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Bioclimatic design

195 papers
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Bioclimatic design is an architectural approach that optimizes building performance by integrating climate-responsive strategies. It focuses on utilizing local climate conditions to enhance energy efficiency, comfort, and sustainability, thereby minimizing environmental impact while maximizing the use of natural resources.
The environment we live in for decades shape up our tradition and culture, these are reflected in our songs and dances, decisions and actions, and even in our arts and architecture. However strong foreign influences are the imprint of... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 1: Planteamiento de la investigación" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio:... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 4: Análisis climático-bioclimático de Pachuca, Hidalgo" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo... more
In the Paris world exhibition of 1867 Carl Rabitz, a German master builder, patterned the roof of his own villa to extend the functional space in the building design. The flattened roofs and the extra space given to the appartment was... more
The EKIHOUSE is an industrialized solar house prototype, designed and developed by the University of the Basque Country for the SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2012 competition held in Madrid (Spain). The building design strategies are based on... more
Este documento está conformado por las "conclusiones" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio: Centro de Estudios de Eduación... more
""also see www.sunwindlight.net How to design buildings that heat with the sun, cool with the wind, light with the sky, and move into the future using on-site renewable resources Developed for rapid use during schematic design, this... more
The aim of this paper is to present the bioclimatic analysis tool (BAT), developed by the authors to facilitate the analysis of the climatic elements and factors involved in the bioclimatic design, from which the convenient design... more
Energy is important in all aspects of development to support population growth, urbanization, industrialization as well as tourism industry. Energy consumption is also increasing and several alternative green energy sources are seriously... more
Preliminary studies of twelve residential colleges located in the University of Malaya campus, Kuala Lumpur were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of their current implementation of bioclimatic design strategies, as well as their... more
Climate change has become a fundamental concern for scientific researchers, architects and engineers, and requires improving the performance of the sectors responsible for city and building infrastructure. Burning fossil fuels to produce... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 2: Antecedentes (marco teórico y estado del arte)" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de... more
Este documento está conformado por "el resumen, el abstract, el índice general y la introducción" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de... more
Una de las muchas herramientas para la definición de requerimientos bioclimáticos, es el concepto de Grados-Día, el cual relación a la temperatura exterior con respecto a una temperatura base, generalmente los límites de confort o de... more
Climatology, or rather Climate Responsive Design is a key subject to be taught to students of architecture. Usually taught in the 3 rd semester, it is arguably more effective when taught in the 5 th semester, after the students have... more
Este documento está conformado por la sección de "bibliografía y referencias" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio: Centro de... more
correct architectural elements. An appropriate new architecture for the urban poor should be based on bioclimatic design principles and the positive elements of the new urban vernacular. 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Este documento está conformado por los "anexos" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio: Centro de Estudios de Eduación Superior... more
Residential buildings are places where people find themselves to be for a better part of their day. For a lot of individuals, this should serve as a comfort zone but is being defeated by a number of factors that range from construction... more
Dayasari RC is an old low-rise multi residential building which was established in the year 1966 and is located in the University of Malaya (UM) campus in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. This building was designed with the internal... more
Dayasari residential college building was designed with the internal courtyard that allows for numerous implementations of bioclimatic design strategies, especially on daylighting. The field measurement was conducted at eight unoccupied... more
Many of the principles of bioclimatic design were the cornerstone of the building during the ancient times and the Byzantine era. Also, these principles are found in many traditional settlements in Greece. It is extremely important that... more
The evaluation through a set of questionnaire and field measurement with the use of climatic devices was conducted in an old residential college building with the best practice of bioclimatic design strategies, particularly on the... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 3: Diseño de la investigación (caso de estudio, metodología, etc.)" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y... more
A pubication of the project of a cement plant in the desert with a comprehensive approach of bioclimatic and energy efficiency design, particularly on the offices and services buildings.
Residential buildings are places where people find themselves to be for a better part of their day. For a lot of individuals, this should serve as a comfort zone but is being defeated by a number of factors that range from construction... more
Η εργασία αναφέρεται στη διαδικασία σχεδιασμού, με βιοκλιματικά κριτήρια, του κελύφους του κολυμβητηρίου Αμπελοκήπων στη Θεσσαλονίκη, ώστε αυτό εκτός από την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας κατά την λειτουργία του, να προσφέρει και συνθήκες... more
Residential buildings are places where people find themselves to be for a better part of their day. For a lot of individuals, this should serve as a comfort zone but is being defeated by a number of factors that range from construction... more
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) by using a set of questionnaire was conducted to assess the perception and comfort level required by residents in a college building with the best practice of bioclimatic design strategies, particularly... more
A building's bioclimatic design refers to the design of its spaces based on the region's climate, in order to assure best interior conditions. This study deals with the ab initio design of a two-storey and of a ground floor dwelling of a... more
correct architectural elements. An appropriate new architecture for the urban poor should be based on bioclimatic design principles and the positive elements of the new urban vernacular. 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Bioclimatic design of a building refers to the planning of its spaces, based on the region's climate, in order to assure best interior conditions. The present study deals with the ab initio drawing of a two-storey and a ground-level... more
The environment we live in for decades shape up our tradition and culture, these are reflected in our songs and dances, decisions and actions, and even in our arts and architecture. However strong foreign influences are the imprint of... more
This essay asked the following questions: • Can regional cultural identity be saved or will the future of architecture and cities follow the way of the ubiquitous white plastic stacking chair? • In solving the climate crisis by design,... more
correct architectural elements. An appropriate new architecture for the urban poor should be based on bioclimatic design principles and the positive elements of the new urban vernacular. 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) by using a set of questionnaire was conducted to assess the perception and comfort level required by residents in a college building with the best practice of bioclimatic design strategies. The survey was... more
Habitar es un fenómeno complejo que implica diferentes escalas y dimensiones, para intentar explicarlo deberíamos recurrir a la teoría del hábitat diseñado por profesionales de la configuración espacial y objetual; sin embargo, a falta de... more
La arquitectura bioclimática es la que se centra en el diseño y la construcción de edificios teniendo en cuenta las condiciones climáticas de la región o el país en que se construyen, y se centran también en el uso de los recursos... more
The purpose of this research is to evaluate future impacts of different emission scenarios on architecture design strategies according to a notable thermal comfort model, the methodological procedure employed in this study is intended to... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 6: Resultados (análisis e interpretación)" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de... more
This article presents a methodology for the integration of building performance simulation (BPS) into the writing of architectural history. While BPS tools have been developed mainly for design purposes, their current maturity enables to... more
Three residential colleges located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were selected for energy performance analysis in regards to its implementation of bioclimatic design strategies. Specifically, passive design strategies on daylighting and... more
Vaulted or domed roofs have been frequently adopted by builders and architects throughout the Middle East and other hot dry areas. However, the thermal performance of such buildings under hot dry climatic conditions has rarely been... more
Climate change has become a fundamental concern for scientific researchers, architects and engineers, and requires improving the performance of the sectors responsible for city and building infrastructure. Burning fossil fuels to produce... more