Recent papers in Bioarcheology
La sepoltura fin qui descritta si presenta quale interessante incipit dell’ project per molteplici aspetti: si è di fronte ad un contesto unico e chiuso, rappresentato dal mausoleo, che contraddistingue l’inumato per status... more
Autorka prezentuje współczesne techniki badań mumii egipskich oraz ich rozwój, począwszy od badań inwazyjnych, polegających głównie na rozwijaniu mumii, poprzez nieinwazyjne badania radiologiczne, a skończywszy na laboratoryjnych... more
Nell'ambito delle indagini archeologiche condotte tra il 2013 e il 2014 all'interno della chiesa duecentesca dei SS. Filippo e Giacomo di Nosedo (MI) - svolte in accordo tra la Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia e l'Università... more
Archeologia e antropologia della morte: 1. La regola dell’eccezione, Atti del 3° Incontro Internazionale di Studi di Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto [Roma, École française de Rome – Stadio di Domiziano, 20- 22 Maggio 2015] / a... more
A lexical overview of architecture in the Nordic countries 500-1000 CE
The Corded Ware is one of the major archaeological traditions of Late Neolithic Europe. Its burial customs are characterized by single graves but multiple burials also occur. We present a detailed study of antemortem and perimortem trauma... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las variaciones en la frecuencia de cambios entesiales a través del tiempo en Portugal para evaluar el efecto del aumento de la urbanización y la especialización laboral, aplicando un método de... more
English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
Illustrations de la première de couverture (mosaïque d'images) En haut, de gauche à droite : vase en terre cuite aux traits humains provenant d'une tombe d'enfant, nécropole Collatina, Rome (cl. M. Letizia) ; vase contenant un squelette... more
Mystery Magazin Nr. 4 Juli/August 2022 Die Geheimnisse einer Mumie (Schepenese) Die Mumie der Schepenese begeistert seit 1820 und bis heute konnten nicht alle... more
This chapter examines the contribution of the contextual study of human skeletal remains of Early Christian burials in the eastern Mediterranean. Bioarchaeological studies of sites in Greece, Cyprus, Asia Minor, and Palestine are... more
From the 6th century onwards, plague caused recurring mortality crises in the Western world. Such epidemics had profound biological, cultural, economic and political impacts on European societies. Some aspects of the history of plague... more
Burn Ground, Hampnett, Gloucestershire was excavated by W. F. Grimes in the early 1940’s. It is a multi-period site with a Neolithic long barrow, six Bronze Age round barrows and an Anglo-Saxon cemetery containing four cremations and ten... more
Archeologia e antropologia della morte: 3. Costruzione e decostruzione del sociale, Atti del 3° Incontro Internazionale di Studi di Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto [Roma, École française de Rome – Stadio di Domiziano, 20-22 Maggio... more
Per un inquadramento sull'utilizzo di tali tipi di sarcofagi nel Ponente ligure vd. FRONDONI 2010.
Studio di una cucina e dispensa in una rocca medievale pugliese
The first studies on the human remains from Kültepe-Kanesh were carried out by muzaffer Şenyürek in the 1950s but no further work was conducted until recently following the new excavation campaigns in Kültepe-Kanesh. This is a preliminary... more
The ancient concepts of death as duration and the practices of secondary burial, first analysed by Robert Hertz, still survive in many areas of southern Italy. According to these beliefs death was perceived not as a sudden event, but as a... more
El presente trabajo se refiere al análisis e interpretación de los entierros del salvamento arqueológico del sitio de Soblonké, derivados de las exploraciones arqueológicas previas a la construcción del megaproyecto habitacional... more
In 1983, Brent Weisman and some members of the Withlacoochee River Archaeology Council (WRAC) discovered the Tatham Mound (8CI203) in a remote, swampy area of what was then the McGregor Smith Scout Reservation near Inverness in Citrus... more
The practice of cremation is often interpreted as an alternative to inhumation, taking place shortly after an individual's death. However, cremation could be a final stage in complex mortuary practices, with previous steps that are... more
Early Eneolithic multiple burial discovered in 2005 at Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă (Transylvania, Romania) revealed various traumatic injuries on both adult and non-adult crania. The aim of this paper is to present the traumatic injuries on... more
During the early medieval period in Ireland, Dublin was established as the largest Viking settlement on the island in the ninth century AD. A previous biodistance study has suggested that the population of the town consisted of a... more
Resumo: No Brasil, esqueletos humanos do início do Holoceno são raros, impedindo um estudo detalhado das práticas funerárias desse período. O sítio arqueológico Lapa do Santo é uma exceção. Entre 2001 e 2009, foram exumados 26... more
This book extends the coverage of studies of skeletal trauma related to violence and warfarewith much of it attributed to the latter circumstance through historical records and/or archaeological context. The context, the scale of... more
Numerosos agentes intrínsecos y extrínsecos afectan de diferentes formas los grados de preservación de restos óseos humanos. La observación de la forma e intensidad en las que tales factores inciden en las características del registro... more
La méthode utilisée pour cet ensemble de recherches thématiques procède d’une problématique historique (quelles sont les grandes phases de peuplement et d’aménagement du paysage dans les terroirs étudiés et quels en sont les modalités et... more