Recent papers in Biologia
a . I B att e lle -Me ds ar, Tra m ari g li o, A ighero, It a lia . , Dip artiment o Sci l! nze de ll a Terra, Uni versi t a di Ca gliari , Cag liar i, Itali a.
In-transit metastases (ITM) are cutaneous and/or subcutaneous lesions between the primary site and the draining regional lymph node, distant at least 2 cm from the primary site. They occur at 5 to 10% of melanoma patients. The melanoma... more
In-transit metastases (ITM) are cutaneous and/or subcutaneous lesions between the primary site and the draining regional lymph node, distant at least 2 cm from the primary site. They occur at 5 to 10% of melanoma patients. The melanoma... more
Introducción General Desde los inicios de la ciencia, la humanidad ha intentado unificar las leyes fundamentales del universo en un solo marco teórico. La Teoría RUAGAK surge como una respuesta a esta búsqueda, proponiendo una visión... more
A Deus, pela minha vida, maior dom que alguém pode ter. Ao meu marido Rodolfo Andrade, pelo amor, incentivo e paciência hoje e sempre. Aos meus pais, Celso e Eliane Mendes, pelo amor e esforço de formarem seus filhos e insistirem na... more
INTRODUCCIÓN GENERAL RUAGAK: La Revolución del Pensamiento El universo no avanza desde el pasado hacia el futuro. Es el futuro el que nos llama, nos estructura y nos une. En el corazón de RUAGAK yace una verdad que desafía nuestra... more
This study use landmark based geometric morphometrics (GM) of the head and the thorax on eight species of thrips of the species-rich genus Thrips. Among the selected species, four were classified as common and not significant, while four... more
Evidenciação das biomacromoléculas -citoquímica CAPÍTULO 5 61 BIOMEMBRANAS Constituição química Junções celulares Especializações de membrana CAPÍTULO 6 71 TRANSPORTE VIA BIOMEMBRANAS Transporte em pequena quantidade Transporte em grande... more
Evidenciação das biomacromoléculas -citoquímica CAPÍTULO 5 61 BIOMEMBRANAS Constituição química Junções celulares Especializações de membrana CAPÍTULO 6 71 TRANSPORTE VIA BIOMEMBRANAS Transporte em pequena quantidade Transporte em grande... more
Using primers to amplify the gene AMP2 in Amaranthus caudatus, we found the gene to be present in seven other species of the Amaranthus genus (A. albus, A. cruentus, A. blitum, A. hybridus, A. hypochondriacus, A. retroflexus and A.... more
The qualitative and quantitative structure of mesozooplankton assemblages in the southwestern Black Sea region along the coast of İğneada, Kırklareli Province were assessed and described. The study was conducted on
review Deletion of 189 references based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria 40 references for analysis Article review Deletion of 21 references based on inclusion and exclusion criteria 19 references to review
This book proposes a way to radically renew medicine by extending to medicine the concepts of evolutionary biology. The book considers diseases not as unpredictable harmful events but as logical consequences of evolutionary mechanisms. In... more
37 Fusarium isolates (F. culmorum 20, F. graminearum 4, F. avenaceum 3, F. solani 4, and F. equiseti 6 from wheat, rye and triticale) were examined for pathogenicity and tested for zearalenone (F‐2) and trichothecenes production in vitro.... more
The karyotype of fifteen Leucocoryne taxa was studied, assessing characteristics such as chromosome morphology and size, secondary constriction location, and asymmetry level. Two groups of Leucocoryne taxa were described based on... more
Five biometric parameters (shell height, shell length, nacreous height, nacreous width and hinge length) were measured for two populations of Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) within shallow coastal waters of the Maltese Islands, in the... more
Resumen: Los límites del paradigma conductista privilegiaron el crecimiento de la moderna ciencia cognitiva. Su desarrollo se logró con base en una estructura interdisciplinar en donde originalmente se vieron involucradas disciplinas... more
científicas y educativas desde el siglo XVII hasta las primeras dos décadas del siglo XXI Floralba del Rocío Aguilar Gordón .
Henin and Versteirt 2004). The rapid spread of X. germanus in Central Europe has been facilitated by environmental changes, particularly global warming, and an increase in the timber trade (Galko et al. 2019). The black timber bark beetle... more
: Epidemic spread of Erysiphe flexuosa (North American powdery mildew of horse-chestnut) in Europe. Schlechtendalia 8: 39-45. The European epidemic spread of Erysiphe (Uncinula) flexuosa, the North American horse-chestnut powdery mildew... more
As áreas verdes desenvolvem importantes serviços ecossistêmicos nos espaços urbanos. Neste sentido, o objetivo desse estudo é apontar a percepção ambiental dos visitantes da Praça da Juventude e do Poço Escuro, na Serra do Periperi, duas... more
Introdução: Filhos de mães diabéticas apresentam risco de malformações cardiovascular de torno de 8, 5% dos nascidos vivos, o que ocorre geralmente, entre a terceira e a sexta semana após a concepção. A hipertrofia miocárdica é uma forma... more
Este artigo explora as atividades da pesquisa em nanoescala, com referência à epistemologia, à mudança de orientação em questões de pesquisa, divisões de trabalho, contato com a indústria e se a nanopesquisa constitui ou não um novo... more
Post-glacial survival, potential migration routes, genetic diversity and phylogeography of the boreal moss species Rhytidium rugosum have been studied. This species is considered to be one of glacial relics of the wide but scattered... more
The genetic structure, diversity and phylogeography of the moss species Campylopus oerstedianus in Europe was studied, based on the ITS region of the nrDNA of nine selected European populations. Although this species is only known in... more
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an endotoxin, is known to induce inflammatory response and oxidative stress in rodents. We evaluated the protective role of Euglena tuba extract (ETME) against LPS induced inflammatory response and oxidative... more
Una breve historia del domesticación y difusión de esta preciada fruta tropical
Se determinó la concentración de plaguicidas organoclorados en 167 muestras de sangre entera de habitantes de dos barrios (Sitio Nº 1 y Sitio Nº 2) de la provincia de Córdoba ubicados en los alrededores de depósitos de plaguicidas... more
The paper reports the occurrence of seven lichen species new to the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mountains: Bacidia sulphurella, Candelariella effl orescens, Lecanora leptyrodes, Melanelixia subaurifera, Opegrapha vermicellifera,... more
The dead standing trees i.e. snags are known as habitat for epiphytic and epixylic species including first of all lichens and bryophytes. The vascular plants are much rarer on this type of coarse woody debris (CWD). The eighty snags (CWD... more
The dead standing trees i.e. snags are known as habitat for epiphytic and epixylic species including first of all lichens and bryophytes. The vascular plants are much rarer on this type of coarse woody debris (CWD). The eighty snags (CWD... more
The paper reports the occurrence of seven lichen species new to the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mountains: Bacidia sulphurella, Candelariella effl orescens, Lecanora leptyrodes, Melanelixia subaurifera, Opegrapha vermicellifera,... more
Se ha o real izad>, es: ludias morfológicas. coral ógi cos. ecológicos y palino lógicos. que aportan dat> ,s para diferenciar estos nuevos t áso oes de 1). carpelanísín, con el que presentan cte rta>, semeja o/as.
- by Carmen Acedo
The biosorption of mercury [Hg (II)] ions by using dead biomass of green alga, Oedogonium urceolatum was studied. Effects of various physico-chemical parameters were also determined, such as algal dose, contact time, pH and initial metal... more
Historia del aguacate. Con más de 10 mil años de historia y una fuerte presencia en la gastronomía mundial, hoy es uno de los frutos de mayor aprecio en las mesas del mundo
The paper describes the isolation and characterization of a novel pelagic bacterial strain capable of hepatotoxic microcystin (MC) degradation. From a total of 24 bacterial strains isolated from water samples collected during the... more
Human infections with Trichostrongylus species have been reported in most parts of Iran. The aim of this study was the identification, molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of human Trichostrongylus species based on ITS2... more
RESUMO -Macrófitas são importantes produtoras primárias do ecossistema aquático, e o desequilíbrio do ambiente pode ocasionar seu crescimento acelerado. Portanto, levantamentos de dados relacionados a macrófitas submersas são importantes... more
A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) caracteriza-se por persistente e geralmente progressiva limitação do fluxo de ar associada com uma resposta inflamatória crônica nas vias aéreas e pulmões em resposta a partículas ou gases... more
ReSumen introDuCCión Los protozoos ciliados ruminales presentan diferencias morfológicas entre sus órdenes, comparten entre ellos la mayoría de sus estructuras internas, variando en forma, tamaño y disposición espacial, lo que hace... more
The present research concerns the only colony of Narcissus pseudonarcissus known to date for the southern sector of the Poirino Plateau and which, from the morphological-genetic investigation carried out, appears to be composed... more
Entre el 24 de octubre y el 1 de noviembre de 2022, y desde el 28 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2023, se realizaron las VIII y IX Semana de la Arqueología y la Paleontología, y se organizaron visitas orientadas al publico general a... more
Región de los Altos. El objetivo central fue documentar el conocimiento tradicional sobre el consumo del chanulte', así como algunos elementos socioculturales que se ven implicados en la antropoentomofagía de este insecto. Se... more