Bilingual Mental Lexicon

64 papers
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The bilingual mental lexicon refers to the cognitive representation and organization of words and meanings in the minds of individuals who speak two languages. It encompasses the processes of word retrieval, storage, and the interaction between the two language systems, influencing language use and comprehension in bilingual individuals.
U ovome se radu, na primjeru dvojezicnih osoba koje koriste hrvatski kao prvi i njemacki kao drugi jezik, istražuje na koji su nacin leksicke jedinice dvojezicne osobe pohranjene u njezinoj memoriji, odnosno u njezinu mentalnom leksikonu.... more
A realização deste trabalho só foi possível graças ao apoio recebido de diversas pessoas e instituições. A todos que participaram, direta ou indiretamente, de sua elaboração, meus sinceros agradecimentos.
Sözcük çağrışım testleri, zihinsel sözlük yapılanmasını keşfetmek amacıyla yaygın olarak uygulanan yöntemlerden biridir. Dilbilim alanında yürütülen sözcük çağrışım çalışmalarında eğilim, sözcük çağrışımlarını sınıflandırmaya ve... more
The article is focused on analysing linguistic deformations in translating modern Ukrainian war fiction into English. The research material is the novel "Інтернат"/ The Orphanage by Serhiy Zhadan and its translation into English.... more
Resumo Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo cujos objetivos foram verificar possíveis relações entre a frequência de palavras e os processos de inferência lexical de aprendizes de inglês como língua estrangeira (L2), também... more
Both Standard Chinese (SC) high- and low-rising tones sound like the rising tone in Jinan Mandarin (JM) Chinese. Acoustically (Experiment 1), the JM rising tone overlaps with both SC rising tones, but more with the high-rising tone than... more
Sveučilište u Padovi, Odsjek za razvojnu psihologiju i socijalizaciju Dominantnost jezika dvojezičnih govornika talijanskog i hrvatskog jezika Language dominance in bilingual speakers of Italian and Croatian language Izvorni znanstveni... more
Sveučilište u Padovi, Odsjek za razvojnu psihologiju i socijalizaciju Dominantnost jezika dvojezičnih govornika talijanskog i hrvatskog jezika Language dominance in bilingual speakers of Italian and Croatian language Izvorni znanstveni... more
Esta tesis estudia cómo se organiza la información sobre las palabras en el bilingüe en cuanto a las conexiones que se establecen entre el nivel léxico y el semánti-co/conceptual de sus dos lenguas. En concreto, se ponen a prueba las... more
This research examines the cross-linguistic influence caused by English as the first foreign language, to the acquisition of French as a second foreign language, using the semantic similarity of word pairs in the two languages. Some words... more
Resumo Este artigo traça e compara o perfil de leitores com dificuldades de compreensão leitora (LDC) e bons leitores (BL). Avaliando a leitura de palavras isoladas e a compreensão de texto escrito, foram identificados 49 BL e 37 LDC... more
Pashto is one of the dominant languages in the north of Pakistan. Its speakers prefer to communicate in L1with their peers in non-pashto speaking regions like Lahore, which is the capital city of Punjab, Pakistan. Along with Pashto, they... more
Черепанов И.Е. Влияние фактора возраста на реакции испытуемых... 2009], изучаются интенциональные явления, характерные для конкретного возраста. Лингвисты исследуют ассоциативный тезаурус ребенка и лексикон школьника наших дней в динамике... more
According to various estimates, between forty-ve thousand to seventy thousand Israeli citizens currently live in former USSR states; and more than 90% of them are natives of these states. is
Трибуна молодых ученых Reactions that reflect the transaction on the Internet are located on the periphery and are represented by unit values. This suggests that the transition of trade relations to the Internet and the impact of... more
The paper presents the analysis of the semantic shifts in the lexical meaning of the lexeme bespredel (mayhem). The lexeme penetrates into the literary language from the jargon of criminals in 1990; its frequency dramatically increased in... more
What might the study of language processing look like if the canonical language user were assumed to be bilingual? In this chapter we offer some reflections on how the origins, assumptions and practices of psycholinguistics constructed a... more
Are idioms stored in memory in ways that preserve their surface form or language or are they represented amodally? We examined this question using an incidental cued recall paradigm in which two word idiomatic expressions were presented... more
In recent years, despite the fact that many researchers have devoted much of their attention to second language attrition, not much focus has been given to first language attrition (FLA) specifically among Iranian immigrants. The present... more
The present study applied functional partition to investigate disyllabic lexical tonal-pattern categories in an under-resourced Chinese dialect, Jinan Mandarin. A Two-Stage partitioning procedure was introduced to process a multi-speaker... more
Both Standard Chinese (SC) high- and low-rising tones sound like the rising tone in Jinan Mandarin (JM) Chinese. Acoustically (Experiment 1), the JM rising tone overlaps with both SC rising tones, but more with the high-rising tone than... more
Learners of third language (L3) German and L3 French studied unfamiliar verbs that were cognate with first language (L1) Spanish equivalents, second language (L2) English
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Are idioms stored in memory in ways that preserve their surface form or language or are they represented amodally? We examined this question using an incidental cued recall paradigm in which two word idiomatic expressions were presented... more
Jezična kategorizacija pokazuje kulturološke razlike među jezicima, način na koji govornici govore o svijetu koji ih okružuje te način na koji o tome razmišljaju. Unutar kategorizacije boja uočavaju se razlike između govornika različitih... more
This article analyzes the resolution types of tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) states with foreign/second language (FL) words. lt attempts to describe some of the search passes, strategies,  and  cues  that  are used by learners to overcome... more
The social networking website Facebook offers to its users a feature called "status updates" (or just "status"), which allows users to create Microposts directed to all their contacts, or a subset thereof. Readers can respond to... more
Researchers and students of applied linguistics and anyone interested in bilingualism and second language learning will find this nontechnical and accessible state-of-the-art survey useful. Regardless of which neurolinguistic theory of... more
Este trabalho apresenta uma concepcao alternativa de educacao formal aplicada ao ensino de pronuncia de ingles. Sua inspiracao foi o estado de descaso que a area de pronuncia enfrenta nas escolas basicas, resultando na falta de preparo... more
Pesquisadores sugerem que o aprendizado de línguas adicionais e a experiência com o uso dessas línguas tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento da competência linguística de um indivíduo (MARIAN, BLUMENFELD e KAUSHANSKAYA, 2007). O... more
The goal of the present study was to identify the cognitive processes that underlie lexical ambiguity resolution in a second language (L2). We examined which cognitive factors predict the efficiency in accessing subordinate meanings of L2... more
O processo de aquisição do conhecimento envolve percepção, atenção, memória e ação e nem sempre acontece de forma consciente. A aquisição de conhecimento pressupõe um processo de conversão em que tudo aquilo que é captado pelo aprendiz é... more
The paper deals with the study of dynamics of value attitudes of modern Russian speakers in relation to money, based on the material of associative dictionaries published by leading Moscow psycholinguistic school “Russian linguistic... more
En una modalidad de este sistema, la informa-ción se almacena en forma de redes de conceptos denominadas redes semánticas, relaciones de con-ceptos que forman los esquemas de conocimien-to6 y se enmarcan en la teoría conexionista.7 Las... more
Are idioms stored in memory in ways that preserve their surface form or language or are they represented amodally? We examined this question using an incidental cued recall paradigm in which two word idiomatic expressions were presented... more
This study used a brief vocabulary training paradigm to examine two factors for cross-language transfer: how similar the first language (L1) is to the second language (L2) and L1-L2 proficiency levels. Fifty-four sequential bilingual... more
The present study investigates the relations between L2-English proficiency and L1-Turkish lexical property evaluations. We asked whether L2 proficiency affects lexical properties, including imageability and concreteness ratings of 600... more
A concretização deste projecto apenas foi possível graças a todo um conjunto de factores físicos e humanos, os quais não posso deixar de referir e agradecer. Aos meus orientadores, Professores Rosário Monteiro e Paulo Osório pela... more
Academic vocabulary knowledge predicts students’ academic achievement across educational levels. English academic vocabulary knowledge is especially valuable because English is used in academia worldwide. Therefore, examining the factors... more
Milena Jakić1, Aleksandar Kostić1, and Dušica Filipović-Đurđević1, 2 1Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of ... Experiments... more
The author offers an associative experiment as an effective means for identifying the psychologically relevant content of the word and its specificity in various languages. The comparative study of lexical units is usually based on... more
Кожара Олеся Владимировна, аспирант кафедры теории, истории языка и прикладной лингвистики, Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского,
The aim of the article is to describe the role of the journal «Beseder?» as a paradigmatic example of the Russian-language press of the 90s in Israel. A general description of the unique phenomenon of the mass immigration of Russian Jews... more
 A tese defendida e aprovada em 2015 sobre estratégias para a compreensão leitora com estudantes do 6º ano do ensino fundamental foi desenvolvida a partir da pesquisa experimental em psicolinguística com um grupo de estudantes da Escola... more