Textual criticism has long existed as part of the hermeneutic discipline. However, many communities reject this approach. Even scientifically, textual criticism provides a new understanding of the scriptures, especially the New Testament.... more
ABSTRACT En este artículo me gustaría mostrar cuán inestables son las evidencias con respecto a la presunta existencia de un mesías llamado Jesús. Ahora considero que es más razonable suponer que él nunca existió. Es más fácil explicar... more
The article is a concise survey of modern Arabic prose from the middle of the 19th century AD until our days, with a focus on developments in Egypt and the Levant. The history of this literature is divided into seven major periods. An... more
Historians of science and religion have given little attention to how historical‐critical scholarship influenced perceptions of the relationship between science and religion in the nineteenth century. However, the so‐called “cofounders”... more
There is no archaeological evidence-whether artifactual or textual-that "King David" was an historical :igure, or that there ever was a mighty "United Kingdom of Israel and Judah." All the many "proofs" of their existence that have been... more
Have you felt overwhelmed when reading the Psalms? How often does their language seem strange, perhaps even at odds with the New Testament? All those searching for guidance in understanding how to approach the book of Psalms, how to... more
The Parables of Jesus are the essential part of his teachings as well as the aspect which has suffered a lot of misunderstanding. The argument of this paper is that Jesus used his parables to convey his message in such a way that it would... more
Has contemporary psalm scholarship properly grasped how the figure of David is utilized within the book of Psalms? is the question driving Andrew Witt’s ground-breaking work, A Voice Without End. According to Witt, ambiguity still lingers... more
This essay examines the initial stages of the relationship between Jewish nationalism and modern biblical criticism. Its point of departure is Ahad Ha_am, the founder of cultural Zionism, who kept his distance from biblical criticism, and... more
The belief in the effect of evil eye is common among people. From the beginning, some Muslims have considered this belief as a superstition with no rational and religious basis, and others have taken it as a belief rooted in the religious... more
Some years ago during the Easter season, the Ohio State University Faculty Christian Fellowship took out a deceptive advertisement in the stu¬dent’s newspaper, The Lantern. Showing a picture of the martyrdom of St. Sebastian, the ad posed... more
In Blind Faith Part I, I discuss an Easter advertisement in the Ohio State University student newspaper THE LANTERN that had been placed by the Faculty Christian Fellowship at that school. I discuss the errors and deceptions of the ad,... more
Table of Contents “A Biblical and Philosophical-Scientific Conversation with Christian Nonreductive Physicalists” (pp. 2–10) Previously published in The Old Is Better: New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations,... more
The Imperative of Biblical Languages in Adventist Theological Education: Importance and Implications
This article revisited the foundation of why biblical languages are important in the theological and biblical education of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-operated colleges, universities and seminaries belting the world. It unveiled the... more
The Imperative of Biblical Languages in Adventist Theological Education: Importance and Implications
This article revisited the foundation of why biblical languages are important in the theological and biblical education of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-operatedcolleges, universities and seminaries belting the world. It unveiled the... more
Racism and religion have been associated since their common origin during the group-selection stage of human social evolution. Religion was the “social glue” that welded together the in-group in its struggle to expand its gene pool at the... more
I am looking for the message of the psalm in the Masorah
The arguments of antiabortion advocates are refuted in the form of frequently asked questions or assertions being answered in terms of the embryological realities of fertilization, pregnancy, contraception, and embryological development.... more
The membrane-bound cell, universally the structure that has arisen as the standard-bearer of the living state on earth, is more than just a bag of chemicals—even though chemicals are really all the material that it contains. The cell also... more
Creationists are very fond of the argu¬ment that evolution literally won’t fly — especially in the case of birds — because “half a wing is worse than no wing at all.” The implication is that in the evolution of arms into wings,... more
Georg Lorenz Bauer (1755–1806) is known for coining the term "historical-critical" and writing one of the first works of Old Testament theology, but he is hardly remembered for publishing what is arguably the first independent work of Old... more
“Apologizing for Christianity” is a 3-part refutation of the claims made by the Christian apologist Robert W. Faid in his books Gorbachev: Has the Real Antichrist Come? (1988) and A Scientific Approach to Christianity (1990). Part III:... more
The literary sources behind the three canonical Synoptic Gospels, namely Luke, Matthew and Mark, have long intrigued scholars because of the Gospels striking similarities and notable di昀昀erences in their accounts of Jesus's life. Various... more
Bu makale, ilahiyatın bilim olarak tanımlanmasıyla Kur'an'ın bilhassa üniversite kürsülerinde akademik bir metin olarak ele alınışını konu edinmektedir. Yazının amacı, akademik Kur'an şeklinde tanımlayabileceğimiz bir kavramın... more
Resilience is a concept that has been proposed in psychology as a mental or emotional force that enables a person to deal with crises and allows him to return quickly to a pre-crisis state. Despite the differences between resilience and... more
The gospel of Matthew is one of the most beloved and studied gospels in Christianity, having a rich history of reception. The purpose of this paper is to article study its reading in Brazil from selected intertitles in two biblical... more
Kıta Avrupa’sında din psikolojisinin kurucuları arasında mümtaz bir yere sahip olan Théodore Flournoy Hristiyan inancına sıkı sıkıya bağlılığıyla tanınan bir bilim insanıdır. Gençlik yıllarında, teolojik eleştiri ve dini bağlılık arasında... more
The progressive German-speaking scholarship produced by Old Testament exegete Willy Schottroff (1931–1997) is often neglected in historical reviews of biblical studies. Schottroff adhered to a marginalized intellectual tradition in German... more
This publication is the English rendition of Der Text des Neuen Testaments by Erroll F. Rhodes which first appeared in 1982. The book is divided into its five major parts namely (1) The Editions of the New Testament, (2) The Transmission... more
These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, "For God so loved the world... more
O Dr Pickering oferece um esclarecedor texto sobre manuscritologia. Ele defende a autoridade e originalidade do NT conforme apresentado pelo Texto Majoritário.
The article offers a reconstruction of the Jacob traditions
in Gen 32–33, arguing for their ascriptions to the J and E sources and proposing a history of their composition and combination
in Gen 32–33, arguing for their ascriptions to the J and E sources and proposing a history of their composition and combination
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Textual criticism has long existed as part of the hermeneutic discipline. However, many communities reject this approach. Even scientifically, textual criticism provides a new understanding of the scriptures, especially the New Testament.... more
The wisdom and apocalyptic layers of the Sayings Gospel Q: W hat is their sifiiificance? New Testament scholarship over the past three decades has shown a gro wing interest in the Sayings Gospel Q. Vielhauer' s thesis on the secon dary... more
This special issue of Modern Theology gathers together full research essays that were first presented, in summary form, at the 2021 online conference Theological Genealogies of Modernity. For both the original event and now this... more
Over the past 30 years, methods of hermeneutics in the context of biblical studies have diversified impressively. Even for the specialist it is often chal lenging to stay up-to-date in the labyrinth of new methodologies and pro posals for... more
Critical Interpretation of Religious Texts in the West and the Reflection on the Study of the Qur’an
Özet: Bu çalõşmamõzda, Batõ yorum geleneğinde, özellikle çağdaş edebiyat eleştirilerinde meydana gelen değişimlerin Kitab-õ Mukaddes yorum geleneğine yaptõğõ etkiyi ve bu etkinin boyutlarõnõ ele aldõk. Çalõşmada öncelikle Batõ... more
The article studies the meaning of the metaphor «and your bones shall flourish like young herbs» in the book of the prophet Isaiah (66, 14) and in a slightly different wording «May their bones flourish from their place» in the Wisdom of... more
\ T 7 EERDMAN The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary ... vEERDMANS r v *7 THE PSALMS Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary SAMUEL TERRIEN ...
Only in P does the private stage of the lawgiving ultimately involve the repeated, vicarious participation of the people … These recurring events make the Priestly account one of unending public theophany. As in the other accounts, the... more
Background and purpose: Anatomy is a branch of science that deals with different parts of human body and its organizational structure. It has various goals, such as insight into the divine perfection and understanding the causes of... more
PREFACE and volitional response from the people today for whom it is being translated as it did from the ancient people for whom it was first written-and recited or sung. In closing I wish to acknowledge the many helpful comments of Mrs.... more
In: Benke László (szerk.): Legendás csontoktól egy matrózlázadásig. Huszonnégy írás a múlt és a történeti források kapcsolatáról a hatvanéves Grüll Tibor köszöntésére, Budapest: Pesti Kalligram, 2024, 171-179. oldal
One of the important issues facing education is rational education. Dealing with issues related to reason, thinking and intellectual education has a high place. Intellectual education is the methods that regularly lead to the development... more