Recent papers in Bildungsroman
Osmanlı'dan Türkiye'ye gelenek kavramının serencamına dair Bildung kavramı üzerinden bir müdahale denemesi.
"Guavas for Dummies, American Jíbaras, & Postnational Autonomy: When I Was Puerto Rican in the Hemispheric Turn" (2019) re-engages this text after I taught it in Puerto Rico four years. In this 2009 essay, Santiago’s memoir is said to... more
Introduction to the book Viagens do saber: a literatura de viagem e de formação
En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre la alimentación, el hecho de alimentarse, y el crecimiento, desarrollo, evolución o Bildung en tres novelas del siglo XX: The Bell Jar, de Sylvia Plath, The Catcher in the Rye, de J.D.... more
Introduction to the book Viagens de saber: a literatura de viagem e de formação and chapter 12 "O aprendizado de Ulisses"
The process of trauma and healing of central character 'Kambili', in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel 'Purple Hibiscus'.
Signs and symptoms of childhood trauma.
Signs and symptoms of childhood trauma.
Estratto dal capitolo III de "Dalla generazione all'Individuo - Giovinezza, Identità, impegno nell'opera di Pier Vittorio Tondelli" (Mimesis 2020)
This essay argues that L. P. Hartley’s novel The Go-Between (1953) fits into the critical tradition of the Bildungsroman in one specific sense: its attention to matters of deception. First, this plot of formation and development involves... more
una verdadera cartografía del huracán neoliberal, escrita desde el interior mismo de la tormenta. Páginas escritas al calor de la urgencia de los acontecimientos, pero sin por ello renunciar al rigor analítico. Una obra que busca indagar... more
Though individual genres have been studied in relation to postcolonial criticism, there has not, until now, been a critical intervention that considers what it is about genre itself that makes it useful for a postcolonial project and for... more
Résumé : Le discours critique sur le roman-mémoires des années 1730 semble souvent hésiter entre deux attitudes antagonistes : soit il y discerne les signes d’une « naissance de l’individu » et y voit l’émergence du roman de... more
A Little Piece Of Ground presents the experience of young Palestinian boys living in Ramallah
The world had changed after the World Wars and people were searching for new lives, new thoughts. These two world wars caused misery and striking alteration on the human psyche and their lives. Insecurity, distrust, lack of... more
The aim of the present study is to show what makes the protagonist of a Bildungsroman to be at the same time the hero of the monomyth. In order to achieve this purpose, after having defined and shown the essence of the Bildungsroman and... more
У раду се анализира такозвани свет одраслих сагледан очима детета и модуси његовог утицаја на идентитет и интегритет детета које о истом приповеда. Одабиром романа Живот је пред тобом (La vie devant soi, 1975) француског писца Ромена... more
This article studies a version of female development contained in Elena Ferrante‘s My Brilliant Friend, one that opposes the typically male development of the Bildungsroman. The Neapolitan novels invoke ideologies of development often... more
Este artículo plantea que The Tombs of Atuan es una novela de formación femenina que se aparta de los códigos tradicionales de la variante realista y hegemónica del subgénero. Esto debido a que presenta dos elementos no miméticos: un... more
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem Excelsior was published in 1841 and very soon came to be strongly associated with European Alpine mountaineering. Longfellow was influenced by German cultural approaches to mountains, mediated via the... more
Na presente dissertação, serão abordadas as relações entre o romance de formação e a literatura juvenil nas literaturas de língua inglesa. Apesar de suas particularidades, os dois gêneros têm em comum o fato de apresentarem contornos... more
In dem Sammelband Ultima Ratio? (hg. von Scholz/Schuchter) wird die Frage verhandelt, ob bzw. inwiefern Gewalt für uns Ausnahmezustand ist oder vielmehr ein alltägliches Ereignis, d. h., ob wir uns permanent oder nur vorübergehend in... more
The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the novel ‘Invention of Wings’ can be seen as a Bildungsroman in the author's portrayal of Sarah’s and Handful’s struggle against mental and physical enslavement. I analyze the different... more
The journey of socialization can be seen as both parallel to and inseparable from the larger narrative of the monomyth; An exploration of the heroes journey in Tolkien and others.
In the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Pip goes through several stages and encounters with several characters which shape his character from an innocent scared little boy into a production of the capitalist London society.... more
Straddling the millennia, in another era of great social transformation and uncertainty, the Harry Potter series emerges as a kind of postmodern Bildungsroman, charting a young person’s development (or Bildung) through a complex world of... more
Georg Mein, Gary Schmidt, Stefan Börnchen (Hg.), Thomas Mann. Neue kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, München 2012, S. 285-299
Reading the Modernist Bildungsroman. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2006. ix + 336 pp. "Reading the Modernist Bildungsroman" is both a literary history of genre and an exploration of the modern, gendered subject. It focuses on... more
This essay argues that Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go reshapes colonial subjec- tivity through a sense of loss. By borrowing Homi Bhabha’s notion of mimicry, which char- acterizes colonial subjectivity as a state of ambivalence between... more
Tesi di laurea triennale discussa il 2 dicembre 2014 all'Università degli Studi di Milano. Relatore: Bruno Falcetto.
RESUMO: A fim de compartilhar o fórum de reflexões literárias concernentes ao Bildungsroman, o artigo que apresento resulta da minha pesquisa sobre a literatura de Novalis, a partir da compreensão dos contextos e debates... more
"Grant's prose style is relentlessly cool and stark, serving as X-ray vision that registers the hardest truths without prettification.” The Boston Globe This is an excerpt from the 1995 novel, The Passion of Alice, a story about... more
The article uses the example of the European bildungsroman as represented paradigmatically in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (1795 – 96) to investigate the effects of reading. Goethe's text is sensitive to... more
Cuando afirmó que investigué acerca de la "novela de formación", la "Bildungsroman", se me pregunta qué es eso. Este libro es mi contestación.
· 84 UNHA LECTURA DE ADIÓS MARÍ A V1LLAR, Rafael, "Temp o de ría", Colóq ll io/Letras , "Rece ns6es crítica s", Ju lh o ÍNDICE deze mbro 1995 , pp . 243 -245.
This paper seeks to study the relationship between the mother-daughter in two of her earliest novels; The Grass is Singing and Martha Quest, employing the ideas regarding this relationship discussed by Nancy Chodorow in her book The... more
INTRO: Merle Hodge‘s Crick Crack, Monkey, first published in 1970, is a significant text in the body of anglophone Caribbean literature. The term ―crick, crack‖ refers to a Caribbean oral tradition, call and response technique in which,... more
Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg, 1971) is a film about transitions: movement between childhood and adulthood, country and city, pre-modernity and modernity. My analysis of Roeg’s classic is part of a study of the genre of environmental film:... more
In Mister Pip (2006), New Zealander writer Lloyd Jones transfers Charles Dickens' Great Expectations to Papua New Guinea. Through a skilful play of metanarrative cross-references, Jones gives lifeblood back to the Victorian text while... more
The first complete and annotated English translation of Maimon’s influential and delightfully entertaining memoir Solomon Maimon's autobiography has delighted readers for more than two hundred years, from Goethe, Schiller, and George... more
Lettura in chiave metaletteraria del personaggio del giudice Holden e dell'intreccio intertestuale che caratterizza Blood Meridian (1985) di Cormac McCarthy. Link al sito della rivista:... more
In Jean Pauls "Kardinalroman" sind zahlreiche Verweise auf den Schauerroman zu finden. Doch welche Funktion haben sie und welche Rolle spielt das "groteske Testament"? In: Barry Murnane/Andrew Cusack: (Hrsg.): Populäre Erscheinungen. Der... more
Comentari de l'obra Quanta, quanta guerra... de Mercè Rodoreda.
Dickens shows in Great Expectations how strenuously difficult life can be in Victorian Age, with the struggle of working class opposed by the lavishness of decadent aristocracy and eminent changes that were taking place. By analysing... more
The concept of bildungsroman is studied in the novels Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt by integrating the experiences of the protagonists. Their character growths follow a similar arc as they start... more
The article offers a systematic critique of identity politics and intersectionality that today dominate Western mainstream literary theory and Anglo-Saxon literary production by bringing to the fore a much overlooked critical intervention... more
Se analizan las características de la autoficción que se presentan en la novela, haciendo énfasis en la cuestión de la formación identitaria de la autora-narradora-protagonista. Se retoman cuestiones de la figura de autor y las... more