Bioclimatic design

195 papers
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Bioclimatic design is an architectural approach that optimizes building performance by integrating climate-responsive strategies. It focuses on utilizing local climate conditions to enhance energy efficiency, comfort, and sustainability, thereby minimizing environmental impact while maximizing the use of natural resources.
This paper analyzes a series of studies and proposals for the municipality of Tepotzotlán in the outskirts of Mexico City, that have been developed using a geodesign methodology and bioclimatic design principles. The area is in the north... more
In recent years, there has been a wide concern regarding climate change and the future development of human beings. Some scholars support the idea that construction activity has been exacerbating the global warming issue, which requires a... more
In the District of Rio Tambo, specifically in the village of Cana Eden in Satipo, rural dwellings face a significant problem of thermal comfort. Structures built with industrial materials present greater thermal discomfort compared to... more
This study evaluates thermal comfort and energy efficiency in residential buildings in Oran and Béchar, Algeriaregions with contrasting climates. Using TRNSYS dynamic simulation, it examines how three types of building envelopes affect... more
Abstract To evaluate the essential role of energy efficiency in achieving net-zero emissions and combating climate change, this comprehensive review was conducted based on a thorough analysis of academic literature, diverse case... more
Σχετίζεται η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη (Artificial Intelligence-ΑΙ) με την Αειφόρο Ανάπτυξη (Sustainability) και μπορεί να συμβάλει στην εφαρμογή της; Ποιες οι ευθύνες του κλάδου της Ανώτερης Εκπαίδευσης;
This is the third volume of a four-volume work on passive solar greenhouses, presenting both consolidated techniques and experimental ones. This particular volume deals with the design of envelopes for wooden greenhouses, presenting both... more
This paper reviews the challenges impeding the adoption of bioclimatic design principles in informal settlements and explores the potential of bioclimatic design in such contexts. One significant obstacle is the relaxed mindset stemming... more
This is the first volume of a four-volume work on passive solar greenhouses. This particular volume deals with the preliminary design choices for defining the shape of a passive solar greenhouse and presents both mainstream techniques and... more
RESUMO Apresenta-se a proposta de intervenção com vista à transformação da Casa da Renda, em Braga, num moderno Hotel Rural. A intervenção abrange várias estruturas do edifício, implicando tarefas de total substituição, reconversão de... more
Adapting architectural spaces to the climatic conditions of one site implies the adoption of spatial configuration solutions that are subject to the sustainability principles. On the background of an increasing concern for the... more
Vernacular architecture employs numerous elements for enhancing natural ventilation, especially in the Mediterranean climate. However, the cooling effectiveness of natural ventilation also relies on occupant behaviour and is highly... more
Se muestran los resultados de la evaluacion de la sensacion termica al interior de espacios semi-cerrados, como es el caso de cuatro rutas del transporte publico que los estudiantes de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara utilizan para... more
Se describen las principales características de la atmósfera sobre el Altiplano Central (3800 msnm) para poder estimar el potencial eólico de la región. Se recolectó simult áneamente datos de la dirección e intensidad del viento,... more
At present, there are numerous studies of methods that evaluate indoor thermal comfort of buildings incorporating energy efficiency criteria in the design and architecture. All bioclimatic planning in buildings is to grant comfort... more
Usually, modular construction involves the off-site manufacturing of standard building components in a factory before the components are assembled on the construction site. It is common to use terms like "prefabrication," "off-site... more
The study examined the effects of natural ventilation on residents’ comfort in the houses of the core of Ogbomoso with a view to determining the ventilation comfort requirements in the core of the warm humid climate of Ogbomoso. Data for... more
En este estudio se presentan los mapas del bioclima de España, referidos al bienestar termofisiológico del ser humano y al confort para cada mes del año. El confort higrotérmico en cada lugar se ha obtenido con los datos climáticos del... more
Internet de las cosas y variaciones de temperatura y humedad dentro de un site Internet of things and temperature and humidity variations inside a site
Background: Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD), known as monkey fever was for the first time reported in 1957 from Shivamogga district of Karnataka. But since 2011, it is spreading to the neighbouring state of Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra, and... more
Ο κ. Ανδρέας Γιακουμακάτος είναι ομότιμος καθηγητής Αρχιτεκτονικής ΑΣΚΤ, μέλος της Accademia delle Arti del Disegno της Φλωρεντίας.
The nexus between ergonomic (human factor) and housing design and occupants' satisfaction is essential for housing quality. The need for housing that is comfortable, functional, safe and decent cannot be over emphasized. These can be... more
Thermal comfort is the perception in which the environment is fulfilled. Thermal comfort varies from person to person. It is necessary to make the heat generated as a result of human activities dissipate at a rate to maintain equilibrium... more
This study investigated the potential of retrofitting rainwater collection tanks (RWH) into the facades of student residential colleges to improve internal temperature control. Carbon nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and... more
The aim of this article is to recognize the methods of environmental control used by the master of the "constructivist" movement Konstantin Melnikov in a Melnikov's house, a creation whose architectural value has been highlighted on... more
To reduce the energy consumption of buildings, a solution known for decades, consists of designing its envelope in order to exploit the energy resources existing in the environment. This is the very principle of so-called bioclimatic... more
The aim of this article is to recognize the methods of environmental control used by the master of the "constructivist" movement Konstantin Melnikov in a Melnikov's house, a creation whose architectural value has been highlighted on... more
Kuala Lumpur, as a major capital city, has undergone a drastic transformation in the past ten years. Many heritage buildings have been sacrificed for urban renewal projects. Those located in the touristic heritage zones within Kuala... more
An effective passive cooling strategy is essential for reducing energy consumption in a residential building without ignoring thermal comfort. Therefore, a field measurement on the thermal performance of a corner terrace house in Kuala... more
Vaulted or domed roofs have been frequently adopted by builders and architects throughout the Middle East and other hot dry areas. However, the thermal performance of such buildings under hot dry climatic conditions has rarely been... more
Today, the cities need to increase energy efficiency, reduce polluting emissions and achieve a sufficient level of sustainability. The urban microclimate plays an important role on the buildings energy consumption and the feeling of... more
One of the key features of green office buildings is the proper utilization of daylight in order to ensure a good visual indoor environment which can potentially increase the occupant's productivity. However, poor daylight condition... more
Solar radiation is a phenomenon that affects millions of people in tropical climate regions. The urbanization rate of developing countries like the case in Malaysia is increasingly rising; this has led to the increasing effects of solar... more
The article presents some conclusions on the comfort microclimate at educational buildings, by monitoring the temperature during the summer. The laboratories are located in two buildings, which differ from the point of view of the... more
The green roofs were used since antiquity as cover for homes in northern Europe, for their exceptional conditions as thermal insulation, and the availability of their building elements in the environment. At present, its use has been... more
The green roofs were used since antiquity as cover for homes in northern Europe, for their exceptional conditions as thermal insulation, and the availability of their building elements in the environment. At present, its use has been... more
Analysis the changes on the city's image of the traditional desert communities and the principles of urban planning in their cities as a result of technical and environmental changes which achieved in the modern era. It was concluded,... more
Particular ventilation design can create effective natural air movement into the indoor environment by flowing the outside wind. The window, as a kind of ventilation, has various designs. It combines three primary constructions: simple... more
The paper presents energy use for heating and ventilation (one of the energy performance components) determined in three ways. A case of a single family building located near Wroclaw in Poland is analyzed. The first and the second variant... more
The regions of the Far North and the territories equated to them today have a great potential for development, which is primarily due to the presence of rich natural resources, among which are unique resources of hydrocarbon raw... more
Background Kyasanur forest disease (KFD), known as monkey fever, was for the first time reported in 1957 from the Shivamogga district of Karnataka. But since 2011, it has been spreading to the neighbouring state of Kerala, Goa,... more
Se presentan resultados de estudios realizados en el Departamento de Iglesia, provincia de San Juan, donde próximamente se concluirá el tramo fronterizo del Corredor Bioceánico Central, que une Porte Alegre con Coquimbo. Caracterizados... more
Since its inception, World Expositions have anticipated innovations and new de¬sign systems in relation to the issues that concern the society of every historical period. Producing an important contribution and impact on the design... more