Biocultural Anthropology
Recent papers in Biocultural Anthropology
Se hace un análisis epistemológico de los conocimientos y saberes locales; se aborda la perspectiva etnoecológica y sus relaciones ínter y trnasdisciplinarias; se discute la estrategia metodológica de la etnoecología; se reflexiona sobre... more
It is well established that breast milk is the ideal food for infants and that breastfeeding has short-and long-term health benefits for the mother and child. However, there is variation in breastfeeding patterns between populations.... more
Women in North India are socialized to care for others, so what do they do when they get a disease like diabetes that requires intensive self-care? In Sugar and Tension, Lesley Jo Weaver uses women’s experiences with diabetes in New Delhi... more
Response to Symposium Question: "Why make art?"
“Peyote”: Worship and constraint; Fernando A. Olvera & Pedro Nájera; Xerophilia Vol.6, No. 4 (23), | ISSN 2285-3987: p.p.:5–24
A discussion about self regulation of psychedelic plant "Peyote" (Lophophora williamsii) by cultural means
A discussion about self regulation of psychedelic plant "Peyote" (Lophophora williamsii) by cultural means
Abstract: Archaeologists–feminist or otherwise–use biologically sexed human remains to make inferences about cultures' conceptions of gender. Creating an easy link between 'sex' and 'gender', however, is not without problems. Recent... more
Public lecture given in Lokve, Croatia. May 2015.
La obesidad, a partir de la década de 1980, ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una de las enfermedades que causan mayor preocupación a nivel mundial. Su incremento constante en las sociedades occidentales afecta principalmente a las... more
The Republic of Nauru, a small Pacific island nation, has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. In the mid-1970s, the Nauruan population was one of the first in the world in which obesity, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular... more
En este capítulo, los autores retomamos del enfoque de los sistemas social-ecológicos y del enfoque sobre Patrimonio Biocultural, una estrategia operativa que permite comprender diversas dimensiones de lo que consideramos constituye un... more
This 2012/2013 study looks at corset dimensions and skeletal rib deformation in female remains from three time periods and two locations to understand certain aspects of longevity. All artifacts and skeletal remains originate from the... more
Over the past several years, a growing number of social scientists studying addiction have begun paying attention to materiality, embodiment, and biology in potentially novel ways. In this this chapter, I ask what it means, concretely,... more
El 30 de abril se conmemoran 102 años del fallecimiento en Florencia, Italia, de Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, importante historiador mexicano del siglo XIX. Fue director en tres ocasiones del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y... more
Shamanism is commonly understood through reference to spirits and souls. However, these terms were introduced by Christian missionaries as part of the colonial effort of conversion. So, rather than trying to comprehend shamanism through... more
For much of recent human history, the "traditional" family has consisted of a mother, father, and their biological offspring. However, this definition does not encompass the extensive biocultural evolutionary development of the human... more
People read literature because they want to understand their own experience and the experience of others. Literature contains much violence because violence reveals the underlying conflicts in all social relationships. Evolutionary... more
Este proyecto busca analizar desde la memoria biocultural e historia ambiental, el impacto del capitalismo en la relación entre el pueblo cucapá y el ecosistema que habitó. A partir de la pregunta de investigación ¿Cómo se transformó la... more
This seminar will focus on human aging in biocultural perspective. We will consider how patterns and processes of human aging compare with those in other animals, particularly nonhuman primates and other hominins. Evolutionary life... more
The physicalistic and mechanistic view of Western biomedicine provides a convenient escape route from explanations of phenomena like the placebo effect, “sham” or “inert” treatments having the faculty to rally the healing process by... more
Conceptually and methodologically, medical anthropology is well-positioned to support a “big-tent” research agenda on health and society. It fosters approaches to social and structural models of health and wellbeing in ways that are... more
Como seres humanos sentimos la curiosidad de expresar «“¿quiénes somos?”, inseparable de un “¿dónde estamos, de dónde venimos, a dónde vamos?”» ; interrogar nuestra condición humana, es entonces interrogar nuestra situación en el mundo,... more
This study examines corset dimensions and skeletal rib deformation in female remains from three time periods and two locations to understand the relationship between the practice of corset wearing and longevity. The... more
For a multitude of North Americans 'tuned in' to the holiday traditions of mainstream United States (U.S.) culture, the culinary additions of the tastants vanilla, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cardamom, and cinnamon likely evoke... more
In this article, I revisit Harold Garfinkel's classic ethnomethodolog-ical account of Agnes, a transgender woman he met in the 1950s. I situate this case in its larger historical context, within the arc of a contemporary transgender... more
Maya villagers interviewed in Yucatan, Mexico, claim that before the advent of modern cement in the first half of the twentieth century, their elders mixed the honey of Melipona beecheii with other substances to make a material described... more
Se presenta un diagnóstico preliminar sobre las aproximaciones al patrimonio biocultural en Baja California.
Notre problématique de recherche porte sur les mutations, durant le dernier siècle, de la relation à l’environnement d’une petite communauté d’agro-pasteurs du Haut Atlas de Marrakech, les Aït Ikis. Cette population montagnarde d’environ... more
Mancera-Valencia, F.J. (2019-2020). “Patrimonio Cultural Gastronómico: Consideraciones teóricas. en: Diversidad. Boletín del Instituto Para el Desarrollo Sustentable Mesoamérica, A.C. No. 18. Año X. Enero-Junio. Pag. 26-39. San... more
This article presents a theoretical framework for an evolutionary understanding of minds and meaning in fictional narratives. The article aims to demonstrate that meaning in fiction can be incorporated in an explanatory network that... more
» -2 -REMERCIEMENTS Je remercie en premier lieu les institutiton qui m'ont accueillies au Mexique, le Centro de Investigación de Estudios Superiores de Antropología Social CIESAS Golfo, et le Proyecto Sierra de Santa Marta A.C. PSSM, qui... more
abstract: The evolution of human sociality is a field in ferment, with writers struggling to isolate elementary causal forces and organize them systematically. The elements of a usable model for evolved human sociality have become... more
The aim of this paper is three-fold: 1) to present results of the archaeological excavations conducted in the area surrounding the Black Church in Braşov (Transylvania, Romania); 2) to show the outcome of the analysis of a small human... more
This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Historical Framing: The Development of Evolutionary Thought and the Biocultural Approach in Paleopathology Constraints, Pitfalls, and Limitations to Evolutionary... more
La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno del comportamiento alimentario caracterizado por una pérdida significativa de peso corporal (superior al 15%) la cual se consigue mediante la adopción de estrictos regímenes alimentarios que pueden... more