Bioarchaeology of Childhood

197 papers
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Bioarchaeology of Childhood is the interdisciplinary study of human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts, focusing on the growth, health, and social experiences of children in past populations. It integrates biological, archaeological, and historical data to understand childhood mortality, nutrition, and the impact of cultural practices on child development.
We studied an osteological sample from the pre-Roman/Celtic necropolis of Seminario Vescovile of Verona (Italy), dated to the 3rd to 1st century BCE and attributed to the Cenomani Gauls population. The sample is mostly composed of... more
The role of children in Merovingian society has long been downplayed, and the study of their graves and bones has long been neglected. However, during the past twenty years, archaeologists have shown growing interest in the place of... more
El sitio Chenque I es un cementerio prehispánico ubicado en el área de Lihue Calel, centro sur de la provincia de La Pampa. Es el mayor repositorio de restos humanos de Pampa-Patagonia hasta ahora localizado. Presenta una gran... more
The shaping of the infant cranial vaults counts worldwide as one of the most rooted, widespread and at the same time diversified body tradition in the human past. Cranial modification was performed mainly by female kin on their newborns,... more
Since the 1990s, the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese has carried out rescue excavations at two ancient cemeteries in the town of Chora on the island of Astypalaia. Burials at both sites (Katsalos and Kylindra) date from... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Tophets are Phoenician and Punic sanctuaries where cremated infants and children were buried. Many studies focus on the potentially sacrificial nature of these sites, but this article takes a different approach. Combining osteological... more
Fuentes de financiamiento: Las Investigaciones fueron financiadas en el marco del proyecto "Investigaciones arqueológicas en el curso medio del río Colorado (provincia de Río Negro). Aportes para el conocimiento de las sociedades... more
Tophets are Phoenician and Punic sanctuaries where cremated infants and children were buried. Many studies focus on the potentially sacrificial nature of these sites, but this article takes a different approach. Combining osteological... more
Here we present six adult patellae with superolateral concave defects observed amongst the remains of at least 28 individuals retrieved from four Late Iron Age burials from Kneževići hillfort -Malo Libinje, Croatia. The right patella of... more
Carbon (δ¹³C): types of plant foods C₃ plants: Legumes, tubers and fruits C₄ plants: Maize (corn) Research Aims Archaeology of childhood: isotopic approaches to breastfeeding and weaning practices of three pre-Columbian Panamanian... more
Bioarqueologia-disciplina que estabelece a ponte entre as ciências sociais e biológicas, colocando o estudo de restos humanos provenientes de sítios arqueológicos (Knudson, e Stojanowski, 2008; Halcrow e Ward, 2017). Constitui-se como uma... more
Los Tolmos, en Caracena, provincia de Soria, es un yacimiento de referencia para el estudio del Bronce Medio en la Meseta Norte. Su excavación durante las décadas de los 70 y los 80 del pasado siglo conllevó el hallazgo de varias tumbas... more
Family can be broadly defined as a community of care, cooperation and shared resources. As we move further into the past, however, our ability to observe these relationships becomes blurred. For most of human history, ethnographic and... more
Analyse critique du_ sexe  biologique et du genre des mobiliers funéraires pour les sépultures mérovingiennes du nord de la Gaule
Desde la perspectiva bioarqueologica y arqueologica, la ninez no se muy considerada en investigaciones en Mesoamerica y Oaxaca. Para comprender mejor este problema, examinamos las diferencias en el tratamiento funerario para ninos y... more
This study explores the age at death structure, skeletal lesions, and artificial cranial modification (ACM) on 35 non-adults until their 38 months of life recovered from the Tarapacá-40 cemetery, Northern Chile. Age estimations were based... more
Any increased mortality risk due to congenital conditions for a fetus in utero becomes multiplied after birth due to exposure of the newborn to the extra-uterine environment. One of the most severe and lethal congenital diseases is... more
In 2018 an archaeological intervention at the cloister of the former Convent of S. Domingos, in Lisbon (Portugal), revealed an unknown necropolis of non-adults with a circumscribed chronology (1755-1836 AD). This osteological collection... more
El presente trabajo expone los resultados del análisis y caracterización individual de los restos bioantropológicos correspondientes a un rescate arqueológico realizado en el año 2019 en el sector La Cordonada, comuna de Coyhaique, región... more
The aim of this study is to provide a detailed view of dental health in relationship to the diet of the Great Moravian population, with emphasis on childhood diet. Design: We studied skeletal samples of the early medieval population of... more
Archaeological investigations of Romano-British burials have revealed a range of diverse forms of burial treatments. Previous studies show decapitation was enforced, both pre-and post-mortem, on individuals of all ages, sex, origin, and... more
REMINDER: Submission deadline 31st of March 2024! Human osteoarchaeological research in the EMME has a long tradition. In such a historically and archaeologically rich area, this field of enquiry is uniquely positioned to shed light on... more
Im Rahmen der Forschungsgrabung des Instituts für Vor-und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Prof. M. Martin) wurde auf dem Petersberg/Kleinen Madron bei Flintsbach a. Inn im... more
The aim of this article is to present to the scientific and academic community the Unidentified Skeletal Collection of the Capuchos Cemetery. The skeletons, of contemporary individuals, were collected from the same cemetery as those of... more
RODRIGUEZ-FLOREZ, Carlos David, MANGEAUD, Arnaldo, COLANTONIO, Sonia et al. Forensic method to determine gender in sub adult subjects using odontometrics in the deciduous dentition. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq, July/Dec. 2008, vol.20,... more
Paleodemography is helpful in studying levels of health/disease of past populations and their relationship with socioeconomic conditions. Although not of archaeological origin, identified skeletal collections constitute an important mean... more
El proceso de poblamiento del centro-sur de la Pampa Occidental presenta señales débiles y dispersas durante el Holoceno Temprano, mayor incidencia humana durante el Holoceno Medio y un proceso de colonización progresivo a partir del... more
The characterization and quantification of human dental enamel microstructure, in both permanent and deciduous teeth, allows us to document crucial growth parameters and to identify stressful events, thus contributing to the... more
This dissertation would not have been possible without the help, guidance, and support of many people. First, I would like to thank my major advisor, Dr. Robert Tykot, for agreeing to take me as his graduate student when I was undergoing... more
The skeletal remains of non-adults provide endless insights into numerous aspects of their personal, family and social lives. Although they were considered to be marginal members of society, children can potentially shed light on factors... more
My dissertation is a bioarchaeological study of invisible and underrepresented people from ancient Zapotec society in the Valley of Oaxaca in southern Oaxaca, Mexico from A.D. 350 to 1250. The study is based on the analysis of over 450... more
We discuss the probable presence of tuberculosis in non-adults of a medieval rural community in northern Italy with a biocultural perspective. Before birth, mother and child have a closely interconnected relationship, as suggested by the... more
The Early Bronze Age site of Bab adh-Dhra’ in modern Jordan is representative of a general trend towards walled, densely-populated sites and agricultural intensification throughout the region. This shift towards town-life would have... more
El síndrome de Down en niños se asocia con múltiples alteraciones orofaciales, dentro de ellas se ha mencionado el retraso en la erupción dental, cuya comprensión no es aún del todo conocida. Se realizó una revisión para analizar los... more
Dentro del conjunto funerario en el asentamiento de Zacatenco durante el Preclásico medio en la cuenca de México, se sepultó un infante que tenía cuatro años al momento de su fallecimiento. El análisis osteológico fue diseñado con... more
Studying infant diet and feeding practices through stable isotope analysis provides direct insight into the life and health of vulnerable population groups in the past. Although the general diet in medieval and early modern Livonia has... more
Introducción El estudio de la dentición desde una perspectiva antropológica brinda información sobre aspectos biológicos y culturales de las poblaciones humanas pasadas y presentes, y a nivel intrapoblacional las principales fuentes de... more
The characterization and quantification of human dental enamel microstructure, in both permanent and deciduous teeth, allows us to document crucial growth parameters and to identify stressful events, thus contributing to the... more
Different practices in paleoanthropology and legal medicine raise questions concerning the robustness of body mass (BM) prediction. Integrating personal identification from body mass estimation with skeleton is not a classic approach in... more
En este artículo se describen las tareas de extensión desarrolladas en torno a la colección osteológica humana del Museo Regional de Rada Tilly (Chubut). Las tareas se vinculan con el proyecto de investigación "Investigaciones... more
La antropología biológica (conocida también como antropología física), es la rama de la antropología que tiene como objeto de estudio la evolución y variabilidad humana, tanto en poblaciones antiguas como modernas. Entre sus enfoques más... more