroductions and present valuable... more
2009). Available soil phosphorus in semi-natural grasslands: Assessment methods and community tolerances.
Recently, a molecular phylogeny based on four mtDNA gene regions has been estimated for 17 species and subspecies of Aegla freshwater crabs from Chile. With this phylogenetic hypothesis and information on geographic distribution,... more
There have been many attempts to classify geographic areas into zones of similar characteristics. Recent focus has been on ecoregions. We examined how well the boundaries of the most commonly used ecoregion classi®cations for the US... more
Ecotourism is an important tool for biodiversity conservation in protected areas. However, high visitation rates and intensive public use can affect the wildlife. The present study aimed to evaluate vertebrate foraging in areas under... more
The fen violet Viola persicifolia has decreased rapidly in Britain during the last century as a result of drainage and habitat destruction and it is now listed as an endangered species. Data are presented for five years' monitoring of... more
The little bustard Tetrax tetrax is a threatened grassland bird highly reliant on agro-ecosystems for survival. Understanding its habitat requirements throughout its yearly cycle is essential to promoting adequate management practices. A... more
Our ability to demonstrate statistical patterns of invasion by non-native species will determine the success of future management projects. We investigated the suitability of self-organizing maps (SOM, neural network) for patterning... more
Southern Norway holds the last remaining population of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Europe. Roads, railroads, and power lines have fragmented the original population into 26 separate herds. The reindeer populations are... more
The current geographical distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus colony inhabiting the Cabo Blanco peninsula (Western Sahara-Mauritania) is described. Its distribution range has apparently not changed since surveys... more
Kunzea sinclairii is a local endemic on Great Barrier Island, northeastern New Zealand. While variously ranked as vulnerable and endangered in the past, we show that this species is naturally uncommon and under no threat of extinction.... more
The $26 definitions of species often yield different numbers of species and disparate groupings, with financial, legal, biological and conservation implications. Using conservation genetic considerations, we demonstrate that different... more
We assessed the impact of domestic cats on population persistence of native and exotic urban bird populations using a model adjusted for habitat-specific catch rates, cat ownership and hunting activity data. GPS-derived home ranges of 32... more
We present a novel method for calculating the opportunity costs to fishers from their displacement by the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). We used a fishing community in Kubulau District, Fiji to demonstrate this method. We... more
A wide translocation program was conducted on neotropical fauna in French Guiana during the ®lling of a hydroelectric reservoir. Red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were studied because available data on their behavior in undisturbed... more
Bird mortality in fishing gear is a global conservation issue and it is recognised that bycatch in industrial longline and trawl fisheries threatens several seabird species. Little is known however about the effects of bycatch in... more
Connectivity and dispersal are key components determining the persistence of fragmented populations. However, the assessment of dispersal rates and landscape factors affecting functional connectivity remains problematic for species living... more
RESUMO Este trabalho apresenta o perfil das RPPN localizadas no Planalto Paulistano. O estudo foi baseado em entrevistas aos proprietários de dez reservas privadas localizadas na zona oeste da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. A maioria... more
Population viability analysis of the greater bilby Macrotis lagotis was conducted using the metapopulation model ALEX. ALEX was used to examine the effect of reintroduction configurations and potential manipulations on the extinction risk... more