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Estre corto documento recoge algunas ideas muy interesantes de varios estudiosos como Antonio Cruz, John Lennox, William Lane Craig y otros. Para explicar el concepto de la palabra evolución , su significado en el contexto y como la... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophy of ScienceBiologyChristian Apologetics
Exámenes de Admisión de la UNMSM 2000 - 2014 II
Materia: Biología.
(múltiple choice con respuestas)
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      BiologiaUNMSMExamenes De AdmisionBanco Preguntas
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    • Biologia
Invasions of Typha (cattail) and/or Phragmites (common reed) in wetland ecosystems result in changes in species richness, diversity and composition of vascular plants. These invasions are particularly harmful in lakes where threatened... more
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      Statistical AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisPlant DiversityBiological Sciences
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      PhysicsChemistryConservation BiologyMolecular Biology
CITATIONS 4 READS 85 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Frog karyotype analysis and pollution research View project Hasan Türkez Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi
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      Biological SciencesBiologia
Recently, a novel approach to a highly sensitive and quantitative detection of rare earth element (REE) ions including La3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, has been reported. The detection of REE ions is... more
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      Environmental EngineeringBiochemistryMarine BiologyMicrobiology
Allothrombium clavatum sp. n. with reduced inner claw of tarus III, one seta on coxa II, clavate dorsal idiosomal setae and 3-lobed posterior margin of scutum, collected as ectoparasite of an undetermined aphid, is described and... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologiaAphid
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    • Biologia
Ecotourism is an important tool for biodiversity conservation in protected areas. However, high visitation rates and intensive public use can affect the wildlife. The present study aimed to evaluate vertebrate foraging in areas under... more
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      EcotourismConservation BiologyConservationWildlife Ecology And Management
Aborda questões de Biologia, Geologia e Ambiente .
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      BiologiaMeio AmbienteGeologia
A joint evaluation of all animals, uses all additive genetic relationships uses all data on all animal jointly It works as a linear model (correcting different effects for each other), jointly estimates animal effects and fixed effects... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringGeneticsAnimal ScienceConservation Biology
Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871) was recently confirmed as a distinct species based on morphological, ecological and molecular evidence. The main purpose of this study is to publish the first reliable data on the occurrence of P.... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisCzech RepublicBiological SciencesBiologia
The Balıkdamı Wetland, an impoundment of the upper course of the Sakarya River located near Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, Central Anatolia), is one of the most important bird conservation areas in Turkey. This area also encompasses the mouth of... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologiaSpecies RichnessNew record
Dalla fotosintesi artificiale una soluzione per il riscaldamento globale. “Ognuno potrà disporre sul proprio territorio dell’energia di cui ha bisogno. Chiaramente questo avrà un enorme impatto geopolitico”.
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Exposure to particulate matter (PM) may alter lung homeostasis inducing changes in fluid balance and host defense. Bioavailability of soluble PM compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and... more
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      Environmental ScienceHealth SciencesEnvironmental ToxicologyEnvironmental Studies
a nadie a tras" "El agua es el elemento y principio de todas las cosas" (Tales de Mileto) El agua es un elemento esencial del desarrollo sostenible. Los recursos hídricos propician el bienestar de la población y del medio ambiente. ¡LA... more
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    • Biologia
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La diversidad alfa y beta de la avifauna diurna estudiada en la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida Colima, Cuscatlán; en donde las principales actividades que se llevan a cabo son en su mayoría agrícolas y ganaderas... more
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      Landscape EcologyOrnithologyConservation BiologyAgroforestry
Pinus mugo (dwarf mountain pine) is an important component of European mountain ecosystems. However, little is known about the present genetic structure and population differentiation of this species at the DNA level, possibly due to a... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologia
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    • Biologia
Prolapso rectal tratado mediante sutura helicoidal y anoplastia Volumen 75, No. 6, noviembre-diciembre 2007 Cir Ciruj 2007;75:453-457 Experiencia en el manejo quirúrgico del prolapso rectal mediante sutura helicoidal y anoplastia:... more
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      Educación SecundariaBiologiaBotanicaZoologia
Distribution and plant mass of aquatic macrophytes, and their relation to environmental conditions was studied in the submontane-colline Slatina river in 2004. Diversity of macrophytes was low, only 8 vascular plants, 3 mosses and group... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologiaAquatic MacrophytesCluster Analysis
Background: Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, and as an extracellular matrix protein, has an important role in the fiber formation. This feature of the collagen renders establishment of the structural skeleton in... more
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      BiochemistryBiomedical EngineeringMolecular BiologyBiotechnology
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    • Biologia
Species associated with Fusarium head blight are depending on the production and edaphic conditions. The differences are found in the representation of various Fusarium spp. in the diseases, which sporadically occur all over the territory... more
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyMolecular BiologyPlant Biology
Este artigo avalia a eiciência dos métodos de parcelas de área ixa (PA) e pontos quadrantes (QD) na descrição de uma comunidade lenhosa de Cerrado Típico. Utilizamos 10 PA e 140 QD, distribuídos em cinco transeções. Comparamos a densidade... more
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      BiologyEcologyVegetation EcologyBiological Sciences
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different salt concentrations (50 and 200 mM NaCl) on growth, permeability properties (electrolyte leakage, cell viability) and activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate... more
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    • Biologia
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      BiologyDarwinismPatagoniaCharles Darwin
En el presente trabajo me voy a referir específicamente al Arte Contemporáneo y dentro de este el Bioarte. En primer lugar trataré de acercarnos a la idea de qué es el Bioarte, también llamado Arte transgénico o genético, ya que trata de... more
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      BiologiaArte contemporáneobioarte transdisciplinariedad ciencia tecnologia
This paper describes the spatial and temporal variation of aquatic invertebrate assemblages associated with root masses of Eichhornia crassipes collected at 12 sites between
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      Aquatic EcologyEcologyBiodiversityAquatic Invertebrates
Nuestra gran curiosidad es el motor que nos impulsa a dar respuesta a grandes preguntas, una de las más difíciles de responder por mucho tiempo fue el origen de la vida y del ser humano. Esto se debe a dos fenómenos transcendentales en la... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyChemistryHealth SciencesPhilosophy of Science
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      BiologiaOrganizaciones de la Sociedad Civil - ONGMateria
Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEvolutionary BiologyPhysiology
La capacità di evolversi attraverso la selezione naturale, di comunicare con l'ambiente e di immagazzinare informazione al centro della definizione della vita
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      BiologiaFilosofia Della ScienzaComunicazione Della ScienzaFilosofia Della Biologia
Revista sobre entomología y aracnología ibérica, de descarga libre y gratuita a través de nuestra web Esta publicación es la primera revista de divulgación sobre esta temática en español, dirigida a aficionados,... more
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      BiologiaEntomologia y AracnologiaEntomologiaInsectos
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyMarine BiologyMicrobiology
Com o objetivo de proporcionar dados básicos sobre embriologia e sua relevância clínica, Langman | Embriologia Médica conserva sua abordagem singular com texto enxuto e excelentes diagramas e imagens clínicas. Além disso, a obra enfatiza... more
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Refúgios úmidos, matas serranas, brejos interioranos, serras úmidas, são alguns dos sinônimos utilizados para designar as formações vegetacionais conhecidas como brejos de altitude. Estes constituem encraves de vegetação úmida no... more
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Un pianista afroamericano diventa “amico” di 200 membri del Ku Klux Klan e li convince ad abbandonare l’organizzazione razzista. Una ragazza apre una biblioteca in un bar di Tripoli per salvare i libri dai roghi degli estremisti islamici.... more
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Experimento de Embriología sobre el sistema de replicación de cultivo de huevos embrionados de ave (sin cáscara) en una capa de plástico de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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Informe de Anatomía Comparada sobre los sistemas urinario y reproductor de los vertebrados
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      Comparative AnatomyBiologyNatural ScienceBiologia
Despite the growing awareness of the ecological importance of epibiont-host associations, detailed inventories for planktonic hosts are rare. Here, we provide an updated checklist of the peritrich and suctorian epibiont ciliates... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologia
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      Filosofía PolíticaFilosofíaFilosofia do DireitoBiologia
The paper deals with the influence of tree species on millipede communities (Diplopoda). The research was carried out in nine sites in the Borová hora arboretum (Zvolen town, Central Slovakia). Each studied site represents a monoculture... more
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      Biological SciencesBiologia
es una presente en se encarga de Red de proteínas fibrilares que pueden anclarse a la membrana celular o radiar del centro de la célula hacia la periferia o viceversa.
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      BiologyCell BiologyBiologiaBiologia Celular
Un breve compendio de los tipos de coloración en aves y su alcance como aproximación al color real de algunos dinosaurios.
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no se trata de religión, filosofía, ateísmo, materialismo o espiritualismo, puede inclusive añadir científico. Es una cuestión estaba listo a ser convencido por los experimentos de que la generación espontánea existía, tanto como ahora... more
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Queda prohibida la reproducción, distribución, puesta a disposición, comunicación pública y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin previa, expresa y escrita autorización,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTerminologySpanish LinguisticsLexical Semantics