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Bertolt Brecht is undoubtedly one of the most famous and influential dramatists and poets in the world. His literary works began in the twentieth century. These years, the Second World War influenced not only his life but also his... more
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      Bertolt BrechtGermanistik
Ellen Foyn Bruun, førsteamanuensis i drama/teater, NTNU Trondheim Summary This article addresses theatre production working with script. First, I look at the hegemonic status of the play text in Western theatre history and how this was... more
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      Bertolt BrechtTheatre Production
This paper aims to rescue the work of Bertolt Brecht in Brazil, by means of the theater company from São Paulo Companhia do Latão which worries about developing artistic ways that allow to discuss the art role in the society, not any... more
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      Bertolt BrechtMetateatroCompanhia do Latão
Stage Acting and Gestus Explanation of the the history and concept of gestus, which is an essential device for the stage actor, in a scientific way with examples while scientifically emphasizing that this concept is a norm in Epic Theatre... more
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      Bertolt BrechtActingGestusKarakter
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      Fedor DostoevskyMelodramaMichel FoucaultThriller
This is the first study that employs a materialist framework to discuss the political implications of form in the films of Lars von Trier. Focusing mainly on early films, Politics as Form in Lars von Trier identifies recurring formal... more
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      European CinemaLars von TrierBertolt BrechtDefamiliarization (Distancing) Effect of Bertolt Brecht
L'adaptation au cinéma de L'Opéra Je pual'soMs est le plus souvent citée comme l'exemple même de la trahison d'une œuvre littéraire. Les vicissitudes qui ont amené l'auteur de la pièce, Bertolt Brecht, à citer la maison de production... more
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      Cultural HistoryAudience and Reception StudiesSwiss HistoryGerman Cinema
Representación de los márgenes urbanos y de las masas en películas como Menschen am Sonntag o Kuhle Wampe
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      European CinemaBertolt BrechtMasses, Crowds, DeindividuationGeorges Seurat
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      American LiteraturePolitical aestheticsBertolt BrechtPolitical theatre
This paper—a conversation between scholar/practitioners working separately on the mediation of bodies—is an interrogation into practices of acting for stage and for camera, and the ways that practices for the theatre can be used in... more
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      EmbodimentJerzy GrotowskiBertolt BrechtMontage
Print und PDF hier: Theater und Philosophie – dieser Band vereint erstmals zwei paradigmatische, historische Konstellationen: zum einen jene von der Zusammenarbeit... more
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      PhilosophyTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesDeconstruction
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni, pp. 83-124) Sommario: 1 La formula del teatro politico. 2 Teatro e trasformazione storica. 3 Epoca storica e modello teatrale. 4 Unicità e molteplicità del modello. 5... more
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      German LiteratureAestheticsTheatre StudiesTheatre History
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    • Bertolt Brecht
Weimar representa una herencia ambivalente: la de una Constitución relativamente lograda para una República que acabaría fracasando por razones en buena medida ajenas al texto aprobado en 1919; la de unos debates de gran altura en el... more
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      Bertolt BrechtWeimar RepublicDerecho constitucionalLITERATURA Y DERECHO
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      Fredric JamesonBertolt BrechtDefamiliarization (Distancing) Effect of Bertolt BrechtTheatre
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGerman StudiesComparative Literature
This talk was written in response to an invitation to speak to Utah Valley University's Honors Program students about my research. It is meant to provide students with a basic introduction to Bertolt Brecht's critique of Aristotelean /... more
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      Theatre StudiesAesthetics and PoliticsBertolt BrechtModernism
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      Contemporary ArtBlogs, Blogging, the BlogosphereBertolt BrechtMarshall McLuhan
Das vorliegende Buch liefert Interpretationsansätze und methodische Hilfen für den Deutschunterricht. Neben einer ausführlichen Darstellung des guten Menschen liefert der Band auch biografische Bezüge zum Autor, allgemeintheoretische zu... more
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      German LiteratureEducation20th Century German LiteratureBertolt Brecht
The interface between philosophy and literature in the joycean jolt of 'letter-litter' L'interface entre philosophie et littérature dans la secousse joycienne de la 'lettre-litière' Η διεπιφάνεια μεταξύ φιλοσοφίας και λογοτεχνίας στο... more
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      Bertolt BrechtPhilosophy of PraxisVerfremdungseffektVerfremdung
« Aucun écrivain, me semble-t-il, n'écrit pour les étoiles, tout aussi peu pour le public, mais il écrit pour lui-même », notait Max Frisch en 1958. Et pourtant, le succès de ses romans Stiller (1954) et Homo Faber (1957) a fait soudain... more
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      Theatre StudiesLiteratureLiterary CriticismBertolt Brecht
UTFPR, Campus Curitiba.
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      Bertolt BrechtTeatroTeatro Politico
In this thesis, we analyze the film Antichrist (2009), by Lars von Trier, from a critical perspective that contemplates the relationship between its formal construction and its implicit and explicit content. As with other works by the... more
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      LiteratureWitch Hunt StudiesFeminismLars von Trier
A video file containing the instances discussed in this paper can be found at this URL: With reference to a compilation of clips (see above and in 'Files') from a... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaPerformanceBertolt Brecht
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      Critical TheorySociologyGerman StudiesMusic
Subject to anti-communist censorship for decades, the first productions of Brecht's plays in Korea emerged in the late 1980s. Initially following Western models, theatre practitioners soon started to integrate elements from “traditional”... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesSouth KoreaBertolt Brecht
Deutsch: Seit Mitte der Zwanzigerjahre interessierte sich Bertolt Brecht für Wirtschaft, spekulative Finanzgeschäfte und die Theorien von Marx und Engels. Während der Krise, die der Zusammenbruch der Wall Street auslöste, führte der... more
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      German LiteratureBertolt BrechtDrama and TheaterTeatro
This reverential attitude has taken a terrible toll on the classics; they have been knocked about by reverence and blackened by incense. They would have fared better, if people had adopted a freer attitude towards them, just as science... more
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      Latin American StudiesReception StudiesBertolt BrechtTheatre
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      Musical TheatreBertolt BrechtHanns Eisler
Tambores na Noite, de Brecht, encenação do TNSJ. Porto, TNSJ, 2009, pp. 18-19.
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      Bertolt BrechtTeatroGuerra
Over the last decades, immersivity has gained increasing importance in the audiovisual imaginary. In this paper, we propose to take a different route and to explore to what extent the dynamics of gazesand particularly the direct... more
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      Bertolt BrechtHorrorGaze and RepresentationBreaking Fourth Wall
1. On Haltung; 2. Approaching Brecht and Agency; 3. Emotions Are Not Split from Cognition; 4. Emotions Intertwining with Haltung as Basis for Acting
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      EmotionPhilosophy of AgencyEmotional intelligenceBertolt Brecht
Im Zeichen aktueller Diskurse ist vom „Tod des Intellektuellen“ die Rede – des Intellektuellen als einer Figur, die ihre gesellschaftliche Identität über den Anspruch bestimmt, im Namen des „Volkes“ zu sprechen. Gestützt wird dieser... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureHeinrich Heine20th Century German Literature
Cet article étudie la place et le statut des Songs dans La Décision (1930) de Brecht et Eisler. Grâce à une étude dramaturgique et une analyse musicale, le Gestus est appréhendé dans ses différentes expressions Presses Universitaires de... more
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      MusicMusicologyTheatre StudiesBertolt Brecht
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      Bertolt BrechtGeorg LukácsAnna Seghers
AUSSTELLUNGSKATALOG 18-1 Benjamin und Brecht : Denken in Extremen ; [... anlässlich der Ausstellung Benjamin und Brecht Denken in Extremen 26. Oktober 2017 bis 28. Januar 2018 Akademie der Künste, Berlin] / im Auftrag der Akademie der... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismCommunismWalter BenjaminExile
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    • Bertolt Brecht
This is the Cover and Table of Contents for the new issue of Performance Research This is the link: My Editorial and Jan Kuehne's Epilogue are open access... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisBertolt Brecht
Possivelmente tudo já foi dito sobre Django Livre, de Quentin Tarantino, desde seu lançamento -das mais variadas reações, a favor e contra, à simples e taxativa recusa de tratar do filme. Muito do que se disse versou sobre o conteúdo: o... more
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      Film StudiesBertolt BrechtGenre TheoryCinema
Cette édition propose une nouvelle traduction de la pièce ainsi que de scènes restées inédites en français. Les notes et la postface essaient d'éclairer l'extraordinaire travail d'"historien du temps présent", mais aussi de philologue de... more
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      FascismTotalitarianismBertolt BrechtPolitical theatre
Resumo: O artigo discute a peça Quarteto, de Heiner Müller, a partir de questões recuperadas dos debates entre Walter Benjamin e Bertolt Brecht a respeito de Franz Kafka. Segundo a hipótese do artigo, o posicionamento crítico de Müller... more
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      Heiner MüllerBertolt Brecht
Resumo: Bertolt Brecht foi um dos principais dramaturgos do século XX, sendo um dos principais representantes do teatro épico. Tal gênero teatral rompia com o teatro aristotélico, ou tradicional, dando as suas peças o papel de constituir... more
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      Bertolt BrechtHistoriaTeatro
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesItalian StudiesAvant-garde writing
This paper aims to place an interpretation on some aspects of the Brechtian Kriegsfibel, as rendered in the two most important Italian editions of the text. The Kriegsfibel is a collection of "photo-epigrams" realized by Brecht during his... more
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      German StudiesDidacticsSecond World WarVietnam War
Introducción, traducción y edición bilingüe de los poemas de Bertolt Brecht musicalizados por Paul Dessau para la comedia Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (1940-41), estrenada en junio de 1948 en la Schaupielhaus de Zurich. La versión... more
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      German LiteraturePoetryAvant-Garde TheaterBertolt Brecht
This essay analyses Brecht’s engagement with the picaresque genre, which derives from his reading of Hašek and Grimmelshausen. Proceeding chronologically, the discussion begins with the subversive cabaret humour of Mann ist Mann (1926),... more
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      Bertolt BrechtJaroslav HasekPicaresque
U našem razmišljanju o taktikama političkog i politizovanog pozorišta u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka uporedo ćemo se baviti teorijom i istorijom. Najpre slovenačkog prostora, u kojem uprkos globalizaciji još uvek najočiglednije živimo,... more
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      Bertolt BrechtErwin PiscatorPolitical TheaterDušan Jovanovič
In the 1960s, Turkey witnessed the liberalization of governmental censorship, which led to the translation and publication of foundational texts of Marxism appearing in translation alongside Bertolt Brecht’s theoretical and literary work.... more
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      German StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesBertolt BrechtGerman Theatre