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Research first provides a framework that identifies the evolution, applications, and emerging research areas of BI&A. BI&A 1.0, BI&A 2.0, and BI&A 3.0 are defined and described in terms of their key characteristics and capabilities.... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformatics
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralisation, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, internet of things... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation Security and PrivacyDecentralizationInternet of Things (IoT)
Using data from co-authorships at the international level in all fields of science in 1990 and 2000, and within six case studies at the sub-field level in 2000, different explanations for the growth of international collaboration in... more
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      Science PolicyPolicyNetwork AnalysisSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of traffic forecasts in transportation infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 210 projects in 14 nations worth U.S.$59... more
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    •   951  
      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
In information societies, operations, decisions and choices previously left to humans are increasingly delegated to algorithms, which may advise, if not decide, about how data should be interpreted and what actions should be taken as a... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceLaw
In this article I address some of the theoretical and practical issues raised by emerging “big data”-driven social science and humanities. My observations are based on my own experience over last three years with big data projects carried... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaSocial Media
The growing self-organizing map (GSOM) has been presented as an extended version of the self-organizing map (SOM), which has significant advantages for knowledge discovery applications. In this paper, the GSOM algorithm is presented in... more
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      Unsupervised Learning TechniquesBig Data Analytics
Purpose – This article identifies and describes the most prominent research areas connected with 'Big Data' and proposes a thorough definition of the term. Design/Methodology/Approach – We have analyzed a conspicuous corpus of industry... more
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      Management Information SystemsLibrary ScienceMachine LearningBusiness Intelligence
The article first describes characteristics of major infrastructure projects. Second, it documents a much neglected topic in economics: that ex ante estimates of costs and benefits are often very different from actual ex post costs and... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The landscape of cloud computing has significantly changed over the last decade. Not only have more providers and service offerings crowded the space, but also cloud infrastructure that was traditionally limited to single provider data... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingParallel ComputingHigh Performance Computing
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large-infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure developments pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Although fishing is one of the most widespread activities by which humans harvest natural resources, its global footprint is poorly understood and has never been directly quantified. We processed 22 billion automatic identification system... more
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      Remote SensingMarine Protected AreasMarine ConservationFisheries Management
The article uses a conceptual framework to review empirical evidence and some 180 articles related to the opportunities and threats of Big Data Analytics for international development. The advent of Big Data delivers the cost-effective... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesMachine LearningICT4D
A major source of risk in project management is inaccurate forecasts of project costs, demand, and other impacts. The paper presents a promising new approach to mitigating such risk, based on theories of decision making under uncertainty... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
"Over budget, over time, over and over again" appears to be an appropriate slogan for large, complex infrastructure projects. This article explains why cost, benefits, and time forecasts for such projects are systematically... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The explosive growth in the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the exponential increase in data consumption only reflect how the growth of big data perfectly overlaps with that of IoT. The management of big... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningThe Internet of ThingsInternet of Things
To tackle the increasing challenges of agricultural production, the complex agricultural ecosystems need to be better understood. This can happen by means of modern digital technologies that monitor continuously the physical environment,... more
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      Sustainable agricultureAgricultureSurvey ResearchSurvey
Based on the empirical research, this chapter investigated the impact of big data-based techniques typically used in big-data driven E-commerce such as information search, recommendation system, dynamic pricing, and personalisation on the... more
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      Online Consumer BehaviorBig DataPurchase IntentionBig Data Analytics
The era of big data has created new opportunities for researchers to achieve high relevance and impact amid changes and transformations in how we study social science phenomena. With the emergence of new data collection technologies,... more
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      Research MethodologyAnalyticsBusiness AnalyticsComputational Social Science
In this paper we study bid optimisation for real-time bidding (RTB) based display advertising. RTB allows advertisers to bid on a display ad impression in real time when it is being generated. It goes beyond contextual advertising by... more
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      Big DataBig Data AnalyticsCompetitive Bidding
When supply chain management (SCM) intersects with Big Data Analytics (BDA), uncountable opportunities for research emerge. Unfortunately, how analytics can be applied to supply chain processes is still unclear for both academics and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSupply Chain ManagementMachine LearningBig Data Analytics
The wide proliferation of various wireless communication systems and wireless devices has led to the arrival of big data era in large scale wireless networks. Big data of large scale wireless networks has the key features of wide variety,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSocial WorkMachine LearningWireless Communications
The Supplementary Green Book Guidance on Optimism Bias (HM Treasury 2003) with reference to the Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK (Mott MacDonald 2002) notes that there is a demonstrated, systematic, tendency for project... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
How are users’ experiences of production, sharing, and interaction with the media they create mediated by the interfaces of particular social media platforms? How can we use computational analysis and visualizations of the content of... more
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      PhotographySocial MediaData VisualizationBig Data
2008. 352 pp. r150.00 (hardcover). This volume is intended to explain why major investment projects (the so-called mega-projects) often are not completed on time and cost more than originally budgeted. Drawing from experiences of European... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Legible copper coins from excavations of Early Islamic sites are scarcer than in other periods. They contain, however, valuable information for understanding economic operations. The focus of this paper is the mint-toponyms inscribed on... more
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      Economic HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Recent studies advocate that digital technologies are key enabling factors for the introduction of servitized business models. At the same time, these technologies support the implementation of the circular economy (CE) paradigm into... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementDigital TechnologyProduct Service System
This critical and reflective literature review examines international research published over the last decade to summarise the different kinds of measures that have been used to explore cognitive load and critiques the strengths and... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningMultimediaCognitive Load Theory
The objective of this work is to recognize all the frontal faces of a character in the closed world of a movie or situation comedy, given a small number of query faces. This is challenging because faces in a feature-length film are... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Retrieval
Individuals, communities, and societies ascribe a diverse array of values to landscapes. These values are shaped by the aesthetic, cultural, and recreational benefits and services provided by those landscapes. However, across the globe,... more
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      Human GeographyOutdoor RecreationCultural LandscapesSustainability Science
One of the most noticeable trends in recent years has been the increasing reliance of public decision-making processes (bureaucratic, legislative and legal) on algorithms, i.e. computer programmed step-by-step instructions for taking a... more
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      Information SystemsBioengineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
ESA defines as Earth Observation (EO) Level 2 information product a multi-spectral (MS) image corrected for atmospheric, adjacency, and topographic effects, stacked with its data-derived scene classification map (SCM), whose legend... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRemote SensingGeographic Information Science
Agriculture is by its nature a complicated scientific field, related to a wide range of expertise, skills, methods and processes which can be effectively supported by computerized systems. There have been many efforts towards the... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisPrecision AgricultureBig Data
We are living in an algorithmic age where mathematics and computer science are coming together in powerful new ways to influence, shape and guide our behaviour and the governance of our societies. As these algorithmic governance... more
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      AlgorithmsPolitical PhilosophyEthicsLegitimacy and Authority
In the Big Data community, MapReduce has been seen as one of the key enabling approaches for meeting continuously increasing demands on computing resources imposed by massive data sets. The reason for this is the high scalability of the... more
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      NoSQLMapreduceBig DataBig Data Analytics
Risk, including economic risk, is increasingly a concern for public policy and management. The possibility of dealing effectively with risk is hampered, however, by lack of a sound empirical basis for risk assessment and management. This... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
This paper explores how theories of the planning fallacy and the outside view may be used to conduct quality control and due diligence in project management. First, a much-neglected issue in project management is identified, namely that... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
This paper argues that big data can possess different characteristics, which affect its quality. Depending on its origin, data processing technologies, and methodologies used for data collection and scientific discoveries, big data can... more
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      Deception DetectionBig DataBig Data AnalyticsBig Data / Analytics / Data Mining
Amidst rapid urban development, sustainable transportation solutions are required to meet the increasing demands for mobility whilst mitigating the potentially negative social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study analyses... more
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      Information SystemsRisk Management and InsuranceTransportation EngineeringInformation Science
For over a decade the term “Big data” has been used to describe the rapid increase in volume, variety and velocity of information available, not just in medical research but in almost every aspect of our lives. As scientists, we now have... more
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      Translational MedicineData ScienceBig DataBig Data Analytics
This article investigates the claims and complexities involved in the platform-based economics of health and fitness apps. We examine a double-edged logic inscribed in these platforms, promising to offer personal solutions to medical... more
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      Social MediaBig DataBig Data AnalyticsBig Data In Healthcare
Deep learning (DL), a branch of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) is nowadays considered as a core technology of today's Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or Industry 4.0). Due to its learning capabilities from data,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningCybersecurityArtificial Neural Networks
Intrusion detection has attracted a considerable interest from researchers and industries. The community, after many years of research, still faces the problem of building reliable and efficient IDS that are capable of handling large... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsInformation SecurityMachine Learning
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      Public HealthHealthcareHealthcare TechnologyBigdata
The 'big data' revolution has enabled novel types of analyses in the life sciences, facilitated by public sharing and reuse of datasets. Here, we review the prodigious potential of reusing publicly available datasets and the associated... more
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      BioinformaticsOpen AccessLife SciencesData Communications
The flavonoid biosynthesis is a well-characterised model system for specialised metabolism and transcriptional regulation in plants. Flavonoids have numerous biological functions such as UV protection and pollinator attraction, but also... more
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      BioinformaticsPlant BiologyMetabolomicsFlavonoids
—Currently, the world is witnessing a mounting avalanche of data due to the increasing number of mobile network subscribers, Internet websites, and online services. This trend is continuing to develop in a quick and diverse manner in the... more
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      Network optimizationBig Data AnalyticsNaive Bayes
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of TechnologyPhilosophy of Artificial Intelligence
Social multimedia hosting and sharing websites, such as Flickr, Facebook, Youtube, Picasa, ImageShack and Photobucket, are increasingly popular around the globe. A major trend in the current studies on social multimedia is using the... more
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      Data MiningSocial MediaBig Data AnalyticsMultimedia Computing