Recent papers in Bihar
Derived from Maithil practices and festivals and assumed to protect the household, the Madhubani Paintings spread since the 1960s in India and abroad. Transferred on paper in order to be commercialized, they undergo important changes. I... more
Potato is the fourth major food crop after rice, wheat and maize in Bihar. It occupies less than 5% of net sown area with production only 4 th after rice, wheat and maize. Potato a short duration crop has special significance since it... more
In an economy like Bihar, dependence of population on livestock as an alternative source of income is significant. Acceleration in the availability of livestock to marginal and small farmers can offer significant opportunities for... more
Conventionally, the economic growth of a country is appraised in form of gross domestic product (GDP). In Bihar, the per capita net state domestic product (NSDP) is the lowest among the major states in Inida, and it is only one-third of... more
Research Deliberation/ISSN 2395-7778
Volume-I/Issue-I (May, 2015)
An International Journal for Humanities and Social Science
Volume-I/Issue-I (May, 2015)
An International Journal for Humanities and Social Science
The urbanization spree has led to holistic development of the infrastructure .With more and more people heading towards cities, it is a challenge for the government to provide for the teeming dwellers.
The master plan appears to be a mere eyewash with several anomalies and abridged drafts . There is more left than stated in the master plan.
The present work provides a detailed study of the stone images found at Kurkihar. The material has been documented from a very early period: as early as 1847, Markham Kittoe visited the place, made drawings of images seen in situ and... more
The Paper discusses the history and archaeological remains found at Maner in detail.
ARTICLE DETAILS ABSTRACT Article History Published Online: 15April2019 The MSMEs sector plays a significant role in the economy of India in terms of creation self-employment, new startup innovation ideas, entrepreneurial skill, exports,... more
A lot has been written and discussed how India is at the point of take-off. Economic growth is accelerating, and most believe that high growth is going to continue for many years into the future. A generation that is less affected by... more
ARTICLE DETAILS ABSTRACT Article History Published Online: 15April2019 The MSMEs sector plays a significant role in the economy of India in terms of creation self-employment, new startup innovation ideas, entrepreneurial skill, exports,... more
The Archaeologist's spade at work in a North Bihar site has served to modify the contours of concurrent understanding about development of civilization in the past. Taking back the story of civilization in the region by thousands of... more
Higher Education in Bihar has glorious past, gloomy present and dark future. The ancient hub of knowledge is detoriating every day. The place of Nalanda, Vikramshila and other internationally famous centres of higher education is under... more
BODHGAYA… place of The Buddha's Enlightenment Its real story from 250 BCE to 2018 Buddha Gaya (Bodhgaya) is an important and holy place for all the Buddhists of the world. It is at this place that Siddhartha attained enlightenment and... more
This paper, presented in September, 1997, to the Berkeley Gallery as part of a show of the art of Baua Devi, explores the impact of Mithila Art on the subjectivity of women artists.
§ Prof. Dr. Rana P.B. Singh (born: 15 December 1950) is researching in the fields of heritage planning, especially sacredscapes/religious places and heritagescapes, pilgrimages and settlement systems in Varanasi region since around five... more
This essay makes two arguments. First,there is a hidden politics that the name ‘riot’ performs. It institutes a false equalization that flattens the gigantic power inequality between Hindus and Muslims, and in a single stroke makes them... more
The study shows there is hardly any deviations from the set pattern of the curriculum so far, except the additions of topics to the burgeoning width of sections. This study has tried to understand the scenario of curriculum reform in... more
In this dissertation, the author has explored various domestic embroidery traditions of Bihar, India that are diminishing day-by-day. Through this essay, the author investigates how these embroideries act as a tool of storytelling and... more
India is one of the worst flood-affected countries in the world and accounts for one fifth of global death count due to floods. Bihar is India’s most flood-prone State, with 76 percent of the population, in the north Bihar living under... more
This is a report on migration from three districts of Bihar - Gaya, Bhojpur and Aurangabad. The report was submitted to the European Commission as part of a project on labour rights in India. The study used both quantitative and... more
Bodh Gaya, the epicenter of Buddhism had been lost into oblivion until it was rediscovered in the 19th century. The article carries an account and describes the present state of the archaeological remains at Bodh Gaya
Athaddasāsim sugataṃ nagaraṃ mithilam pati adantānaṃ dametāraṃ sambhudham akuto bhayaṃ. [Then I saw the Sugata going toward Mithila, Tamer of the untamed, fully awake, afraid of no one and nothing.] The poetic and the philosophical,... more
The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.
Amaladass, Anand, ed. "Profiles of Povery and Networks of Power". Madurai: DACA Publications, 2001.
The Bihar Development Report is a depiction of the current scenario in Bihar across different socioeconomic parameters, which will enable readers to understand the various elements crucial for growth and development in the state. It will... more
This article provides a re-edition of the copper plate inscription of Rājyapāla, dated year 2, kept at Bharat Kala Bhavan, Benares Hindu University. This is so far the only one known grant of the king. It records the royal grant of two... more
The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.
The local and small investors, especially the farmers and the tiny entrepreneurs need credit at affordable cost. In the absence of such a credit facility, the farmers cannot take advantage of the rich natural resources such as abundant... more
The concept of Teacher Education is not new to Bihar, but the Bihar of today has to do much for the development of the teacher education. Teacher education in Bihar has to undertake too many issues to revitalise Secondary Teacher... more
Present paper based on the general aspects of the Kaimurian rock art, its distribution and description. These details are especially helpful to understand the extent to which it has decided the archaeological and historical frameworks of... more
Identification, access to entitlements, and financial inclusion are key sites of negotiation in India’s rapidly evolving governance landscape. Following demonetization and with the proliferation of Aadhaar biometric identification, the... more
The site of Lalpahari is a Buddhist monastic site and is situated on a hill-top. The two seasons of excavations have been done successfully in the years 2017–18 and 2018–19. In these seasons of excavation, quintals of ceramics were... more
The purpose of this chapter is to carry out situational analysis and identify future directions for population stabilisation in Bihar, India through examining the programmes and policies that would help achieve this.
A partly broken 12th-century stone lintel was recently recovered at Lakhisarai (Bihar) showing two Bodhisattvas dancing, introducing new aspects in the iconography of Avalokiteśvara and Manjuśrī.
Published in the Indian online and printed journal MANUSHI, No. 19, 1983, this paper reports on fieldwork undertaken in Patna district in 1983 amongst the untouchable/dalit castes (chamars and musahars) of one village. Amongst other... more
With the onslaught of population the capital of Bihar,Patna is facing huge demand for viable transportation. Planning from scratch the city needs to focus on sustainable options.
The capital of Bihar - Patna, is one of the holiest cities in Sikh history. Despite rich historical and religious significance, the population of Sikhs in Patna is merely 0.09% of the total population. The Sikh minority in the Bihar... more