Big Five Personality Traits
Recent papers in Big Five Personality Traits
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Big Five 2.1 Discovery of the Big Five 2.2 Description and Explanation of the five factors 2.2.1 Extraversion 2.2.2 Agreeableness 2.2.3 Conscientiousness 2.2.4 Neuroticism 2.2.5 Openness... more
Why is Neuroticism so harmful to marriage and other intimate relationships? Given that such relationships generally involve a sexual component, the current longitudinal study explored whether the apparent negative impact of own and... more
It is largely unknown why among millions of exercisers a small proportion become addicted to the behaviour in a similar manner to other common addictions, such as alcohol addiction. Some scholars believe that specific personality... more
This paper is an integration of paradox theory and the paradoxical lens into strengths regulation as an alternative way to enable optimal performance. Various conceptualizations around strengths, talents, and traits are discussed to... more
The relationships between personality traits and motivation are significant for effective learning and teaching. The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationships between personality traits and motivation levels of Turkish... more
This article presents two studies that deepen the theme of how soundtracks shape our interpretation of audiovisuals. Embracing a multivariate perspective, Study 1 (N = 118) demonstrated, through an online between-subjects experiment, that... more
This paper aimed at seeking the new leadership model in the 21st century by reviewing different leadership theories and discussing key elements. The four-layer model which is established based on different leadership theories equips... more
Psychometrics assessments for personality are tools that organisations use to discover the personality of potential hire and make determinations as to whether they will fit into the organisation and the job. Despite the pedigree of... more
U sing data from 138 independent samples, we meta-analytically examined three research questions concerning the roles of personality and network position in organizations. First, how do different personality characteristics-selfmonitoring... more
Данное исследование направлено на выявление предсказательной способности черт личности для учебной успеваемости на российской выборке. Для этого был проведен регрессионный анализ, который показал значимое совместное влияние пола и черты... more
ABSTRACT This paper examines the relationships between individual differences in situational triggers of aggressive behaviors (STAR) and the FFM personality traits. The investigation, conducted among Polish male and female offenders and... more
This study explores social media users' personality traits and motivations for the usage of two different social media platforms, Facebook and Pinterest, as well as how the varied uses impact users' negative emotional experiences. The... more
At present social networks play an important role to express people's sentiment and interest in a particular field. Extracting a user's public social network data (what the user shares with friends and relatives and how the user reacts... more
Innovation studies are discovered mainly in the field of management, but not many in higher education environments. A study on student innovativeness, receptivity to fresh concepts and culture of development, and the execution of... more
The survey data measure the tendencies of cognitive self-control and deviant act behavior as a component to identify the personality factors as predictors of criminal behavior. It studies the impact of personality against the extended... more
The current study aimed to expand our knowledge regarding social work students' willingness to engage in policy practice (EPP). A theoretical model integrating the Big Five personality framework with the 'Civic Voluntarism Model' (CVM)... more
A cross-sectional correlational study that examined three possible predictors of naturally occurring mindfulness: trait anxiety, conscientiousness and openness. The sample comprised 115 participants of mixed age males and females, some... more
Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет На выборке подростков апробировалась русскоязычная версия «Вопросника Большой Пятерки» («Big Five Inventory», BFI; John et al., 1991, 2008). По результатам фокус-группы... more
Sample Solution, Organizational Behavior: An Analysis of Mental Abilities & the Big 5 Personality Traits in Numb3rs (Numbers), S01E01
Traditional, biologically based trait theories have deservedly gained broad acceptance, but some long-standing core issues of personality research remain unresolved. Recent research questions whether (a) there can be a single universal... more
The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) is a widely-used instrument to measure the two components of social desirability: self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) and impression management (IM). With respect to scoring of the BIDR,... more
The character, Josef Breuer, in the novel 'When Nietzsche Wept', is analyzed according to the perspectives of Freud, Jung, Horney, and the Big-Five theory.
Human beings have a need to understand -- themselves and others -- the world around them -- and the cosmos of which they are but a minute part. That understanding may be based on scientific discovery. And, when that is lacking,... more
Are there universal patterns in musical preferences? To address this question, we built on theory and research in personality, cultural, and music psychology to map the terrain of preferences for Western music using data from 356,649... more
Background: Parents play an important role in shaping children’s emotional, behavioral and mental health, particularly during the early years of childhood. Authoritative parenting style has been consistently associated with optimal... more
A cross-cultural explanatory sequential mixed method design was utilized to investigate the implementability of social networking services for educational purposes. It was aimed to shed light on the nature of relationship between the use... more
The project manager’s personality traits directly impact the success of the projects to a great extent. The literature reveals that all the famous projects were led and managed by great personalities. Big Five Personality Traits of the... more
This study developed a Japanese version of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-J) and examined its reliability and validity. The participants were 902 Japanese undergraduates (376 males, 526 females). They completed the TIPI-J and... more
This article presents two studies that deepen the theme of how soundtracks shape our interpretation of audiovisuals. Embracing a multivariate perspective, Study 1 (N = 118) demonstrated, through an online between-subjects experiment, that... more
Beenfeldt, C. (2013). Springer briefs in philosophy. The philosophical background and scientific legacy of E. B. Titchener's psychology: Understanding introspectionism. Springer Science + Business Media.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between broad and select narrow personality traits and knowledge sharing behavior of employees in workplace. This study especially contributes to literature of personality by... more
Purpose -This paper seeks to challenge the claim that traditional and non-traditional employees differ significantly in terms of their needs, personality characteristics, and work motivation patterns, by surveying management consultants... more
Адаптація українською мовою методики TIPI С.Гослінгом, П.Ренфру і В.Свонном для дослідження п'яти факторів особистості (текст методики наявний) . Наведено дані про показники внутрішньої узгодженості альфа Кронбаха, ретестову надійність,... more
The relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and personality pathology is a growing area of research. Problems with the categorical model of personality disorders have led researchers to explore the relationship between... more
Psikolojik dayanıklılık, kişilerin yaşamda karşılaştıkları çeşitli güçlükler ve zorluklar karşısında, kendilerini toparlayabilme veya bunların üstesinden gelebilme yeteneğidir. Bu çalışmada, psikolojik dayanıklılığın açıklanmasında hangi... more