Biblical Hermeneutics
Recent papers in Biblical Hermeneutics
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
Since Charles Darwin made the theory of evolution popular, the church has been faced with the problem of either denying the validity of evolution or finding a way to interpret the Bible that will harmonize with both an old-earth scenario... more
From pragmatical point of view there are three ways to read the Bible. The first, here called philological or analytical, has been cultivated in the Bible departments of continental theological schools since the Enlightenment. According... more
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
For me, Bernd's great commentary evoked two contradictory sayings. The ancient Alexandrian librarian, Callimachos gave us an epigram that became proverbial, "Mega biblion, mega kakon-Big book, big evil." But Epimenides produced a... more
This book is intended as a practical tool to facilitate access to the Qumran collection of Dead Sea Scrolls. As such, it is primarily intended for classroom use and for the benefit of specialists from other disciplines (scholars working... more
This is an annotated bibliography on important intertextual works. After this bibliography is given, an extensive general bibliography is also included. For interpreters, especially biblical interpreters intending to work on the subject... more
A gift to my brothers and sisters in posterity...
Syllabus en herméneutique préparé pour l'Institut biblique et pastoral baptiste, Algrange, France, Version 2020
Biblical hermeneutics and reader response of Bible texts. The case of Jesus appropriating the prophecy of Isaiah to himself in the synagogue of Nazareth.
We will try to relate the book of Nehemiah to Christ by way of 1. Redemptive-historical progression 2. Promise-fulfillment 3. Typology 4. Analogy 5. Longitudinal themes 6. New Testament references 7. Contrast The theme of Nehemiah We may... more
Las aportaciones realizadas por el método histórico crítico en los estu- dios bíblicos durante las últimas décadas han permitido que surjan debates y pers- pectivas innovadoras. El debate sobre Pablo continúa abierto. Viejas perspectivas... more
The story of Rapunzel is a German folktale collected by the Brothers Grimm in the late nineteenth century as part of a drive to record folk traditions and myths. The story of Rapunzel begins with the long-awaited pregnancy of a poor... more
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
Journal for Translation and Textlinguistics, 7:2 (1995)
Corso di aggiornamento per gli Insegnanti di Religione Cattolica di ogni ordine e grado della Diocesi di Roma
In 1 Pet. 4:11a, those who exercise χαρίσματα involving speech acts are instructed to carry out their tasks ὡς λόγια θεοῦ. Two interpretations of this phrase have gained prominence within Petrine scholarship. Some claim that Scripture is... more
Providence, Rhode Island 280 Studies in Rabbinic Narratives also appears that some of these story-cycles were compiled in order to address larger theological issues, such as 5, about righteous gentiles; 4, about astrology and fate; and... more
A reflection on the outpouring of Jesus' love from the holy cross apropos of the hyssop plant, supplemented with a few of linguistic and cultural history in a somewhat scholastic approach an unusual style.
This bibliography, which should be considered a work in progress, is a select list of books and articles, mostly by evangelicals, on evangelicalism and Scripture. I omit here works written from what I would describe as a... more
Per informazioni: Segreteria Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche Piazza Pio XII, 3 – 00120 Città del Vaticano Tel. + 39 06 698 84 618 – Fax. + 39 06 698 73014 E-mail: [email protected]
This book takes a distinctive approach to the same-sex-union debate by framing the issue as a matter of marriage. Darrin Snyder Belousek demonstrates that the interpretation of Scripture affects whether the church should revise its... more
This article proposes that the common dichotomy between synchronic and diachronic approaches to biblical literature be set aside in favor of a paradigm centered on the concepts of cohesion and coherence as defined in contemporary... more
There is a general agreement among scholars that the name Lycaonia derives from Luwian *Luka-wani, i. e. "inhabitant of Lukka". This interpretation was introduced by Goetze (1954 [1]) and accepted by Laroche (1976 [2]: 17) and later put... more
A Samoan reading of Exodus 12:2-13 using Samoan Fishing analogy. (In Samoan language)
Presented at Ministers Renewal Fellowship, August 2016, Malua SAMOA
Presented at Ministers Renewal Fellowship, August 2016, Malua SAMOA
... Institute in Washington, DC, and editor of the North American edition of Communio: International Catholic Review, a federation of journals in thir-teen countries founded in Europe in 1972 by Hans Urs von Balthasar, Jean Daniélou,... more
Religion was a constant theme throughout Paul Ricoeur’s long career, and yet he never wrote a full-length treatment of the topic. In this important new book, Brian Gregor draws on the full scope of Ricoeur’s writings to lay out the... more
Questions about areas of controversy or conflict between the Christian faith and the academic discipline can (and sometimes do) assume an easy dichotomy between the two. One's dual commitments to "the Faith" and the guild are often seen... more
在上世纪九十年代的中国,有一位年轻的大学生,于大学期间 的最后一年,在情欲中泥足深陷、不能自拔。一天晚上,再一次 犯罪后他感到无比罪咎,于是在一个角落处跪于地上向天呼求: “天(Tian, Heaven)啊,如果我再犯这罪,就打个雷劈死我吧!” 然后,他起身回到自习室。那晚,同在自习室学习的基督徒同学 第一次向他分享福音;于是他成为了一个 督徒。
Demythologisering en existentialistische interpretatie van het Nieuwe Testament De relevantie van de theologie van Rudolf Bultmann voor vandaag door Marcel van der Bolt-Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) was een van de meest invloedrijke... more
PhD Dissertation defended Utrecht University 17 October 2019
Given modernity’s explosion of diversity and specialization of knowledge, few ideas or concepts can be thought of as truly universal or unifying. However, the idea of living and dying well, also known as “human flourishing” (expressed in... more
This article examines how St. Thomas Aquinas developed rich theological insights to be used ultimately in his preaching ministry as a thirteenth century magister in sacra pagina. His exegetical approach deploys a careful divisio textus to... more