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Decision-making is a cognitive process stemming from the analysis of available courses of action related to a given problem. Rationally, potential courses of action are derived from deliberate analysis of available data related to a... more
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      Information SystemsManagementInformation ScienceInformation Technology
This labor market intelligence report provides a holistic overview of the supply, demand, and mismatch of skills in the Analytics labor sector of the Philippines. With the aim of informing skills trends and supporting growth of the labor... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEducationEducation and Labor MarketsData Science
Breast cancer is one of the largest causes of women's death in the world today. Advance engineering of natural image classification techniques and Artificial Intelligence methods has largely been used for the breast-image classification... more
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      Machine LearningBig Data Analytics
Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralisation, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, internet of things... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation Security and PrivacyDecentralizationInternet of Things (IoT)
Purpose – This article identifies and describes the most prominent research areas connected with 'Big Data' and proposes a thorough definition of the term. Design/Methodology/Approach – We have analyzed a conspicuous corpus of industry... more
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      Management Information SystemsLibrary ScienceMachine LearningBusiness Intelligence
Recent studies advocate that digital technologies are key enabling factors for the introduction of servitized business models. At the same time, these technologies support the implementation of the circular economy (CE) paradigm into... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementDigital TechnologyProduct Service System
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      EngineeringPsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
When users consult a trip planner, map or navigation system for directions, they are presented with several route options which often are evaluated based on shortest path or shortest duration. However, in some cases, users may require the... more
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      AlgorithmsSpatial AnalysisVisualizationInterpolation (Geostatistics)
This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload... more
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      PsychologyMilitary EthicsMilitary IntelligenceEthics
Big Data can unify all patient related data to get a 360-degree view of the patient to analyze and predict outcomes. It can improve clinical practices, new drug development and health care financing process. It offers a lot of benefits... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningPrivacyHealth Care
Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure against COVID-19 spread. While the WHO and other stakeholders fear vaccine nationalism, vaccine-hesitancy has become a topical issue among experts. Based on the evidence of vaccine... more
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      Public Health PolicyBig Data Analytics
Introduction The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still quite high. It requires good knowledge for early prevention. The study aimed to analyze the determinants of knowledge of the pregnancy danger signs in Indonesia. Methods The... more
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      DemographyPublic Health PolicySocial Determinants of HealthHealth Education
Companies are beginning to recognise the value of having vast volumes of data available in order to make the best choices to help their policies. The generation of digital evidence is increasingly the as emerging technology, the Internet,... more
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      Internet SecurityHadoopBig DataBig Data Analytics
Presently, great accomplishment on speechrecognition, computer-vision and natural-language processing has been achieved by deep-neural networks. To tackle the major trouble in synergetic or collaborative-filtering on the idea of hidden... more
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      Data MiningArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesArtificial Neural NetworksData Science
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      BusinessHuman GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Management
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our supervisor, Associate Professor Goh Kim Huat, for his mentorship, patience and insights for this project as well as for imparting invaluable knowledge and experience in consultations.
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      Computer ScienceStatisticsMachine LearningData Mining
La plateforme opensource MyWebIntelligence (ou MyWI,) est un projet de recherche produit par le laboratoire MICA dans le cadre de l’Institut des Humanités Digitales qui vise à fournir un outil stratégique dans l’analyse et l’intelligence... more
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      Medical SociologyData MiningIntelligence StudiesData Analysis
Big Data ist keine Technologie. Big Data verwendet Technologien, um auf die richtigen Fragen Antworten in Echtzeit zu finden und diese im Geschäftsalltag gewinnbringend umzusetzen. Die richtige Kombination von Big-Data-Methoden, Tools und... more
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    • Big Data Analytics
Visual analytics (VA) combines the strengths of human and machine intelligence to enable the discovery of interesting patterns in challenging datasets. Historically, most attention has been given to developing the machine component—for... more
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      Critical ThinkingVisual AnalyticsAnalyticsUndergraduate Education
Until recently, knowledge-intensive work activities have predominantly taken place in office buildings as a specialized form of economic infrastructure. New digital technologies together with an economic and organizational transition from... more
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      Urban GeographyEuropean StudiesWorkplace StudiesUrban Studies
Information Technology has grown rapidly leading to challenges with communicating information with nodes at remote locations. There are many communication media, and certain varieties of wired links such as coaxial cables, where multiple... more
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      Information SecurityCybersecuritySystem Analysis and DesignData Security
Due to the increasing demand and energy cost have made many Energy Intensive Manufacturing Industries to find out the smart ways to monitor, control and save energy. So, the Smart Manufacturing is made an important tool for Education,
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      Energy efficiencyFish management and conservationBig Data AnalyticsSmart Manufacturing
While advanced analysis of large dataset is in high demand, data sizes have surpassed capabilities of conventional software and hardware. Hadoop framework distributes large datasets over multiple commodity servers and performs parallel... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation Communication TechnologyData Management
RESUMO: Por ser um dos países com mais usuários utilizando a internet, a população brasileira está mais sujeita a ser controlada pela mídia social. Com a massificação do uso e da exposição da vida das pessoas nas redes sociais, as... more
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      PrivacyBig Data AnalyticsRede socialSegurança de Dados
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningAnalyticsData Science
Recently, big data (BD) has attracted researchers and practitioners due to its potential usefulness in decision-making processes. Big data analytics (BDA) is becoming increasingly popular among manufacturing companies as it helps gain... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementManufacturingBig DataAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Companies desires for making productive discoveries from big data have motivated academic institutions offering variety of different data science (DS) programs, in order to increases their graduates' ability to be data scientists who are... more
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      Information RetrievalData MiningDatabase SystemsData Curation (Computer Science)
In the time of enormous information, information examination, business knowledge database administration assumes an imperative part from specialized business administration and exploration perspective. Over numerous decades, database... more
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      Graph DatabaseRDBMSBig Data Analytics
This paper presents a case study of a Smart City initiative in Lyngby-Taarbæk municipality, which has successfully applied the triple helix model to create an informal collaboration between academia, government and private industry. The... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySmart CityBig DataBig Data Analytics
Talk I gave at Marquette University April 4, 2022 at the opening of their Center for Data, Ethics, and Society.
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      Social MediaJesuit educationSpiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius LoyolaBig Data
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      Computer ScienceData MiningBig Data AnalyticsComputer Science and Information Technology
Questo libro ha per oggetto, a partire da un approccio interdisciplinare, il significato in larga misura nuovo che oggi viene attribuito alla pratica della lettura, attraverso l’analisi delle tracce informative che vengono lasciate in... more
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      Text MiningBig Data AnalyticsLetturaSocial Reading
Analyse électronique des données et logiciels spécialisés : les gros volumes ne font plus peur. Il est aujourd’hui inconcevable pour les auditeurs et contrôleurs d’utiliser les méthodes de travail d’il y a seulement vingt ans. Si les... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisInternal AuditAuditing
During the recent years, a number of efficient and scalable frequent itemset mining algorithms for big data analytics have been proposed by many researchers. Initially, MapReduce-based frequent itemset mining algorithms on Hadoop cluster... more
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      Information TechnologyFrequent Itemset MiningMap ReduceBig Data Analytics
An ant colony optimization approach for partitioning a set of objects is proposed. In order to minimize the intra-variance, or within sum-of-squares, of the partitioned classes, we construct ant-like solutions by a constructive approach... more
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      HeuristicsData AnalysisClustering and Classification MethodsMetaheuristics (Operations Research)
Background: With growing conversations online and less than desired maternal vaccination uptake rates, these conversations could provide useful insight to inform future interventions. Automated processes for this type of analysis, such... more
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      Machine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)VaccinesApplications of Machine Learning
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      Data MiningProblem SolvingBig DataBig Data Analytics
With the growth of social media, embedded sensors, and “smart” devices, those responsible for managing resources during emergencies, such as weather-related disasters, are tran- sitioning from an era of data scarcity to data deluge.... more
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      Real-time SystemsBig Data Analytics
The digitalisation of the economy has increased tax administrations' traditional tax risks and introduced new tax non-compliance risks, such as the use of income suppression software and tax fraud associated with the use of... more
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      Information TechnologyOrganisational DevelopmentAuditingDigital Economy
A flexible, efficient and secure networking architecture is required in order to process big data. However, existing network architectures are mostly unable to handle big data. As big data pushes network resources to the limits it results... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityComputer SecurityVideo Streaming
This project examines selected big data technologies from an enterprise usage viewpoint. The addressed use cases include data warehousing, visualization, reporting and integration. Industry trending big data technologies are examined in... more
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      Software EngineeringEnterprise ArchitectureSoftware DevelopmentSoftware
The university hospitals - called teaching hospitals - face serious management challenges in all over the world because of the economic conditions in the countries and changing demands of the patients.
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      UniversityUniversity StudentsBig DataBig Data Analytics
As an occurrence that jeopardises vital national interests or the basic needs of the populace, a crisis necessitates rapid decision-making and coordination between various departments and agencies in order to resolve it effectively. As a... more
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      Big Data AnalyticsMachine Learning Big Data
Manifestement, le Big Data (BD) est en train de devenir un facteur incontournable de la compétitivité entre les entreprises dans leurs Supply Chains. Dans cet article, nous développons une méthodologie structurée, capable de fournir une... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementMind MappingBig Data AnalyticsSCOR model
International development and humanitarian organizations are increasingly calling for digital data to be treated as a public good because of its value in supplementing scarce national statistics and informing interventions, including in... more
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      Information TechnologyEthicsApplied EthicsDevelopment Studies
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      StatisticsRenewable EnergyWind EnergyMatlab
This book brings together an impressive range of academic and intelligence professional perspectives to interrogate the social, ethical and security upheavals in a world increasingly driven by data. Written in a clear and accessible... more
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      AlgorithmsInternational RelationsEthicsInformation Security
Customers are increasingly attracted towards different e-commerce websites and applications for the purchase of products significantly. This is the reason the sellers are moving to different internet based services to sell their products... more
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      Sales ManagementPrediction ModelBig Data Analytics