Bible and Popular Culture

246 papers
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Bible and Popular Culture is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines the interactions, representations, and influences of biblical texts and themes within various forms of popular culture, including literature, film, music, and art, analyzing how these elements shape and reflect societal values, beliefs, and identities.
The Ujamaa Centre for Community Development and Research, through the work of Sithembiso Zwane, has theorised a continuum of contested space, including invited space (controlled by dominant sectors), invigorated space (whereby... more
OD)NOWA CHRZEŚCIJAńSKA? APOLOGIA WEDŁUG POWIEŚCI FILIPA DIMITROWA СВеТЛИнА нА чоВецИ Powieść Filipa Dimitrowa Светлина на човеци ("Światłość ludzi") została wydana w 2003 roku 1 . Ze względu na tożsamość autora -byłego premiera Bułgarii i... more
El presente ensayo propone, a partir del reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural y religiosa, que el uso de las ciencias sociales, en particular la antropología social, es una herramienta indispensable para la lectura intercultural del... more
The Ujamaa Centre for Community Development and Research, through the work of Sithembiso Zwane, has theorised a continuum of contested space, including invited space (controlled by dominant sectors), invigorated space (whereby... more
The aim of this contribution is to highlight under-acknowledged biblical themes in the film Noah, released in 2014 (Paramount Home Entertainment) and directed by Darren Aronofsky and co-written with Ari Handel. These under-acknowledged... more
Abstract This research paper is a presentation of the biblical language used in the songs of the soul metal band Hunter. It consists of six main elements: definitions of metal music, biblical language, and frequency research; an... more
Since the turn of the millennium, several films (and one popular TV series) featuring Mary Magdalene as a significant character, or even as the central character, have been produced. A few, specifically Son of God (2104), The Chosen... more
Easter embraces people, nature, the earth, the cosmos. It is not limited to people only. The post-Enlightenment notion of "body" is materialistic and denies transcendence. Easter in our current cultural context includes evolution and is... more
Esperti esterni (fascicolo n. 5) / External referees (issue no. 5
a very faithful transcription of an oracle of the Apollonian oracle to Cadmus
Recenzja książki: Ks. Roman Bartnicki – Kinga Kłósek, Metody interpretacji Nowego Testamentu. Wprowadzenie (Kraków: Petrus 2014).
Contrairement aux plaques Lapierre dont le cadre est vert : « Auguste Lapierre commence la production de plaques en séries vers les années 1850. Son atelier réalise des plaques rectangulaires entourées de papier vert. […] La production... more
The Ujamaa Centre for Community Development and Research, through the work of Sithembiso Zwane, has theorised a continuum of contested space, including invited space (controlled by dominant sectors), invigorated space (whereby... more
Artykuł dąży do ustalenia podstawy polskiego przekładu starofrancuskiego romansu o „pięknej Magielonie”. Polska wersja została przełożona w wieku XVI, lecz nie z francuskiego, tylko za pośrednictwem wersji niemieckiej lub czeskiej.... more
The time had come. It was for this reason that Jesus had been born. It was for this time that He did all that He did. Jesus did not come to be just an example or an encourager or to show us our potential-He came to be the Lamb of God who... more
O Grupo de Pesquisa “Religião, linguagem e cultura” (RELINC) – cadastrado no “Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa” do CNPq e certificado pela PUC-Campinas – desenvolve pesquisas em franco diálogo com o escopo da Teoliterária, que completa 10... more
Este artigo propõe a supressão da divisão estrita entre estudos bíblicos e estudos de recepção, entre fontes originais e recriações literárias. Esta divisão privilegia a exegese bíblica como guardiã da archê, do princípio, do original.... more
W dniach 10-12 września 2010 w domu formacyjnym św. Teodora (Jodern) w alpejskiej miejscowości Visp nad Rodanem leżącej w niemieckojęzycznej części kantonu Wallis (Valais) odbył się międzynarodowy Kongres biblijno-pastoralny... more
American writers owe a great deal of creativity to European literature. Ever since it laid the founding stone of fashioning the world, there has been immense focus on life and the way people live it. Robert E Spiller points out in the... more
In 1956, when Cecil B. DeMille introduced The Ten Commandments to the world, the film was already a revisitation of a theme that the director had filmed three decades earlier. In fact, DeMille made his first film with a biblical theme in... more
Artykuł dotyczy potrzeby nowych badań tekstów powstałych w XV w. na Śląsku, dotąd charakteryzowanych w opracowaniach jako „polskie”/„mieszane”; jednocześnie osadza problem w kontekście ogólnoeuropejskim. Autorka wskazuje na szereg... more
Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (1982) explores the dissolution of the family unit, and the psychological impact on its characters when they can no longer fit into the idealized Dick and Jane heteronormative family... more
ABOUT THIS BOOK For decades, scholars of African, African American, Asian, Asian American, Latino/a/x, and Native American heritage have employed their intellect, histories, and lived experience as a means to produce new and courageous... more
This volume explores the fresh riches of biblical poetry for communities of faith by bringing together a diverse roster of Jewish and Christian scholars to explore biblical Hebrew poetic texts within the context—and for the benefit—of... more
South Asian region has largely been under the influence of Indian, Chinese and Arabic cultures. All of the religious traditions have been strongly localized and tolerated various forms of folk cultures. Christianity in this region came in... more
Je veux lui prouver notre début d'amitié, par un pacte sauvage et torride. Tu entres dans une zone de danger et tu viens d'en sortir. C'est une première victoire. Je suis captivé par son regard doux, on se laisse faire et séduire. À deux... more
Powieść Pawła Huellego, wydana w 1987 roku, szybko stała się znana. Doceniano zarówno aspekty tematyczne, jak i estetyczne i formalne. Do dziś badacze literatury zastanawiają się, gdzie zniknął główny bohater...
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie zależności teologii Trójcy Świętej od chrystologii. Widać to już, analizując rozwój doktryny chrześcijańskiej w epoce Nowego Testamentu. Prawdziwe jest to także dla rozwoju doktryny i teologii... more
The European corpus of aetiological stories largely relies on folk Bible, which means that the soul occupies a significant place in it. This chapter considers several topics related to the soul present in the East Slavic oral tradition,... more
In this research I utilise critical feminist media theory to examine the various discourses of rape presented in televised fictions of sexual violence. In undertaking a Foucauldian discourse analysis I explore patriarchal discursive... more
Имена змей в восточнославянских заговорах: Скоропея 1 Имя змеи Скоропея (с вариантами)-одно из самых известных имен восточнославянских заговоров (устных и письменных), проникшее в диалектную речь 2. По степени популярности Скоропею можно... more
BY Dr Andrew Theophanous. in his article, I shall argue here that once one understands the facts concerning the crucifixion and the resurrection, one can plausibly argue that they were indeed significant and real events. Within... more
O estudo dos textos pseudepígrafos e apócrifos têm crescido bastante nas últimas décadas, mas em grande parte sendo considerados como textos inferiores ou não tão importantes quanto os canônicos. O presente artigo tem como perspectiva a... more
My proposal for my senior honors project is to produce a completed work of fiction. Specifically, this will be a short story consisting of around twenty double spaced pages, minimum six thousand words, of original writing accompanied by... more
U2 have always managed to hold a narrow line between social awareness and partisan political allegiance, belonging to a broad category of music that Rachel E. Seiler calls “contemporary conscious popular music”, which includes “music of... more