Bill Hillier
Recent papers in Bill Hillier
Basta uma linha para costurar o mundo. Através do Teleférico do Complexo do Morro do Alemão no Rio de Janeiro esse ensaio mostra o simbolismo con do em determinadas arquiteturas que tem a capacidade de conectar as diferenças não sómente... more This presentation considers how the phenomenological work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961) contributes to an understanding of architecture and place experience via his emphasis on the lived... more
The ‘Generic or Universal City’ which is formed by the ‘genetic code’ and based on the mathematical analysis of Space Syntax is considered as the greatest contribution of Bill Hillier to the Complexity Theory of Cities. In the core of... more
Introducción a los fundamentos de la sintaxis espacial (SE), desde el punto de vista del diseño arquitectónico y urbano. El texto explica de manera didáctica los principales conceptos, técnicas y autores asociados a la sintaxis espacial,... more
architecture, through the design of space, creates a virtual community with a certain structure and a certain density. This is what architecture does and can be seen to do, and it may be all that architecture does. If space is designed... more
[The edited volume of which this chapter is a part is now available. Contact the author for a PDF of the published version]. This chapter draws on a phenomenological approach to examine three ways in which buildings work as places:... more
David Seamon offers an “in memoriam” for architectural theorist Bill Hillier, who died in London on November 5, 2019, at the age of 82. Working with architect Julienne Hanson, Hillier developed a significant environment-behavior theory... more
Özet Kent mekânlarının oluşumu ve gelişimi için, tarih boyunca pek çok kuram geliştirilmiştir. Kentsel mekân kuramlarının dayandıkları noktalar kavramsal olarak farklılaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bir mimar olan Rob Krier’in “Urban Space”... more
This paper examines ways in which a phenomenological approach might contribute to space syntax research, drawing on three themes that mark the heart of phenomenological investigation: (1) understanding grounded in real-world experience;
This paper examines ways in which a phenomenological approach might contribute to space syntax research, drawing on three themes that mark the heart of phenomenological investigation: (1) understanding grounded in real-world experience;... more
The value of space syntax for architecture: key concepts and the Tate Gallery as an example
integration, segregation, permeability graphs, and the "deformed wheel"
Los patrones socio-espaciales hacen referencia a las relaciones existentes entre la estructura física de la ciudad y los fenómenos sociales que en ella acontecen. En las últimas décadas, el estudio de los patrones socio-espaciales se ha... more
Qualitative research relates to a broad range of conceptual and methodological approaches that examine the lives and situations of real people in real times and places . In asking what qualitative research offers environmental design, I... more
A chapter published in Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design, Ritu Bhatt, ed. (New York: Routledge, 2013, pp.. 204-13)] Abstract As discussed in the phenomenological literature, environmental embodiment refers to the... more
In a previous paper (Figueiredo and Amorim, 2005), we introduced the continuity lines, a compressed description that encapsulates topological and geometrical properties of urban grids. In this paper, we applied this technique to a large... more
The actual lecture is available on YouTube at: This presentation considers how the phenomenological work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961) contributes to an... more
In this chapter, I examine how the ideas of three current researchers—architect Christopher Alexander, architectural theorist Bill Hillier, and political philosopher Daniel Kemmis—provide important new insights for understanding the urban... more
This article argues that architectural theorist Bill Hillier's theory of spae syntax has significant implications for a phenomenology of architecture and place. Hillier demonstrates that the physical and human worlds are intimately... more
the urban-design approach of RESPONSIVE ENVIRONMENTS (1985)--permeability, variety, third places, and new urbanism
"In a previous paper (Figueiredo and Amorim, 2005), we introduced the continuity lines, a compressed description that encapsulates topological and geometrical properties of urban grids. In this paper, we applied this technique to a large... more
Existing studies of urban riots, violent protest and other instances of contentious politics in urban settings have largely tended to be either event-or time-specific in their scope. The present thesis offers a spatial reading of such... more
Why does life take place? This question grounds the phenomenology of place presented in this book. Drawing on the phenomenological claim that human being is always human being in place, David Seamon argues that, even in our mobile,... more
Texto escrito em homenagem a Bill Hillier, mentor intelectual deste autor, em função de seu falecimento em 5.11.2019. Publicado na Revista de Morfologia Urbana (mais dados no corpo do texto). Como citar: HOLANDA, Frederico de. Rótulos.... more
"Ecology, both as a science and as a world view, emphasizes the study of relationships, interconnections, and environmental wholes that are different from the sum of their environmental parts. “Special qualities emerge out of interactions... more
Most spatio-morphological studies have centered their attention in what is known as the "formal" city. In Latin America, the development of cities has been ruled by political forces that have determined its form and evolution, from their... more
This winter 2011 issue of EAP includes four feature essays. First, naturalist Paul Krafel explores the experience of looking at stars in the night sky, and British writer Christine Rhone describes the sacred landscape of Painted Rock,... more